Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

They bought Donut to an unhabited building, a bunker, but how could Drenton know the tactical advantage of the structure. AVPFreak set donut down on the mess table, as Drenton thought for a second or two, and did what he thought was the best cause of action he could think of in such a short time span ;Keeping watch.
As the time crawled by, Drentons uneasyness grew. When Drenton looked around, he saw AVPFreak curled up, and sleeping next to Donut. Drenton was surprised at how innocent AVPFreak looked, considering the raging, spitefull hisses Drenton had heard on their way to this place.
It seemed like an age before Donut made herself get up from the mess table. She gave have out a weak croak, and Drenton whipped around. She seemed like she needed nureshment, and so he nuzzled AVPFreak, untill he was awake, and then, he went out to find somthing for Donut.
Drenton crossed the canyon like shadow, and scaled the wall like a spider. He found a ventilation shaft, and crawled through the long, dark tunnel, making no niose, except a slight scratching sound, for the vent was a raather tight fit.
When he reched an intersection, he found that he had enough room to turn his head. He sniffer the air, and smelt either a host, or food. He continued down along the left pipe, that being the one with the scent.
There was an opening in the pipe about half way along it, and he crawled down it, staying on ceiling. Inside it, he saw several Marines (none of you marine players) and a pile of meat. Drenton saw that one of them had a motion trakcer, simmilare to the one that Sergent Korkov Krovshki had use all those years back.
Drenton, knowing what he had to do, leapt down silently, knowing that the poor marines would think that it was one of them that had made to movement, hid under the table. Drenton was under there for a few tense seconds, when the Marines were talking
"Turn it off man, we dont need it in here. The doors are locked, and nothing can come through the air vents"
"Fine, I'll turn it off"

When it had been turned off, Drenton made sure his poison glands were producing stunning toxins, and attacked.
Drenton poked his tail out from under the table, and impailed a marine on it. The other two marines panicked at thesight of thier comrad twitching on the floor, and fired blindly at Drentons tail, blasting it's blade off, causing blood the ooze out. Drenton mallicously flung some of his acidic blood at one of the marines, hitting him on the face. A disturbing sizzling sound came from him, mixed with his cries and pleas.
Drenton had lept onto the ceiling in the midst of all the confusion. The last marine was creeping around the room, rifle raised, under-slung shotgun cocked, when Drenton, dome covered in human blood, shrieked with glee, a shriek that sounded like a dying mans last moan of saddness, bitterness and pain. The terrified marine could not react, for his brain had shut down with fright. A loud, sickening niose of flesh being ripped to pieces came from behind the marine whose name was private Dunken.
When he had fallen, Drenton let out a loud roar, took as much meat from the table as he could, and ran to the Hive, around the eggs, leaving a pheramone trail to the paralysed marine, the still moaning in pain marine, and Dunken, whose mental shock had only worsened. Then Drenton returned to donut, and watched her eat the meat he had gain with ease, with pride.

Dunken was cowering in a corner muttering absalute gibberish about daemons and death, and blood that burnt. He did not struggle when the face hugger took ahold of him. The marine who had a burnt face had lost his eyes, and most of his head was a mushy pile of bone. He was still graoning, moaning and sobbing when a facve hugger embraced him. The maine who had been impailed had involenterily rolled his eyes up into his head, and the face hugger took him, with relitive ease.


Kidd, Undefined, 18 years ago

TDN chose not to grant Kidd's request for he alreday sent out a search party out at dawn before anybody was up and he then ordered all the Marines that are at base to gear, they have some colonists to save. Kidd went to his tent and geared himself up with his armor, knee pads and elbow pads, but these two pairs of pads are useless out in the desert but Kidd put them on anyway because no body really know when you gonna skinned your knees and elbows, he then look at his hangun, pulled the Slide and to see any bullets where in the chamber but none were ready so let go and the Slide slid back into it's normal position, with a bullet from the clip taken into the chamber, and Kidd took the magazine out and placed another bullet back into the MAG and placed it back into the handle of the gun. He now knows the he has all bullets in the MAG and also a bullet ready in the chamber to be fired without taking too much time to fire. Kidd picked up his rifle and walked out of his tnt and saw other marines suited up for the mission, and they are ready to catch up with lost time.

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Look around each corner before you move because the chances are, you are not gonna make it.

donut, Undefined, 18 years ago

(very nice post drenton!)

Donut awoke on a table, the table was a bit cold, but she payed no attention to it, she let out a weak moan and looked over at AVPFREAK and Drenton who were next to each other waiting for her to awake. AVPFREAK crept over to Donut and layed down next to her, both drenton and avpfreak knew that she needed to have nutrition and so Drenton saught out for her needs. AVPFREAK layed curled up in a ball next to Donut, she felt secure with him there, but worried about Drenton, after all, there was more than one yautja out there, and plenty of marines.

Donut slowly moved her limbs trying to secure a more comfortable position, every inch of her stung with pain and soreness, she would quietly moan when she moved. Attempting to diminish the pain she would lightly rub her wounds, but with a blow like she took, it would not work. It felt like she waited forever for Drenton to come back, but barely any time had passed. *flip flop flip flop PLOP* Donut heard the sound of something squeezing through an object that was almost too small for it, and then a sudden PLOP, Drenton came into the room with a giant meaty object, Donut looked at the meat hungrily, she was excited! Drenton layed down the meat in front of Donut, and cocked her upper body up untill she was in a sitting position, Donut ate the meat quickly, sounds of flesh were heard and the meat could be smelled, she ate untill she was full, and let out a satisfying sigh, she already felt alot better.

She looked over a Drenton who was standing right next to her and she pecked his cheek with what humans would call a "kiss", this was her thank you. Now that she had more nutrients in her body, she would recover very quickly, it was only a matter of time before she could run and fight again. Donut leaned back and layed on the table, untill now, she didnt notice the soothing chillyness of the tables surface, it cooled her down and she relaxed. She did not fall asleep, but to any other person it would seem as if she had. In her mind she replayed the fight with the yautja, she found her mistakes and corrected them, it was like a virtual fight inside her head. The yautja angered her, but she still respected it, it had produced quite the entertaining fight, and for this she showed a bit of admiration, but that did not stop her from wanting revenge.

~i draw things...it is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Shadow warrior wait for prey on roof top of base foud few Humans flee from battle.later on Shadow warrior scan all vision mods for prey

Daemon how makes Trophy out of men

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

(Ummm well i can't realy hold back but i'l see what i can do)

Katam looked at his arm."Ha ha now we are evenly matched now.Like a flash Katam had launched himself towards Dragon knocking him to the ground.Kata mstood on top of him bleeding all over Dragons armour and melting it right throught to the skin.Katam reached down to Dragon and grabed one of his mandibles and rip it clean off his face."Hee hee how bout another huh ?" Katam roared while reching down and riping another one off leaving the two bottom mandables.Katam reached for his tail lieing on the floor and thrust it through the broken armour into his stomch and into the ground pining him to the ground."Hee hee you may not of notced but us xenos have a high regenaration ability these wounds will be soon gone by my next fight hee hee but first you so i may return to the hive to heal" Katam said.Katam picked up a rather big rock with his one hand and tail and slamed it onto Dragons plasma caster breaking it, then throwing it down onto Draogns other arm(the one which is not impaled)"Now fight without any hands or plasma caster hee hee"

"This will soon be over you did well but not well enough" Katam said.Dragon lay there not sure what to do and thiknig "Is this the end for me ?" Dragon could not fight back and had used his medicom also with no freinds with in miles.He was alone with a great creture which has fought worse before.

"This is going to be very painfull on your side" Katam roared out raising his tail high into the air...

Messageboard Rules.

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

At the same time as Katms battle, in a caynon near by, Drenton, Donut and AVPFreak were inside a small bunker, taking shelter from the sand storm raging on outside. Stray particals of sand would fly in, and grind, tear and bite at the three Xenomorph's skins. To make matters worse, the sand would stick to the slime covering thier black chitinous bodies. Grooming herself, donut was still re-tracing the fight from earlier, whilst AVPFreak was paceing around the small room, hissing softly. Drenton himself was looking out of the door, and occasionally out of one of the windows ina brooding maner.

Drenton around the back of the bunker, and found a small hatch. Using his ruined tail, which was growing back at a resonable rate, he minipulated the handle, and opened the hatch. smliding through the small opening, he crawled to the end of the tunnel, which lead to another bunker. An inetconnected bunker-trench-tunnel system. The Viet Cong would have been able to make use of these well, had they ever needed to.

Drenton crawled back to his hunting party members, and told them about his find. However, they were useless to them, and after a long discussion, they decided not to use, unless they were trapped.


navyspaz, Undefined, 18 years ago

Navy had both peices of his Combistick. And had just found the exit of the cave. Navy was walking towards the light leading out, until he was distracted by a slight growl. Navy looked around, switched to Electro. There it was, I Chestburster about to go into cacoon mode. Navy said,
"Helpless xeno"
And he almost kept walking, but he knew it isnt much now, but it could grow into something that could kill him. Navy said,
"what the heck"
He walked over and picked it up while the chestburster screeched in his hand. He broke his back, and dropped the chestburster on the ground. Navy continued walking to the exit.
5 Minutes later
Navy was at the exit, He looked around and scanned the area outside of it.
Navy crawled up on a rock. and Scanned some more. He saw a Yautja (balatu) Run around a rock as if he were running from something. Navy quickly lunged down and ran over to see what was going on. On the way over Navy switched to electro and saw 4 Warrior and Drone Xeno's. Navy stopped by the Predator (NPC). And they had no time to talk, Navy extended both wristblades and reached for his netgun. The Drone Pounced and Navy launched a net at the drone. Netting him up in the sand. Another Warrior pounced towards Navy and struck his tail before Navy could launch a net. It busted his net gun in half. Navy slashed his wristblades across the chest of the Warrior,
Then one slash across the face put the Warrior down. Navy then kneeled and slashed the head of the Drone. with little acid on his hands. Then he turned around and the Last Drone was retreating and the (NPC) Predator was dead. Navy kneeled down and scanned him but could not identify him. Navy almost ran off, but then turned around and went back to the corps of the Yautja. And took 1 of his Shurikens, and his Combistick, and a couple of extra spears for his Speargun, he also got some chest armor from the Predator that his had been disenigrated by acid. and put it on. Then ran threw the desert once more looking for prey~(Actual Player)

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OTANG, Undefined, 18 years ago

the MARINES hadn't responded yet, nor had they arrived yet. the situation became worse in a hurry. now these black creatures were advancing on the squad climbing the metal frame stairs and up the structural metal columns up to the landing pad level.

otang ordered 5 peeps to take a flanking position to the right and delay their attack for 2 minutes no matter what. so they scurried over to a spot behind some vertical blast shield. Blade hunter was leading this group.

Otang's group then readied thier ammo and guns. they formed a line arm's length apart behind some of the same blast shields for the landing pad. tension filled the air as the tower began to slowly tremble at the advancement of the beasts. then they showed up. they scaled the edge of the pad overhang. they entered up the stairs, funneling thru the opening like army ants.

the group held thier fire. an incredible blast catapulted the dead beasts into the air and made the squad duck for cover. Otang looked at Blade hunter from across the paltform, who shrugged his shoulders. what was that? "Lightning hit them sir!" one yelled out.


"Yes sir....a flash of light hit them.....lightning. right?"

a being flew thru the air landing point blank at the black nightmares coming thru the singed stairway. it took them out like it was nothing. speared one then another, filling the area with a vapor. seems they are acidic somehow he thought. Otang and the rest saw this creature destroy more with a laser type weapon. he must have taken out 20 in 2 minutes. he was then surrounded soemhow.

the group could hardly believe their sight. one more creature was with them, more deadlier than the first bugs they encountered. off in the distance, they heard it. salvation. it was a craft, man-made this time. even that was now wierd to them. the aliens rushed the other single humanoid creature, presumably killing him.

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Azzazin of Balatu
Struggle is The Glory
Tha Forum Rules

Voltage-3000, Undefined, 18 years ago


I saw Dragon fighting my prey I thought I'll let him battle it out until he loses or he kills Katam Ileft out into the desert leaving the destruction behind me, I went to go find some fresh blood to hunt I scanned the area and i got a life form out in the desert I ran out there and it was a marine, it was Hyro, he could be a good prey right now and now I'll be able to break out my blades and my training.
I don't use my weapon fire unless there shooting at me but I got it ready, he was wery so I didn't attack because I wanted a stronger enemy, later on it got dark and we were close to the moutains, he went into the cave and I went in as well staying hidden and not to close behind him, he drank some ground water and he got a little better I kept following him deeper into the cave when we got so deep there was no light i started to sneak up behind him I got my blades out ready for the attack...



TDN, Undefined, 18 years ago

In all of his years of fighting these creatures, killing them in cold blood, exterminating every remains of their race on many planets, this was his hardest fight to date. The creature had him in the worst position possible. His left arm was unusable, his right arm was badly damaged, his face had been swiped with a bladed tail and he had been impaled with a sharp piece of pipe. To any normal human being, they would've given up on any hopes of life. But he wasn't like that. He would fight until the bitter end. He would fight until his last breath and till his last drop of blood. "Of course if I still had some blood in me" he thought sarcastically. He had to focus his thought, for one wrong move and he could become like the many soldiers he had seen, murdered by the hands of these creatures.

TDN sat there, the piece of pipe still inside of him, puncturing his stomach and drawing every last drop of blood from him. He knew the Xenomorph awaited him from a corner somewhere. It was going to strike, and he had to be prepared. There was no more waiting for its first strike and then retaliating. It was either him or it and whoever made the first move is the victor. He waited, but nothing happened. He waited for any sound, but none came. He knew this creature was smart, and now he know that it knew that he figured out its ruse, and its no longer trying its tricks. Instead, it was creeping up on him very quietly, with every strength it could muster up after all those shots it received. It was very determined, he'll give it that much.

What TDN did not realized, is how close the creature was upon him. It had opened its mouth, and was prepared to spray him with any amount of acid blood left in it, and would kill him. TDN sat there, couldn't hear anything, and was robbed of all senses. In a moment he would have died, if it wasn't for a sheer dumb luck. A light suddenly shined in the hallway, and he could now hear the hissing of the Xenomorph near him. TDN opened his eyes to see what it was, and to his surprise, he saw Kidd and another Marine coming in his direction. They've probably noticed that he was gone, and had split up in hopes of searching for him.

As they saw the Xenomorph, they both opened fire on it, but this creature still had strength, and with all that it had left, it spat on the Marine with its acidic blood. The Marine screamed in pain as his body began to dissolve. The creature then ran towards Kidd, dodging most of his Pulse Rifle fire, and with a whip of its tail, he rendered Kidd unconscious. But that was all the time and break TDN needed. With every strength he could get from his damaged right arm, he pulled out the sharp piece of pipe from his stomach.

He ran to the creature, and with everything he's got, impaled the creature through its skull from the bottom up to the crack that was made by his Pistol before on its head's exoskeleton. The creature screeched in pain, and with its last attack, it spat on his face a small amount of acid. TDN couldn't hold the pain any longer, not was he even trying to. He let out a loud scream as the acid melted half of his face, disfiguring it. TDN made one more thrust with the piece of pipe up the creature's skull, and with that he took his hand away before the acid started to dissolve the pipe and start to dissolve his hand. The shoulder light still shining on the creature, TDN could see it trying to struggle, but the pipe had done the job, and with one last screech, the creature slump and fell to the ground, dead on the spot.

TDN sat there, mustering his strength, but there was no more. He fell down unconscious, as he could hear Kidd getting up and calling his team over to get a medic...

*Note: I hope you're not mad with me killing you Katam. I tried to make it very fair. It was in my books the best fight I've ever had. If you're still upset then tell me and I'll change my post. If you accept death, then I'll give you first dibs to kill me the next time we meet. I hope we get to fight like this again.

"There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die."

hyroglphsarenice, Undefined, 18 years ago

Shattered debris everywhere… hyro behind a stalactite voltage behind another. A clash of tito speak. Hyro had a bad injury to his leg he wouldn’t be able to avoid much more shots from voltages plasma caster. He had to do something about it. Hyro bided his time as he broke a sharp end of the spear off and put it in his belt in might come in useful later…

Hyro heard movement. As shadows were cast on the walls from his shoulder lamp. Hyro realized he could not win this battle full on force he had to be cleaver but how? Then a thought stuck hyro he figured out a way to herd voltage to where he wanted him to be. All hyro would need to do was throw a couple of well place grenades…

Hyro took his only 3 grenades into his hands he had to use these well if his plan was to work. He waited for any sound any sound at all. Drip… drip… drip… SPLASH! Hyro pulled a pin and threw a grenade in between stalactites right behind his foe. Bring voltage closer. Then 20 yards and a little to the left he threw another he had to keep voltage in a straight line. 15 yards and to the right hyro threw his last grenade. His plan worked. As voltage dived right out into the open to avoid damage from the last blast. Hyro had the advantage he need as badly as he pulled out his pistol and fired every round he had at voltages right arm shredding it to pieces. Voltage was severed from his band. There would be no more technology in this fight as hyro pulled out his knife in one hand and the piece of spear he stashed away in the other…

(Sorry if I am being cheap but I am pretty much with out a leg and now you with your arm. I no longer have any guns or explosives and you are with out you plasma caster)

(for simplistic use just call me hyro)

navyspaz, Undefined, 18 years ago

Navyspaz held his Combistick in his hands ready, but was more vurnerable because of his slash wounds. Predalien64 slashed his tail forward hitting his hand and breaking a knuckle. Navy dropped his Combistick by his feet and lunged forward and extended his wristblades into Predalien64, then quickly twisting and ripping them out of 64's arm, 64 flung his arms knocking navy back several feet. Predalien fell to the ground and got back up cos of his serious left arm wound. Navy roared,
"Come on!"
And kneeled down quickly and reached for his Combistick, and stared Predalien in the eye and thought in his mind,
"Im prolly not gonna make this..."
Predalien ran forward and slashed against navys combistick while it was sideways and horizontal. then stepped back and challenged Navyspaz in circles looking for another move...

PS: Sry, I didnt know :(

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Voltage-3000, Undefined, 18 years ago

I'm in pain and so is he , no weapons, I put my blades away and fought him fist to fist, I ran towards him and lifted him up threw him to a salactite I run at him again to stomp my foot but he rolls out of the way and uses the broken spear tip and hits me in the wound on my shoulder, I back hand him to the ground, splash of shallow water sparkles in the air when sudden movements came across the darkness, Hyro fought back agressively, atempting to stab the sharp piece into my chest plate, I back him up and I run at him, and I trt to stomp on him again but I hit this salatite that was connected to the sealing It cracks, and he comes up behind me jumps on my shoulder with the sharp spear piece, staps my shoulder again I grab him and throw him into the cracked slactite rock, it cracks even more, I I try to stomp on him but missing and breaking the salactite, large sharp rock piece hits my chest plae breaking it, I take it off throwing it at Hyro hits him, I move forward with a fist knocking him to the ground I grab him by his legs draging him then lifting him up tossing him into a salactite, he gets up and runs behind a rock I go after him, while at the very moment he sees his bullets for his automatice that broke he lines them up on this ledge piece thta pointed towards me, I picked up this rock throwing it at him he ducks under the ledge,the heavy rock shakes the wall making heavy stones to fall on the bullets, the stones hit the bullets just right causing them to burst out the lead they shot foward at me some went over my head and some went too low but four got me one hits my shin guard,one hits the top of my helmet one hits my chest one scratchs past my waist, the others bounced oiff the walls I ran towards Hyro trying to get him while dodgeing the bullets, I lost him I look around and then jumps on top of me again stabing my shoulder , he hit right and it started to bleed more, I get mad and roar"GAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWR" and grab by his head and dashed his head into the ground, he went unconciuos, and i was weak to kill him, non stop blood drips from my shoulder,
then light pierced my eye, coming from a crack in the top of the cave I threw a mine up to it I move out of the way breaking it open, rocks piled up making a stair way out I looked at it then looked at Hyro I was weak and I didn't have much fight left I left him laying in the cold damp water, I reached the top and got out sand filling in made it hard to get out, cause of my wounds I laid and rested in the sands using my medicomp, after I heal I'll go back down and finish him....

10 minutes later.



Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Shadow warrior still scan all vision mods for prey in dark caves.30min Shadow warrior run out caves and run 5km to Humans and jump on roof top scan all vision mods for prey arm combat staff.

Daemon how makes Trophy out of men

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Shadow warrior still scan all vision mods on roof top Shadow warrior is cloaked arm with spear gun scan for prey

Daemon how makes Trophy out of men

predatoress, Undefined, 18 years ago

(Alright Kidd, I’ll leave it to BW, but if you stay alive I may come after you. Now I’m busy with my clan member lol)

She ran and gasped air. The mask made breathing hard in the hot atmosphere. She’ve been hit on her leg and the cut in her arm burned but the rush of adrenalin made sure she didn’t feel any greater pain. People tried to shoot her when she passed them, they ran after her but she was too quick and changed directions to lose the focus of her followers.

She stopped in the corridor 6 to prepare for a fight. It’s dangerous game she was playing, she couldn’t be sure of the positions of all humans, he life might end up with a head shot or she could be surrounded with her enemies again. A desperate fight but she had a plan. She would take down as many as she could but the main purpose was to lead the humans towards the black death she knew was lurking around.

Suddenly she heard a click. She looked to her right side and saw a colonist with a pistol pointing at her and at the same time she heard a gun shot. She dodged the bullet missing the hit only by inches. With a growl and using the force of her movement she round-kicked the pistol off his hand and gave another kick on his head. The sharp awls made for walking on ice and rock sliced four deep wounds on his face. He fell on his knees shouting and holding her bleeding face when the others reached the corridor. With shouting the colonists started to shoot and the flush of gun shots filled the air. She threw her cape to distract the shooters while lifting the groaning man from the ground and throwing him towards the shooters. Two of them fell down with the dying body. Using the distraction as an advantage she grabbed one of her shurikens activating it and throwing it on the third man’s forehead. He winced backwards and the shooting stopped for a while. The two men were pushing the body off when predatoress started to run towards them taking her combistick under the cape and extending it to it’s full length. She jumped in the air right when the other got her in aim. A line of bullets were after her when she rolled around in the air and landed on the man shooting at her shoving the spear through his chest. The colonist beside him turned his gun towards her head but with a swift move she grabbed on it pointing it another direction. A series of gunshots with shouting went for nothing as she extended her wrist blades piercing the man’s head.

She rised up pulling her wrist blades back. The combistick was still standing on the ground as she grabbed on her cape and took it off with rolling movement. It was too hot for her and she wanted to breath. She grabbed on the tubes beside her mask and pulled them off.

At the same time she heard clicking noise behind her as Blade Hunter was aiming towards her. With a rapid movement she turned around and threw her mask towards her foe. The mask hit to the gun at the same time when the shooting started and with the impact the gun flew off from BH’s hand. She jumped in the air landing behind him as he turned around hitting his fist towards the creature’s head. But she grabbed on his fist. ‘You wouldn’t hit a girl, would you?’ Predatoress asked grinning and now having a clear vision on his opponent to BH’s surprise he saw a girl in front of him.

Predatoress was a bit amused of feeling how the man froze with wonder and used the situation hitting his head with her armored elbow. BH lost his balance staggering back and predatoress wiped his feet off dumping him on his back. She made her hand into a fist looking at seemingly defenseless human in front of her. Once she was the same.

But she had to kill those thoughts. She growled and lifted her wrist blades in the air intention to finish the man below her feet.

(This post may be a fuss, Ill try to edit it better when I have the time lol)


The servant and the observer of Balatu

Lair of Predatoress

World of Predators forum

Blade_Hunter, Undefined, 18 years ago

I awoke from my sleep covered in bandages and cold sweat. A medic was nearby and I asked him "Where am I? What happened?" He responded quickly and effectively.
"You're safely at a marine base on planet, and you and the rest of the survivors were just rescued from that comm tower." With that he left leaving me to my thoughts. My cuts had been cleaned and bandaged as well as my stump of an arm.
Going out into the open air I saw indeed that we were still on the planet but it seemed like preperations were being made to leave soon. Suddenly I spied otang coming out of a nearby tent.
"How are ya boss?" I asked him noticing he had his fair share of bandages.
"Fine "Stumpy." You?" he said trying to cheer me up about my arm.
"That reminds me, have you seen any synthetics around here?" I questioned.
"Sure there goes one now." he answered pointing to a synthetic walking by. I asked him to follow me and we soon caught up with the synth.
"Hey buddy can you give me a hand?" I asked it.
"How?" the synth answered with a puzzled look on his face.
"No, I mean that literally." I said with a smile spreading over my face.

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Drenton had been the first of the group to realize that Katam's mental link with them had been broken. It grieved them to know that thier beloved Alpha was dead, but Donut had a slight spark of twisted joy in her about being the new Alpha, the first female Alpha ever recorded.

Drenton was sent out for scouting duties by Donut, and had found nothing to aid them in their cleansing of the Yautja and Humans from the planet that belonged to them. Drenton was about to give up, having crossed the other canyon, climbing up a steep hill side, and creeped through a small forest, when he heard a noise.

It was the sound of laughter. Drenton, cuirous, edged forward, only to see several (NPC) marines, and two unarmed humans in a small medical tent, one of many tents, huts and make-shift bunkers. And one of the humans was the only civllian ever to escape him in his blood lust; Blade Hunter.
He hissed in hatred, and vengance.

He snuck around to the back of the tent, and made a slit in nylon like material with his regenerated tail. Opening the cut with his hands (A:R cover style) just enough to see through, he saw the marines falling asleep, Blade Hunter was on a table, talking to the other human, the one which produced a rubber-ish scent. He called it a Synthetic. The Synthetic had injected some fluid into Blade Hunters arm. Blade Hunters head nodded, and his eyes closed slowely. A peacfull look came across his face, as the Synthetic grabbed a metalic hand with great care, and started to sever nerves and blood vessal to make the robotic arm function. blood poured from the humans veins when they were severed, but were quickly rejoined.

Drenton took his change when the first nerve had been sliced, and crept inside. He stood over the Marines (NPC Marines) and opened his outer jaws, letting his inner jlide out with evil intentions. He bent his head over Private First Class Parkenson's face, and waited for his constant drooling to awaken the marine. Parkenson bolted upwards, when he lay back down, he had a large hole in head, his eyes lifless and blank, staring out unto the sky forever more.

He went to the next marine, stunned him with his claws, ripped out his tounge, and released a small ammount of resin over his limbs, and face, and left him to suffocate.

He sytematicall eliminated the rest of the in same mannor his did for PFC Parkenson. At the last marine,Franky, he covered Franky's face, clambered out of the tent, climbed a nearby tree, and crushed his head, and let out a loud his as Franky's blood slattered onto the tree, the tents, bunkers, huts. He let out a small sqeal of delight as Fanky's blood covered his face, and oozed between the cracks of his hand.

Drenton clambered down the tree, and entered the tent just as the Synthetic had injected an alertness mixure into Blade Hunters new robtic arm, that was covered with a special latex. Drenton rammed his now full regenerated tail through the Synthetic's torso. Moaning in pain, the Synthetic attemted to reach for his officers pistol, but that made Drenton, in his blood lust, shove his tail deeper into the plasticy flesh. Turning the Synthetic around, he saw white blood dripping over his dog-tag, which said "My name is Ben. Trust in me".

Drenton pulled his tail out of Ben, and Ben fell on the floor, shuddering. Drenton plundged his inner jaw into Bens rubbery skin, and pulled back, revolted at the taste. Biting down on Ben's left arm with his outer jaws, and ripped it off, with minimal help of his mandibles. Drenton then did the same Ben's other limbs. Drenton then bit down on the top of the helpless Synthetic's head, and puncured his temples with his mandibles. Drenton manadged to rip off the top of Ben's head. Drenton then pulled up the ruined synthetics corpse, and ripped the body in half by placing his hands in the gaping hole that was caused by his tail, and pulled in opposite directions using his hands.

Drenton let out a small roar, and saw Blade Hunter wake up. Drenton hissed with glee, and advanced upon the seemingly helpless colonist. Blade hunter's eyes darted around the room in fear, and saw a pulse rifle, with one magazine of full ammunition inserted (No grenades) next to him, along with a knife. Drneton saw it as well, and bolted towards the now armed human. Blade Hunter grabbed the knife with lightning speed, first, and held the knife out infront of him. Drenton wrapped his tail around a support bar on the roof of the tent to avoid being impailed on the small blade.

Blade Hunter ran through the door, and dissapeared into the forest. Drenton ran after him to save his own hide, as all the commotion of Ben's death had alerted a sentry.

Drenton climbed up a tree to look for Blade Hunter, but after a couple of minutes, Marine activity below the tree tops became too much, and then Drenton decided to return to Donut.

Drenton manadged to get back to Donut with no difficulty, but left a trail for Blade Hunter to follow, if he wanted to take vengance on the Xenomorph that had killed his wife, and made hosts of his children.


TDN, Undefined, 18 years ago

TDN laid on the bed in the medical tent, his body still unconscious, but his mind knew what was going on. Or so he thought. TDN began to see in front of him, swarms of Xenomorphs, slaughtering his fellow squad with every step they took. He saw groups of Predators, killing and decapitating his men with swift accuracy, laughing their maniacle laughter after each kill. And then he saw something else. He saw a salvo of Nuclear Missle, shot from hundreds of Dropships orbiting a planet, killing everything on the planet, making sure nothing survived including his squad. "What planet was that?" he thought, but he couldn't remeber. Now he know why, he never even knew the name of that planet in the first place. The harsh experience of his past all coming to him now, he could now recall the killing of his men by his own "superiors". "This is one of those moments where your whole life flashes before you the moment before you die" he thought "I must be dying".

But all of that was suddenly interrupted by a voice. He could hear it well. It was Kerrigan's voice calling to him "Sir, are you awake?". He opened his eyes, and he saw her and his squad standing around him, all made a sigh of relief to see that he was alive. "You had us worried there sir, but now it's good you're okay" Kidd said. TDN was glad too, that he didn't have to give his life on this forsaken planet.

TDN looked over, and to his surprise, saw a stump where his left arm had been. Now he remembered, his left arm was dissolved by acid and it was useless to him now. It needed to be amputated to stop the acid from flowing to his body. "How's everything going?" he asked, and everyone was surprised to see him taking charge the moment he woke up. "I think you should take a rest first sir" Kerrigan said. "I'm fine. Now tell me, how did the search for the colonists go?" TDN asked, trying to forget the current pain and focusing on the colonists. "Actually, fortunate for us and them sir, we found a couple of colonists. They looked quite battered after such experiences that they've gone through" Kidd said.

TDN made a sigh of relief. At least they've found some of them. But now they're stuck on this confounded planet, and they need to find a way to get out of here. "We need to establish communication to the Belmont above and have it send a Dropship down. Everyone, get ready. There's going to be a long trip." he said to them. "Okay sir" Kidd replied "But you should take a rest first". He was right. TDN looked over his body and saw that he was in no shape to fight, with his arm and stomach bandaged all over. He could move, but his body had just recovered from a near death fight, so he's going to have to rest for a while...

*Note: The Belmont I refer to is the offcial name of our Sulaco-class cruiser (name is credited to K20A2 for coming up with it).

"There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die."

hyroglphsarenice, Undefined, 18 years ago

“This is a fight to remember.†Hyro said to himself as he lay face first into the ground in reply there was a large growl (voltage using his medicomp). Hyro knew about these beasts, he knew how they fought for honor, and he most definitely knew there was no chance of running away he had to finish this here either killing or being killed…

Hyro got to his feet looking at his surroundings. Shattered stalactites every where. Then he remember the ammo that went off earlier. That had to mean his rifle was somewhere nearby. Hyro did not have much time to find and still he hoped there were rounds in it. He looked through the cave in and the he saw a familiar sight the muzzle of his gun jutting from under a rock near the top. As hyro began to climb rocks under him slide making loud noises hitting the water below. Voltage was most definitely made aware that hyro was moving…

Hyro had got his gun back. As he put the shard of spear and knife back onto his belt he checked how much ammo he had left. “6 shots great…†he said to himself. Then he remembered voltage had thrown his body armor at hyro. He was vulnerable. Hyro had to make these shots count if he would come out the victor of this fight. So hyro waited for the foe he knew was going to come…


The fear of never knowing when his opponent was going to appear had shot hyro adrenaline up. He felt he heard every sound. Every drip of water every breath of mice nearby. Hyro was ready for round 2. Hyro got his wish.

Voltage jumped from the hole in the ceiling and charged at hyro with his one good arms wrist blade extended. Hyro fired the last shots he would have for a long time. 5 pierced voltages exposed chest but the final shot never came his gun jammed. Voltage still full energy continued the charge. Hyro had to think fast remembered the knife he taped to his gun. As voltage got close hyro shoved out his bayonet right into voltages torso sopping him dead in his tracks. But not the way hyro hoped. Voltage gave a low growl then with his wrist blade he cut the gun in two. He pulled out the piece jutting in him and threw it to the side. Voltage now had the advantage since hyro had yet to take his melee weapons out. And voltage exploited that advantage. He made a rather large slash against hyro chest cutting hyro body armor like hot metal through butter. Voltage had tackled hyro to the ground impaled his other good leg with his wrist blades. Voltage was bringing his arm up for the final blow but hyro would not go so easy. He grabbed my knife and my shard and intended to fight back. I shoved the shard into his already wounded should and slash his gut with my knife as a fountain of green blood poured over me. I threw him off of my body as got to my feet. Even though each step was excruciating pain I had to go on for a little while longer. Voltage was on the ground. As hyro took his knife into hand he was about to deal the death blow to an enemy he had very much respect for…

(Voltage may I say this has been some fight and thank you for the eye candy)

(for simplistic use just call me hyro)