

Species Undefined
Rank 33
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Registered 17 years ago

Latest Posts

Alien and Predator

created: CuteFaceHugger, Undefined, 17 years ago, 10 replies
last post: 17 years ago

A Alien Ride

created: CuteFaceHugger, Undefined, 17 years ago, 11 replies
last post: 17 years ago

Some Mistakes in AVP (of coures}

created: CuteFaceHugger, Undefined, 17 years ago, 24 replies
last post: 17 years ago

You a Predator or a Alien Fan

created: CuteFaceHugger, Undefined, 17 years ago, 36 replies
last post: 17 years ago


I am Marcus... if you Have AIM you can IM me.. my name is USAtalkboy101.. or go to our AVP clan Site Oh and a lot of people think Just

becuase in have the word Cute In my Name they think im a girl well im not

what got me into AVP is SI FI channel i saw Aliens and fell in love and then saw predator was made by the same people and

got hooked but i Like alien a little more so my friend NavySpaz shows me this site and BAM! i became a member


.::Nintendo Wii Fan::.



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