tawganator, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Off Topic: I am requesting no interference by other Xeno players in my fight with supersonicman96.

jessejames, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

OFF TOPIC hey you guys need a human player to join cause i'm looking to join in?

Titulus12, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Titulus's cloak was now gone, the rain was pouring in such a large amount the swamp Titulus had entered was flooding the surrounding country side. The heavy rain did alter the xeno pheromone sense slightly this made his job of destroying the infestation a lot more easier. He leaped to a large oak and viewed the distance seeing an occasional xeno and a lot of refugees awaiting pick up from this retched colony. He continued moving through the heavy rain occasionally killing xeno's with his wrist blades. Suddenly Titulus sensed a large amount of movement coming from a nearby sewer. He moved slowly to the dark entrance to investigate. Some xenos were attempting to form a hive of there own. He quickly Killed the nine xeno drones that were inside and poring the strange blue liquid onto the mucus that was on the walls of the sewer. The mucus slowly was destroyed. He continued on his way.

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

alienxeno,the marine and six heard plasma shots and stayed in the mud.suddenly they saw androids from behind them.the androids ran to the plasma shots finding dead xenos and acid blood.android1:there has been a fight here.android2:i see.....lets get out.the androids got back to alienxeno,the marine and six.

investigation compleet

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

alienxeno saw the marine flying of the planet in space.

he.....he took care for me.if he did not save me i would probably be plasma shot.

6 folowed alienxeno.i have to find my xenos brothers.i know the weak spots of the hive.alienxeno now searched for xenotor as first.

Specimen3000, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

(Off topic-Could i be the queen)

The praetorian started resin so it could cocoon itself and molt into the new queen where it will have to lead the hive especially against the Yautja the hunters who use his species for hunting games and die if there lucky enough to have more hunting brothers he smelled a Yautja nearby and hissed for Scar and Grid to look for any Yautja so they could kill them and have this place for a hive.He walked next to a cave and saw humans hiding there he knew there were other humans but did not feel like collecting.He kept walking and finally put down the hosts and let the facehuggers attach to them."We must get more hosts or this hive will be minor.",He hissed than ran going after the predators.

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

alienxeno ran in a cave with six.
at the end o the cave they saw a city.
alienxeno said:i sense a xeno mix a pred.it should be abominamentum.
find him.

god-of-death, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

The god of death is what his brothers calls him because of the killing skills he has. But this time it wasn't a mission of skill it was a mission for him to prove his skills to get into a clan. So his clan sends him to find the alien queen and the hive and to destroy it. So he grabbed his combi stick,plasma caster,his disc,and then he was off to a planet called earth.

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

god of death,we are not on earth.

its a planet that looks like earth but its not earth.

anyway....alienxeno and six traveled trough the city and found a predalien called abominamentum.they asked for his help.

Titulus12, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Tituluses Dying clan sent a distress signal from their ship of a bad blood attack. There was nothing he could do he was here to end another infestation. He leaped on a tree and saw a hunter. He leaped down to attempt an alliance. Titulus beat his chest and reached into his trophy rack and brought out a Xeno inner mouth and reached it out for the other hunter to see. If he were to accept it there would be an alliance between himself and God of death if he rejected it Titulus would leave and then attempt to later kill the other smaller hunter.

NetHead, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Off topic-Don't call my predator little okay titulus.

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

alienxeno left abominamentumand gone back to the woods.six pointed to 2 hunters discussing a aliance. alienxeno sneakly to the hunters.his tail was almost ready to atack titilus.......

Titulus12, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

(Off topic it points to my pred being larger than most I'm not saying you are small I'm saying I'm a lumbering Giant)

Titulus flipped his head around just in time to catch the xeno tail and pull the rest of the xeno out into the open. When alienxeno was laying in front of him he stabbed down with his wrist blades right into the xenos ribs. It gave a sharp shriek. Titulus lifted it above his head and threw it at a tree. After see it disappear from view he turned to the other predator again to see if he will become his ally.

jessejames, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

hey does the guy who made this want a human to be in this rp i mean you have tons of xenos and acouple of predators so what do ou say huh?

badapple24, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Off topic: You can jesse james anyone can join you just need to follow the rules of the RP.

On topic: Alien Xeno was in trouble so Bad apple leapt from his Tree and hissed at Titulus Thinking of the scar made by him on his inner jaw from Norh Carolina. He jumped on the first predator Knocking him out and then Made a shrill cry that other Xenos must've heard. Now It was time for veangeance. Bad apple then jumped on Titulus and was scratching at him this way and that. Sadly since he had armour on he Didn't take lots of damage but enough that he Howled in pain. Now bad apple had his tail out and was ready to finish him.

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

alienxeno asked badapple where the hive is so that he could heal his wounds.

i was foolish to go without help.may god bless you and h ran with six to the hive.

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

off topic: this looks like a species deathmatch like avp3 am i right B-cuase i am not gonna kill xeno right?

alienxeno found the hive and got inside

six found the queen(not my queen)and asked for food and a while of rest.

the queen agreed and gave us some food.i have stayed long enough to get back in battle.i will help you badapple six you stay here.and dont run off.he found a lot off dead chestbusters.killed by a xeno.alienxeno asked the queen why they where killed.they wanted to kill me.they have been punished for that.alienxeno was looking for badapple he saw badapple wanting to finish titilus.alienxeno wanted to see titilus die for what he done.....

Titulus12, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Titulus saw the xeno prepare for the finishing move he grabbed it's head and fell on top of it preparing for more melee combat. badapple began to struggle and they began to roll down hill still furiously trying to get a grip of each other weapons. They landed in a small swamp. Titulus picked up badapple and threw him into the reeds. At the same moment he unsheathed his wrist blades. He was prepared to kill this xeno. He charged at him at full speed. The xeno did not have time to react Tituluses large body smashed the xeno. Titulus heard a snap. He turned around and looked at the xeno who got back to it's feet he was ready for another attack.

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

alienxeno jumped on titilus and clawed his face.titilus mask felt of and alienxeno broke it he clawed him so hard the hunter fell in a swamp.alienxeno jumped above him.he used his tail to slash trough the leg of titilus.alienxeno said:try to walk with that leg again asshole.and titilus started sinking down the swamp.you will die for killing my fellow warrior..........

badapple24, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Hissing with Bad apples Acid pouring eerywhere fainted to regain his strenth. Bad apple was so badly wounded he would look like he was really dead. No he began to feel the muscles and tendons patching up underneath the exoskelatal body of his. Now it was time to sleep. the last thing he saw was titulus sinking down into the mud, Feeling a sense of helping another xeno kill titulus was a good enough revenge for me.