New predators movie

created: Peterson, Human, 5 years ago, 3 replies
last post: 5 years ago

Your favourite XENOMORPH

created: Jed-Chrizt, Undefined, 18 years ago, 21 replies
last post: 5 years ago

Scar just wants to fuck. Bad?

created: -Bloo-, Xenomorph, 6 years ago, 3 replies
last post: 5 years ago

RPG's Cannon?

created: Scar_Face, Undefined, 18 years ago, 5 replies
last post: 5 years ago

The Predator- Thoughts

created: tawganator, Xenomorph, 5 years ago, 1 replies
last post: 5 years ago

How to play AVP2 ONLINE

created: x-M-x, Xenomorph, 5 years ago, 0 replies
last post: 5 years ago

Fan Fiction Thread.

created: Peterson, Human, 12 years ago, 69 replies
last post: 6 years ago

Aliens vs. Predator 2 - Community Official Discord Server

created: x-M-x, Xenomorph, 6 years ago, 0 replies
last post: 6 years ago

The Predator 2018 Trailer

created: tawganator, Xenomorph, 6 years ago, 2 replies
last post: 6 years ago

This or That?

created: Peterson, Human, 13 years ago, 295 replies
last post: 6 years ago


created: tawganator, Xenomorph, 6 years ago, 1 replies
last post: 6 years ago

Best/worst A/P fanfiction?

created: Deathdrop, Yautja, 14 years ago, 17 replies
last post: 6 years ago

The Predator 2018

created: tawganator, Xenomorph, 6 years ago, 3 replies
last post: 6 years ago

Global AvP

created: Apollo, Undefined, 8 years ago, 7 replies
last post: 6 years ago

Does Aliens Have Eyes Or Do They Use Senses ???

created: PredatorClan, Undefined, 16 years ago, 26 replies
last post: 7 years ago

What if a Xenomorph got impregnated by a Facehugger?

created: concretehunter, Yautja, 11 years ago, 34 replies
last post: 7 years ago

Are Xenos Evil?

created: -Bloo-, Xenomorph, 9 years ago, 20 replies
last post: 7 years ago

Clan Recruitment Thread

created: Peterson, Human, 11 years ago, 316 replies
last post: 7 years ago

Alien Covenant: Initial thoughts

created: killswitch, Xenomorph, 7 years ago, 12 replies
last post: 7 years ago