DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Well if someone REALLY wants to kill me i'll just run to the Queen and play again when someone gets there. I got a Prince of Persia to finish until then, much more interesting than this.

TDN, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Alright Deathwraith, I've made my next move since you haven't posted in a while. Don't worry I haven't killed you or wounded you yet. I'm still waiting for your next move.

By the way, my last post applies to most of the Xenomprhs, so please at least take it into account.

x_saysell, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Gaunt, I am with no group, I am inside a tent in the middle of the Marine base. There is no possible way you can see what I am doing, nevermind the fact you are saying I am moving when I have not even left the tent.
Please read my posts and re-avaluate your own posts.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Wait, i just told you what i was gonna do and you made your next move...? Also, why am i doing stuff in your post? For example why do i keep lunging, i don't lunge, i shoot people. Well no matter, i'm gonna use make it eaven and mod you a bit.

TDN, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

You know you're allowed to write out your opponent's actions in your own posts, don't you? As long as you don't do anything cheap like attacking and beating your opponent with your bare hands then it should be fine.

I wrote that I suffered wounds to my left arm and neck and you haven't even been wounded yet so at least I'm trying to be fair.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

No, i don't know you're allowed to write your opponent's moves and words as long as they are moves he wouldn't make and words he wouldn't say but whatever, i'm not gonna tell you to edit so yeah... Just patch yourself up and you'll be fine. And my wrist got wounded, also my shoulder i think.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Puppeteering. Fuck I hate that shit. No-one had better control my damn character, or those of my soldiers.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Sam, Wraith, there's a right way to do it and a wrong way. Just because someone's controlling you a little doesn't mean they're being unfair. If we couldn't control the other person just a little, how would we get anywhere? We'd all be off on our own version of the story.

The wrong way to do it is to make the actions one sided, making them weak and you strong, or perhaps them stupid and you intelligent.

Then there's a right way to do it, which is to make things even. Wraith, I didn't really find a problem with his controlling, overall it was fair. If you think your character would handle the situation more proffesionally then go ahead and just ask him to edit the post a little.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

-=Sigh=- Okay. But if someone starts going overboard, I'll start shouting.

Yo TDN. Got MSN or Yahoo messenger?

TDN, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Yeah but I mean, this is how the RPG's have always been played. What would we do if we can't control the other person's move? Would I write out one move (ie I shot at him) and wait for the other person to make theirs (ie he shot me back). It's going to take very long, and each post would be quite short. It's never been a problem at all unless the other person decides to not play fair. And I'm always trying my best not to give myself any unfair advantage.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Heh, please do. I remember there was an RPG way back where this guy was getting shot at and his character was just laughing, pulling the bullets out of his wounds and throwing them back with alarming accuracy. Can't remember which RPG it was, though.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Bleeding Star, by any chance?

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

I'm pretty sure it was before that. Dave participated in it if I remember right.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Dave? Fuck, must've been a truly ancient Rp. Heh heh heh. So, you bugs are biding your time, and we're biding our time, and from the looks of it the preds are biding thier time, too.

XD, this will be interesting.

Kidd, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

And AD and several rogue/clan members are the pawns in the center of the chessboard. Atleast they all are giving good description about the battlefield.

Remember people, I am working off of limited knowledge of the RPG, so please bear with me.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Worry not, Kiddo. We'll gallantly save you if you get into trouble. XD. Just try not to rush into any hives on your own, okay?

xeno_slayer, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

hahaha! im not biding my time XD

its just a matter of me not having any clanmembers who are actually posting D:

Kidd, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

If I do run into a swarm of angry xenomorphs, I might have to go Beowulf on them, because this is one marine who does not want to abandon this RPG.

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Ah, there's the move. Didn't expect you to go for the city, though, seeing as we're between the forest and it. Damn, now killing you lot is gunna be a lot harder.

Ah well, it was about time things became fun. Err..TDN, Kidd. You might wanna bail before you are overrun.

xeno_slayer, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

see i pictured the city in between the forest and your base. but whatever, i guess it works either way.

Id like to point out to everyone that voltage has decided to quite hunter's moon...

He is going solo.

Once this is over if anyone feels like donating some members to HM it would be greatly appreciated XD jks