K1LLA_4_H1RE, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

its gone.

Waralien, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Hey thanxs for the post and please keep away if you looking for a fight lol. Anyway sure Id love any suggestions that you guys can give me.

K1LLA_4_H1RE, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

hey like i said im not here looking for trouble i just wanna be... idk but im just not here looking for trouble thats all.

Waralien, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Here's chapter two:

Alien vs. Predator: Annihilation

Chapter 2: Introductions

The colonial marines were just sent on a top priority mission to find the missing companies. They were sent to secure some information but were lost in the transaction. So now Valdez and his platoon are now searching for missing people and information.
“Well here we are at sector 7. Now what,†Roger asked.
“Now we head to the main OPS center and get that information.†said Gus.
At once they headed off not knowing of the dangers that lay inside or the surprises.
“Ok were not taking any chances here I want a defensive perimeter. I want the entrances guarded. And everyone must stay in contact regardless of location. Got it?†Valdez ordered.
Valdez, Roger, and Gus along with a few soldiers headed up to the coms room. When they got there, they were greeted with an unusual sight. Ammo clips and grenade shells littered the floor. Bullet holes lined the walls and ceiling. A soldier’s helmet H.U.D. was lying on the floor. But what was even stranger was that there were holes that seemed to be burned through the floor and blood covered most of the walls. Something also peek their interest. A strange body of a spider creature lay on the floor. Immediately Valdez ordered Roger to pick up the unknown body for study back at the corps ship.
“What happened here?†asked Roger as he bent down to pick up the body.
“Well I don’t know but that H.U.D. can tell us everything.†Valdez answered.
He picked up the helmet and searched for the cam chip. Then he hooked it up to his own and viewed the scene from the soldier’s view. The scene showed the missing Bravo and Charlie company commanders and a few Charlie soldiers in the com room. Apparently they had reached their destination and had secured the info on a disk until some screaming ringing through the communication system went off.
“What’s going on?†asked one of the commanders.
“We lost squads three, four, and eight.†replied one of the soldiers in the room.
“Sir we just lost squads one, two, nine and five from Bravo.†spoke another soldier.
Even more screaming erupted but this time it was closer. “Sir the entire squadron of Bravo is lost and we lost contact with our Charlie.†stammered another soldier.
“Brace that door way I don’t want anything getting through.†ordered the Charlie commander. The Bravo commander readied his rifle and aimed down the doorway.
Click, click, click, “Wait what’s that sound?†asked missing H.U.D. soldier.
Suddenly a very loud hissing sound could be heard in the ceiling and the walls. “Perimeter has been breached. Open fire on the walls and ceilings!†shouted the commander of Charlie. Gun fire rang through the H.U.D. as the team shot at the so called targets. Just then the H.U.D. cam along with the helmet fell to the floor last catching the image of its original owner skewered through the stomach by a large tail like object.
“So what happened?†asked Gus.
“They were attack by hostels. Their whereabouts are unknown and their situation is that they are dead.†replied Valdez.
His grim tone was enough of an explanation. Suddenly screaming rang through the building.
“Evasive actions everyone,†Valdez ordered. He turned to see the disk that had shown in the replay of the H.U.D. He then grabbed the disk without a second thought and bolted down the stairs with the rest of his team.
“Come in, come in second squad do you read me?†shouted Gus through the communication system.
There was no response.
He then shouted “Attention all units e-vac the OPS center.â€Â
The unit ran out to the front of the building when they were greeted with a horrifying sight. One of their soldiers was lying on the ground; his face had been smashed in by something incredibly powerful. But that wasn’t what stopped them. Leering just over him was a very large, jet black, serpent like thing. It had large claws or talons on both its hands and feet. It looked boney in structure with spines protruding out of its back. It had a long, smooth, dome head with flashing pointed teeth with what appeared to be a second mouth inside the first.
“What is that?!†asked Roger.
But there was no time for explanation because the strange creature glanced in their direction, and let out a hiss similar to the one Valdez heard on the recording. Suddenly there were even more hissing sounds coming from all around their area.
“Uh I think were in trouble.†said Gus.
Creatures similar to the one in front of them were emerging from all around.
“Evasive actions, Open fire!†shouted Valdez.
The only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of guns opening fire and hissing and screeching. As the soldiers opened fire they noticed that the dead and dying creatures were emitting a green substance that seemed to eating away anything that it touched like acid.
“Everyone, avoid getting that substance on you,†shouted Valdez but it was too late.
Gus had gotten drenched by one of the near by creatures and was screaming in pain.
“Get it off! Get it off!†he was screaming.
But no one could help him as they were busy trying to keep themselves alive. They were good as dead.
“Get down!†shouted someone.
Immediately an incendiary grenade flew in their direction and several of the creatures caught fire. The rest of them were frightened off.
“Are you ok?†said the voice.
The team turned to see a man in his 30’s standing holding on to a rifle.
“The name’s Alex, I’m one of the few survivors that still remain here.†he said.
“Hi there, we’re the colonial marines; we received a transmission of an S.O.S.†replied Valdez in a non to casual tone.
“Oh yes we are in need of extreme help. As you can see those creatures have over run the entire colony.†Alex replied.
“First tell us how this came to be.†Valdez instructed.
“You see,†he started, “it happened a while back. Before, this colony used to be a thriving mining installation. That is, until they showed up. It happened in an instant. One day our people were going about their business. Then people began to go missing. It wasn’t a serious matter until the number grew too much. Then it happened. Our colony had been consumed in chaos. Large numbers of those things had swooped into the streets and buildings taking any living being they could find. Some of us tried to fight back but it ended in tragedy.â€Â
“Are there any more survivors?†asked Roger.
“A few but there’re dwindling.†he answered.
“Hey how’s Gus?†Roger then asked. A soldier who managed to get to Gus turned to Roger and gave a grim gesture.
“Well let’s get to those survivors and get out of here.†Valdez ordered.
The group made their way from sector 7 to the mining port via worker’s transit.
“Are you sure we won’t have any more problems with the infestation?†asked Roger as they bordered on to the transit.
“This area is secure by all possible means.†replied Alex.
“What do you mean by all possible means?†asked Valdez.
“Well you see with our time being stuck here we managed to learn much about those creatures.†he starts, “Those creatures are apparently parasitic in nature and use us as hosts to breed their numbers.â€Â
“When you say breed what do you mean exactly?†asked Valdez. “Well there’s this one creature that all those things grow from. We call it a face hugger. These face huggers latch on to hosts to lay a parasitic embryo inside the host. After a few hours of incubation, by which the host has no knowledge of, the creature breaks free of the host’s body by bursting through the chest. These “chestbursters†then grow into those vial things.â€Â
“Do you have any more information on what were dealing with?†asked Valdez.
“Sorry, that’s as much as we could get from observations.â€Â
“Ok, so besides the huge serpent things we also have to watch out for these face huggers? What do they look like anyway?†asked Roger.
“Well we’ve only seen a few but they look like huge spiders but with no head and an extremely long tail.†he answered.
“Oh, do you mean like this?†Roger asked while pulling out the spider body he had picked up at the OPS center.
With eyes wide in terror he said “Yes w-where did you get that?â€Â
“Oh I got this to investigate more on what it is.†Roger answered. “Well this is what you must be watchful for. Just one of these is enough to trigger those things into gathering all near by hosts.†Alex then added.
There was a mood of silence as the marines gathered their thoughts on how the mission went so far. Just then they got a radio transmission from their ship. “Attention all units, we now have aerial support for e-vac and supply drops.†Valdez tried to send a message back but something was scrambling their radio signal.
“What’s wrong?†asked one of the marines.
“Something is blocking the radio transmission. I can’t get a signal through.†Valdez replied.
“Its no good,†started Alex, “that black secretion around the upper area some how blocks radio signals. We learned that back when the sectors lost contact with each other and we found that stuff covering most of the communications area.â€Â
Just then they came out of the worker’s transit into a bay area that seemed devoid of any hostel activity. And there were many people there. Apparently they took shelter there when the attacks started to happen.
“Wait if you said you blocked off any way for those creatures to come here then how do you use this transit without them following?†asked Valdez.
“Well you see,†Alex started, “that transit is actually a gravity lift. Those creatures can’t seem to go through the transit for some reason.â€Â
“Couldn’t they crawl along the walls?†asked a curious marine.
“They have tried that in the past but those who crawled got sucked out into space because the lift is a high pressure one, so anything that isn’t inside the transit vehicle would get sucked into the vacuum of space.†he replied.
“Well we found everyone,†started Valdez, “now we just have to get them on to the ship and condemn this place.â€Â
“Well where is the ship docked?†asked Alex. “Uh docking bay 39,†Valdez said, “why?â€Â
“There’s only one way to get there without going all the way around.†said someone right behind them.
They turned to see a woman standing right behind them. She spoke again, “Like I said before there is only one way to get there without going through the area littered with those things. But it’s dangerous.â€Â
“What’s your name?†asked Roger.
“Name’s Ana, and the way you need to go is through the under comb. And that place is where those things first came out of.†she continued.
“Is that our only option?†Valdez asked.
“Around this time,†she continued, “those things start to get restless. They search every nook and cranny trying to find fresh meat.â€Â
“Then I guess there is no other choice. We take the under comb.†Valdez ordered.

Waralien, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Here's chapter three enjoy:

Alien vs. Predator: Annihilation

Chapter 3: The Doomed path

Valdez had only one way to get back to his ship and that way was the under comb. The problem wasn’t that the under comb wasn’t reliable. It was that it was the way those creatures had come from. And now Valdez is leading a team through that area to get to bay 39. Valdez has been used to the open end areas of war never the enclosed ones.
“Well should we head out already?†asked Roger.
“Well where’s that girl Ana?†Valdez replied.
“Over here,†she said standing a few meters behind them.
“Well you know the way take us through there.†Valdez ordered.
“Let’s get one thing straight here I’m no military dog so don’t bark orders at me!†she shouted to him.
“Let’s keep our cool here. We still need her so don’t over do it.†Roger told Valdez.
With a deep sigh Valdez reluctantly agreed with Roger and got up to follow Ana.
“Hey where’s Alex?†asked Roger.
“Oh,†replied Ana, “he’s up ahead making sure that the path way is clear.â€Â
They continued to follow Ana through many different corridors and tunnels until they reached a very deathly looking place. A huge door was blocking their path. The door contained many locks and bars that seemed impossible to break. Alex suddenly appeared from a corner.
“Ready?†he said in a cool manner.
The marines nodded in response and followed Alex to the door. Alex then pulled out a key card and swiped it across a conformation slot.
“Where did you get that?†Valdez questioned.
“Oh,†Alex replied, “I found it when I first came across this place.â€Â
Just then the doors creaked open to allow them passage into the under comb. The corridor that led them through the under comb was covered in the resin material they had saw in the upper areas. As soon as they stepped into the corridor they could already tell a temperature change in their surroundings. It felt humid and hot. Even a few marines began to sweat as they walked through.
As they walked through the place every creek and bang startled them. And as they continued they noticed that it got darker and damper. Even with their shoulder lamps on, they could barley see two feet in front of them. A few times they even swore that they could here distant roars of some unknown creature.
After a while Valdez asked “How much further?â€Â
“Not much longer I ensure you.†Alex called back.
They continued until they reached another door. Unlike the first, they saw that this one had come under heavy attack in the past. The door was ripped off its hinges, claw marks were clearly cut into the dense metal. And there was a body plastered onto the door.
“What the,†stammered out Valdez.
He apparently wasn’t the only one who was taken by surprise. The body clearly was old and was left there long ago. It was plastered on there by the resin material around the area. Its chest was clearly ripped open by some unknown creature.
“The work of those monsters,†Ana told them.
“We need to go through here.†Alex said pointing at a low opening.
One by one they entered the opening and crouched their way through it. As they went they were met with a sick, disgusting, aroma. Valdez turned to ask Alex but he gave him don’t ask expression.
They continued until a yell stopped them. Apparently the flooring gave way and one of the marines fell through it. Roger who was the closest to the marine issued an order to the rest to be careful of that area. As soon as the rest filed past the area he called out to the fallen marine.
“You ok down there?â€Â
“Yeah, I’m fine.†he called back.
Roger was going to open his mouth to reply but left if hanging open as he saw what looked like a huge spider crawling to the marine.
“Watch out!†he shouted.
But it was too late. As soon as the marine’s head turned, the hugger pounced on to the hapless marine. His muffled screams and yells issued out as the creature tighten its grip on the marine. In a matter of seconds the marine stopped trying to fight it off and fell under comatose.
“Oh shi-,†Roger started but was then interrupted by Valdez.
“What happened?†he asked.
“Sir, sir,†he stuttered, “We lost a marine.â€Â
Valdez stared at him for a few seconds then said, “There’s nothing we could have done.â€Â
Roger looked at Valdez then followed him through the rest of the narrow passage. After what seemed like hours the group finally made it out of the passage. They took one more look at their surroundings. This time it was much more different. There was no resin to be found but instead looked like a completely normal under comb.
“Well looks like the coast is clear.†Roger said with relief.
“Not yet.†replied Ana.
She pointed down and they knew why. Down, below the grating, they could clearly make out even denser resin and crawling all over the resin were-
“Huggers!†shouted a marine.
He made a motion to begin firing until Alex stopped him.
“Lay down your weapon,†he told him, “this grating is the only thing that is protecting us from those abominations.â€Â
After a while the marine reluctantly lowered his guard. He continued to watch the creatures crawl in and out of holes that were present there. But this scene was unnerving to Valdez. He couldn’t help but wonder why these creatures were here instead of out and about in the ruined city. He continued pondering until Ana’s voice broke the silence in his mind. She was motioning them to follow her again.
As they continued through the path they noticed that the resin was clearing and they could feel the humidity leaving. They hurried on until they came to a stair way.
“This should lead straight to the hanger bays.†Alex told them.
They were about to go when they noticed that more of their numbers were missing. They looked around the immediate area then they heard it. Someone was screaming. They turned around and saw the marine running towards them. It was still dark so they couldn’t see what he was running from. But they heard distinctive clicking and screeching. Then that’s when they saw it. Several of those serpents were crawling along the walls these were different from the ones that they saw on the surface. Their heads were bonier in appearance and they were a distinctive blue/grayish color.
“Open fire!†shouted Valdez.
The entire group opened fire upon the incoming creatures. A few were falling onto the grating. Then that’s when it hit them. They were doing it on purpose. To melt the protective grating that kept the huggers at bay.
“Smart little bastards aren’t they.†Valdez joked.
“Hurry up the stairway. We can block their way up.†Ana shouted over the action
But they were greeted with yet another sight. One of the marines who were in front of it all was impaled by several tails at once. Then one of the creatures came close to the marine and shot out its second mouth blew apart his head.
Right then and there Valdez shouted “Up the stairs now!â€Â
The rest of the surviving marines the bolted up the stairs and following them were the serpents. As soon as they reached the top they closed off the stair way. Under the door they could hear the creatures clawing and slamming the door. Then Valdez rounded on the marine who took off.
“What were you doing?†he shouted at him.
“Well I got a radio transmission from another of our unit. I went to check out where he was and as soon as I found him his chest burst opened and a creature came wriggling out. After that those big ones followed me.†He replied.
Just as Valdez was going to round on him again Ana interrupted.
“Were here.†She said.
They stepped out of the passage and for the first time in a while a safe secure place. The Colonial Marines’ ship was just a few yards away. Valdez led the way to the ship. After a while they came upon a door.
“Well just beyond this is a salvation to your problems.†He said,
indicating this to Ana and Alex.
He opened the door and stepped into the ship bay area. What they thought to be a happy site turned out to be just the opposite. All the equipment that had been unloaded out such as Exo-suits and the troop transports were destroyed. The main hanger door was blasted opened. Destruction was clearly seen everywhere. Smoke was billowing from many different crates and vehicles.
“What’s that?†asked a startled marine. He pointed up towards the rafters.
Everyone looked in the same direction. Hanging on the rafters with some kind of rope were bodies. But these bodies had their skin stripped cleanly off. Six of them hung, swaying gently back and forth. One of the bodies had a hole clearly punched through itself. That’s when the group looked around and saw clearly many things that they had missed before. There were plasma scorches everywhere. Holes like the one on the body were visible. A strange shuriken device was sunk deeply into a beam.
There were bodies on the floor, clearly belonging to those of the marines. Their heads were gone. Some of the bodies even looked like they had their spines ripped out of them.
They ventured forth trying to find any survivors. That’s when they heard some sniveling. They rounded a corner and saw a female marine crouching in a corner clutching her smart gun. She had an expression of deep disturbence.
“What happened here?†Valdez asked.
The shaken marine only muttered “Those things, those things.â€Â
This was useless to Valdez. Who could have done this? Who could have done all this damage and taken on an entire company of marines and lived? Then it struck him. Or what could have done this?

Waralien, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Alien vs. Predator: Annihilation

Chapter 4: The others

Our scene now is a mysterious space craft hovering over the colony. Many would think that this craft would be the colonial marines. No this event happened hours before the marines had set foot inside the under comb.
Inside the vessel weird carvings and many skulls decorated the interior of the ship. Many of the skulls belonged to humans. Along with the skulls, weapons also decorated the walls. Many strange weapons adorned the place. Some looking like portable cannons, others looked like swords. Along with those weapons some included familiar ones like M-16 assault rifles, 19th century pistols, and marine class pulse rifles and smart guns.
Further into the ship a main throne room of sorts stood. There in the throne room there were several pedestals each mounted a strange helmet. These pedestals stood in a circular formation around an even larger pedestal. This one on the other had a holographic image of the colony. Strange symbols and readings were showing on the hologram and some indicated important things.
Even further into the ship several stasis pods awaited awakening. But the beings asleep inside the stasis pods where not the benevolent kind. One of the pods began to open. Out stepped a creature who walked like a human but was much taller than any man. It had long dread locks extending past its shoulders. Its face looked like it had a crab sitting on it. Its pincers clicked lazily as it looked at its surroundings. It stepped out of his pod and left to a room adjacent to the stasis room. In this room there were strange locker looking doors. The being then walked to the farthest most locker and opened it. Inside the locker was another room but it was filled with other weapons that seemed familiar to it. It walked to the center of the room and put on some armor that had risen from the floor. After suiting up it strapped on some weaponry. This included a spear that retracted when it stowed it away. A dual wrist blade and a huge plasma scythe. It then reached for a wrist computer and put it on. It did a check to make sure that its armor worked properly and then headed off after its own gains.
Hours later it entered the pedestal room with what appeared to be meat hanging from its hand. It stuffed the meat into its odd mouth and instantly gone with a gulp from the creature. It was studying the readings from the main pedestal when a sound from behind alerted it. More of its kind was emerging from the pods. One of them was already armored and was taking a seat next to the first one. Then it began to talk in a tongue different from our own in sets of clicks and grunts.
“What news is there Bayne?†asked the second one.
“Our find is a success. There’s a third level class infection on that colony.†Bayne replied.
“I see. Then our hunt will be a grand one.†said the other hunter.
They continued to study the hologram to see where would be the best entry area. Several times they turned away from their study to survey the rest of their clan. Many of which were still unbloods and this would be their greatest challenge. A very nervous looking hunter was rapidly retracting and extending its wrist blades. The hunters gave chuckle and returned to their studies.
Another hunter approached them. This one on the other hand was more elderly looking and its armor was decorated with many symbols and skulls. It wore a stranger symbol on its forehead indicating its authority. At this the two seated hunter rose up and immediately bowed down. This was their leader, a famous hunter from their world, known as Vezok. He was one of great power and nobility. His legends tell of him taking the crown of a single Xenomorph queen.
“Rise Bayne, rise Ravage, today we are set for a glorious blood hunt. May the skills you posses serve you well.†he told them.
“Yes oh might leader.†they said in unison.
“Unbloods, they are restless. They seek to bring honor to themselves.†he continued.
“Yes.†Bayne and Ravage said.
“Bayne, Ravage, as one of the strongest of our clan it is your duty to bring us an honor above all else. You must bring me the crown of the Xenomorph queen. The one who brings me the crown will take the rightful place as leader of the clan.†he told them.
“But,†they started but were interrupted.
“Silence, both of you know that this hunt is much more then a blood hunt. The council has demanded that this hunt will decide who will become the new clan leader.†he told them.
Both hunters looked at each other then to their leader. Both knew that he was to be appointed to the council and that one of their strongest members was to either take over as the clan leader or begin their own clan. Their clan, the honor blades, was one of the strongest clans in their known society. Many have challenged their power and had fallen. The only other clans who could rival their strength were the Hunters Moon and the Baltu clans.
“Yes elder.†they said in unison.
Both headed to the pods in silence. They were reflecting what their elder had said. Only one would be made leader of their clan. The other would be banished or forgotten.
When they arrived at the pods they turned to each other.
“Bayne,†started Ravage, “when we meet again we will not meet as friends but as foes. When that time comes I expect that you won’t hold back anything. And when I kill you I hope you die an honorable death.â€Â
“You mean if you kill me.†Bayne replied, “Just remember I won’t just stand by and let you strike me.â€Â
Ravage seemed satisfied at the reply of his current ally. He then stepped inside the pod and prepared for the launch. Bayne mimicked Ravage and also prepared.
Instantly after closing the pod Bayne was shot down to the colony. Inside his pod he turned on a viewing screen to see what was going on. Several lasers shot to the dome that protected the colony from the harshness of space. The dome split apart in one area and several pods went through the entries created by the lasers. Bayne remembered that those were the arbiters, elites of his people and clan. Their mission wasn’t to attack the aliens but to simply create a safe haven for their on coming blooded and unblooded brothers.
He turned off the screen just as his pod entered the dome’s surface. His pod crashed landed into a building creating a hole in the roofing. He kept falling until the debris slowed his fall and eventually stopped it. Bayne then stepped out of his pod, doubled checked that his systems were functioning, turned on his cloaking and then began his search for the queen.
As his pod closed Ravage began to think about all his hunts with Bayne. He knew no amount of friendship could shield him for what he may eventually have to do.
His pod shot down to the surface of the colony. Just as Bayne had witness, the same thing happened. The lasers fired on the dome. The arbiters fell through the opening, and he followed after.
Unlike Bayne’s, Ravage’s pod fell in the middle of the street, along side an arbiter. His pod door opened and he stepped out. He turned to the arbiter and he instantly recognized the arbiter he landed next to. His name was Avak and he was known for his extensive weaponry.
“I see that the elders forgave you for your disgrace at LV-742.†Bayne called to him.
“Ravage, you’re on this hunt? You should have brought more armament.†he replied.
“That makes one of us.†replied Ravage.
He turned on his hologram map and viewed his location and tried to determine where the real prize was hiding. He noticed that there were other signatures roaming the streets. He knew from past experiences that aliens gave a different signature and his Yautja brethren also gave a different one.
“Ah,†he whispered, “humans. It’s been a while since I’ve hunted them.
He shut off his hologram, saluted Avak goodbye and took off in the direction of the humans. But before he left he sent a message to the rest of his clan about the human presents.

K1LLA_4_H1RE, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

how do you think of this stuff? lol.

Waralien, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

To answer your question I really don't know how I come up with this stuff. All I do is imagen the story in my head and type it out. Occationally Im struck by inspiration from watching other movies or shows. But its amazing how I can actually create this without any problems (not including the spelling errors).

K1LLA_4_H1RE, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

lol i just have day dreams all the time for my ideas lol.

Waralien, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Chapter 5 is coming soon. It'll probaly be one of the goriest chapters i have ever created. But not the last. And seriously I need more Pred characters. If you can come up with new names or if you want to be featured in it just say so.

Namicole, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

lol my two fav chars are Roger and Bayne i dont want them to die! its a sweet story dude. you now after this you should follow Scarred shadow and do a story with us in it.

Lone_Hunter2, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

lol you can add my charecter from SS story just look on page 7-8

Waralien, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Thanxs for the replies and ideas. And as a special treat here's chapter five of the series:

Alien vs. Predator: Annihilation

Chapter 5: The Hunt Begins

After telling the rest of the clan about the humans, Ravage continued on to the human’s location. He figured that he might as well practice on a few humans before taking on the Xenomorphs. He continued to walk through the streets then a sudden thought occurred to him. He’d get a better view and a quicker path if he traveled on the roof tops.
Ravage scaled the nearest buildings and viewed the surrounding areas. He noticed that there were several holes in other building tops. The others must have crashed into roofs, he thought. He then continued on his way.
Bayne checked his signal. Ravage had alerted the rest of the clan to the human’s presence. He turned on his scanner and saw on it that there was a small human encampment not far from his location. He shut off his scanner and hurried to the camp.
Upon reaching it, he found eight marines sitting inside an office. They were drinking what appeared to be some beverage. He read what was on the container, BUDWISER.
“Pitiful,†he murmured, “it would be a shame to attack creatures of such poor intelligence.â€Â
He turned on his cloaking and headed into the camp. The unsuspecting marines were talking about some incident that happened on some colony called Alpha Draconis.
“If I was there,†started one marine, “I would have wiped the floor with what ever attack them.â€Â
The others laughed. He took a swing from his beverage. Suddenly he began to gag. The rest rushed to him but stopped dead in their tracks when they saw that he had two, blood soaked, blades protruding from his chest. The blades then sliced cleanly up the body and cut the marine’s head in thirds. The marine slumped to the side dead. The rest reached for their weapons. Bayne saw this and pounced on the closest ones. The marine he pounced on was reaching for his smart gun when Bayne grabbed his throat and crushed it in his hand. The body fell and blood began to spurt out like a fountain. The blood covered the other marines, intimidating them.
One bumped into Bayne. He looked to Bayne’s cloaked eyes with sheer terror. Bayne reached for his staff and sent it plunging through the marine’s body from head down. The Marine’s eyes rolled into his head as the tip of the staff pierced the ground holding his body perfectly upright.
Another began firing wildly and Bayne ducked down in time to avoid being hit. He reached for his Smart Disk and threw it at the marine. The disk sliced the marine from his waist. The marine was alive long enough to see his lower half take a seat in a chair behind it. The marine looked up but then Bayne smashed his skull in with his foot.
The four remaining marines took defensive positions and aimed where they saw some disturbance after the other marine began to fire. They started to fire and Bayne had nowhere to go. The bullets hit him repeatedly, until one damaged his cloaking. Bayne materialized in front of them instantly.
“What the fuck is that?†one of the marines shouted.
Bayne’s plasma caster activated and fired a shot at the shouting marine. The marine’s head exploded. The back wall was covered with the marine’s brain.
“Oh shit!†shouted another one.
Bayne then reached for his Plasma Scythe. The Marines stared in horror as Bayne approached them. One of them tried to be a hero and stop him, but the scythe cut through him as if he were butter. One side fell forward, the other to the side. The last two marines tried to make a run for it but it was useless. Bayne caught both of them by their necks and examined them.
Both were terrified at the thought of Bayne ripping them apart. Bayne, after scanning them, dumped one of them on the floor. The other, he calculated to be much fitter, left in his clutches. Bayne lifted him higher and dropped him to the floor. The marine turned over and tried to reach his pulse rifle. He was stopped when Bayne plunged his hand into the marine’s back. The helpless marine cough out enormous amounts of blood as Bayne pulled at his spine. The weaker marine sat there trembling in fear, too afraid to move as Bayne preformed his sadistic ritual in front of him.
The helpless marine then gasped his final breath as Bayne successfully ripped out his spine. Bayne then let out a mighty roar that rattled the nearby windows. He turned to the other marine, smirked under his helmet and left him trembling. As he left he heard shuffling and intense heat grazed his back side.
He turned to see the shaken marine pointing a flamethrower at him. Bayne gave an evil laugh that took the marine by surprise. Bayne approached him and in garbled English said, “No, no.†Bayne trusted his wrist blades into him and retracted them. The marine fell dead.
Ravage heard Bayne’s war cry thought that Bayne must have had a successful kill. He was closing in on the Marine’s strong hold. As he went, he noticed that others of his clan were also going to the same spot. Their number grew with each passing second till there were more than twenty blooded and twice as much unblooded.
They came upon a huge doorway. Ravage instructed that the marine presence here would be greater and far stronger. The rest of the pack grunted in agreement. They open the door and saw the hanger bay the marines were hold up in. The marines turned to the opened door and murmured why the door is open?
A mighty battle cry erupted from Bayne along with many of his cohorts. They each turned off their cloaking and prepared for battle. The marine force took up arms and prepared for an onslaught.
Snipers from the marines began to open fire on the Preds. The Preds were quick to react and avoided their on coming fire. Several unbloods leaped from their places and pounced on the closest ones they could take. Many of the blooded were throwing Smart Disks and Shirikens at any potential prey. Bayne brought out a Spear gun and aimed at some Power Loaders heading towards the unsuspecting unbloods. The spears tore through the occupants and hit marines taking shelter behind them. One Pred activated his Blazers and set fire to much of the supplies and marines. Another activated a specialized missile caster and destroyed the Exo-suits and troop transports. Ravage rushed into the thick of it and began to slice off heads with his blades.
The onslaught continued on for several hours. The marines tried to retreat but a few Preds snuck aboard their ship and destroyed it from the inside. One was holding the head of the Sergeant.
After the last of the marines were silenced, the Preds began their ritual of skinning, skull removing, and dangling their prey. Bayne noticed one of his Shirikens was missing. Many of the other Preds began to leave with their new trophies in hand. Ravage was just about to leave when he heard sniveling. He moved a crate to find a female human, clutching her smart gun, huddled in a corner. Ravage just turned away knowing that the female was to frighten to do anything.
As he was leaving he spotted some movement in a near by building. He approached the building ready for anything. What he found almost scared him. There was a large model of some creature standing in a broken window display. The creature had a dome head, jet black skin, sharp talons and claws, and a long tail. The creature stood perfectly still next to some dresses.
“Humans are so primitive.†Ravage said turning away.
What he didn’t know was that the figure began to pull back its lips and bare a set of white fangs with drool oozing down….

Namicole, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

I think Ravage is abotu to get Raped so hard! now GIVE ME CHAPTER 6 OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skull-Taker-101, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

I quite liked it, although I agree that it was a bit rushed at points.

Good job pal, keep it up. Can't wait to see more.

Lone_Hunter2, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

oh yeah... thats the good stuff

Lone_Hunter2, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

oh yeah... thats the good stuff

Waralien, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Thanx for all the support and replies. Hopefully this might be considered for an rpg.

ScarredShadow, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Hey WarAlien you need more Pred names I have a lot of names from my story. If your interested.

Waralien, Xenomorph, 16 years ago

Thanx and sorry if I must ask, but which is your story?