

Species Xenomorph
Rank 30
Level Member
Registered 16 years ago

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Xenomorph Joins the Mortal Kombat X Cast

created: Kirby-Cage, Xenomorph, 8 years ago, 8 replies
last post: 8 years ago

Predator joins the Mortal Kombat roster!

created: Kirby-Cage, Xenomorph, 10 years ago, 15 replies
last post: 10 years ago

Do xenomorphs need to eat to survive?

created: Kirby-Cage, Xenomorph, 11 years ago, 11 replies
last post: 11 years ago


Sub-Leader of

Shadow Serpents



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Ties that Bind

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The Burning Light

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New Sparring Chamber

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The Planes of Nightmares

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The Black Moon

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Runners are the one of the smallest alien, on par with the Drone. They act as scouts for the Hive.
It is a comparatively weak alien and easiest to spot due to it's red coloration, which is why it prefers to rush enemies in packs.
They are an extremely fast and agile strain of aliens, perhaps one of the fastest.
It's intelligence seems to be docked, as it kills prey outright and spares no one rather than gathering prey for the hive to grow from.


Claws are used to quickly slash at your enemy. It also is used to interrupt opponents who are about to perform a Heavy Attack on you. Blocking can also be used to block another player's Light Attack from hurting you.
Tail Attack
Use your tail to strike your enemy. It's slower than Claws but it does a lot more damage. It also stuns your opponent so you could finish them off with a few fas attacks. Your tail can reach surprisingly far so a good way to use it from the ceiling. You can also break through an opponent's block with your Tail whereas you can't with your Claws.
Wall Walking
Have the ability to crawl on ceilings and walls to reach places where Humans and Yautja can't go. It's a great ability to use if you want to sneak up on your prey.
Sprint increases your speed for a short duration. It's best used to gain terrain on an enemies, or as an escape method.
Health Regeneration
Automatically regenerate health when not being attacked. If you get drawn into battle, don't be afraid to retreat to a safe place to regenerate and find a different strategy.
Spit Acid


opening know profiles...



Born from:Rabid Dog

Height: 5 foot 3 inches(standing)3 feet 7 inches(crawling)

Appearance: Kirby-Cage is a runner with the red rust coloration that is common with the breed. what is unique to Kirby is he has two pairs of dorsal tubes coming out of his back that only appears in .53% of the runner breed. Kirby also has the ability to spit acid causing horrific wounds.

Aggressiveness: Very High, Kirby has been known to attack any thing he deems hostile.

Other notes : Despite being born from a rabid dog the xenomorph appears to have high intelligence for its breed. Xenomorph appears to have slightly more strength then humans but is otherwise weak compared to other xenos. Before subjects escape it used its cunning to lure a human into its holding cell killed him and used his hand to activate the scanner that opens the doors. subject then ran with unbelievable speed into the vents where it was never seen again on the planet

Current whereabouts : Unknown. Search teams never found subject or any trace of subject on planet

RPG kills:1 NPC, 0 Player kills

RPG\\\'s been in:2

Sparring match kills:2
A little thing I\\\'ve been working on...



Runner of Shadows



Sub-leader of the Shadow Serpents