predator428, Yautja, 15 years ago

First post was when I threw her head against the wall, second when I kicked her, third when I netted her, fourth when I cut her loose, fifth when I broke her leg and sixth when I beheaded her.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 15 years ago

Re-done the post.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

oh so then i guess in the next RPG i'm gonna just randomly pinch you in 5 different and totally random posts and then behead you in a 6th just as random one saying that the other five, even though not consecutive and only remoatly related to you, i was figthting you.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 15 years ago

Me? Or 428?

EDIT: By the way B_W, the only pilots in the RP are me and Vevlaa. We did state at one point that there were no human NPC's on the ship.

shadowatching, Yautja, 15 years ago

2008-10-29 08:28:06
Jack work this out with shadow in a fair manner, or I'll remove you from the RPG.

This is not about keeping you from winning or making sure the oh so mighty yautja win, this is about keeping the RPG fair. And people like you who constantly try to bend the rules or work around the system suck all of the fun out of RPGs. I don't know if you've caught this by now, but RPGs are suppost to be fun.

It is as simple as this: work it out, or your gone from the rpg.

And Jack, remove 'KILLS: 1 (Shadowatching)' from your signature slot, thats still to be decided.

(I asked you on Messenger, but you either blocked me or....ignoring me.....but I told you

10/31/2008 7:47:45 AM The Shadow says: says: Pv2 said to change your sig

10/31/2008 7:47:48 AM I guess i will bump up the post

OH DW....He did it with in the posts, even if he did it seconds later. But, if you noticed, he didn't run off then come back as you are claiming to do...Ok, now i am off for makeup and shower's...yay party

But look again, she was tied up...she could of figured a way out of the netting...thats part of her post....then 428 went back in that same post, right after he was done with Delta....if you decided to notice

DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

ok then. I won't run off either.

shadowatching, Yautja, 15 years ago

Malus we are ALL waiting on you to post now...

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 15 years ago

Post? Hmmm...?

shadowatching, Yautja, 15 years ago

Yep your post and your sig to be removed.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 15 years ago

Why? It's the best siggy I made yet. I like the green 'n all.

shadowatching, Yautja, 15 years ago

2008-10-29 08:28:06
Jack work this out with shadow in a fair manner, or I'll remove you from the RPG.

This is not about keeping you from winning or making sure the oh so mighty yautja win, this is about keeping the RPG fair. And people like you who constantly try to bend the rules or work around the system suck all of the fun out of RPGs. I don't know if you've caught this by now, but RPGs are suppost to be fun.

It is as simple as this: work it out, or your gone from the rpg.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 15 years ago

I fail to see the problem. I edited my post.

EDIT: I mean, of course, my RP post.

shadowatching, Yautja, 15 years ago

2008-10-29 08:28:06
Jack work this out with shadow in a fair manner, or I'll remove you from the RPG.

This is not about keeping you from winning or making sure the oh so mighty yautja win, this is about keeping the RPG fair. And people like you who constantly try to bend the rules or work around the system suck all of the fun out of RPGs. I don't know if you've caught this by now, but RPGs are suppost to be fun.

It is as simple as this: work it out, or your gone from the rpg.

And Jack, remove 'KILLS: 1 (Shadowatching)' from your signature slot, thats still to be decided

I do apologize for not taking the WHOLE thing and copying it all here is the real one...its in the pages, just back read...OH you have more then just this...want the others?

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 15 years ago

Hold on, that can't be right. Surely we have already both established that shadowatching dies in the RP.

What we have YET to establish, however, is wether or not MALUS dies in it. Of course, if we DO establish that Malus DOES die, I will add that to the sig.

Still, I fail to see where my sig contravenes the rules. Or, what is so offensive about it.

shadowatching, Yautja, 15 years ago

Don't tell me that, its PV2...

2008-10-28 16:33:55
Vevlaa I'm happy that your applying your medical knowledge to further aid in your buddy's defence I don't care, but thats nice. Hes a big boy he can answer for himself.

If you thought that threat was actually valid your mistaken, but I am tired of seeing Jack throw a fit every time he is objected against and then try to drum up support by putting bullshit things like that in his signature slot or profile.

I'll be perfectly honest with you vevlaa, Jack's sorry ass should have been banned, when he created his 10 or more other profiles. Trying to sneak in other clans and such, shameful. On top of that he was real proud of the fact he had done that, when I spoke with him about his godmoding bullshit.

So he is on thin ice. And I'm not asking him to adjust his post, I'm telling him as well as shadow. I don't need a newer member to the forum, recite the rules to me which where in place long before you ever joined vevlaa.

2008-10-28 11:05:29
First things first, Jack get rid of that shit in your signature slot otherwise I'll ban you right here.

"I have some small medical qualifications in real life"- Any smuck after watching a few war movies can figure this out, what Jack are you trained in CPR?

Jack, a blunt object to the Kidney is not minor wound, a person with that injury could barely breath without extreme pain, edit your post to show you've got more damage from shadow's attacks.

I'd say you both have a bit of post editing to do.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 15 years ago

Yeah. Well, I've edited my post to factor in all the stuffs.

So, we cool shadow?

black_warrior, Yautja, 15 years ago

Dw just let it drop. P428 posted damage to both humans, whil;e doing for Delta he reacted to Alouran being there rather than not posting and still counting them towards her.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 15 years ago

Yeah. Seems a bit cheap, but the rules are the rules, yes?

Alouran, you are listed as KIA on the lost souls roster, and have been nominated for a Purple Heart Medal, as is Delta.

black_warrior, Yautja, 15 years ago

Probably didnt want to seem like godmodding, since Alouran put herself in a harsh physical state from the beginning.

predator428, Yautja, 15 years ago

I was expecting for Alouran to get out of the net and continue the fight. When she didn't, I just finished with Delta then went back to her afterwards.