concretehunter, Yautja, 11 years ago

Brilliant post Doc!

the_doctor, Yautja, 11 years ago

So working on a post soon. Just though I'd let everyone know I havnt forgotten :)

tawganator, Yautja, 11 years ago

Posted what I'm expecting to be the end of my story. I could come back and pick up where I left off but I think this is a good way to finish my part for now. What did you think?

-Bloo-, Yautja, 11 years ago

This one is going pretty slow, so you're not alone, but this WILL end eventually.

concretehunter, Yautja, 11 years ago

The vast majority of the NPC xeno's are now dead. The forest is mostly destroyed. Anyone who at this point wants to continue with the RPG is allowed to say that they hid inside the pyramid, But Bloo you too a large hit. Still survivable though.

tawganator, Yautja, 11 years ago

Good post. I think I'll die along with the majority of everything outside the pyramid. Anyone else want to die with us? Get going while the getting is good (not sure if thats how the saying goes).

concretehunter, Yautja, 11 years ago

Would anyone mind wrapping this up? We could call it a draw if you like.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 11 years ago

I was really glad that Doc and I got to at least start our fight, but both of us seem to be too busy to keep up with this one, and I really don't want this to happen to PoN, so I guess I'll wrap it up.

Doc could always email me his post so that I can edit my last one - that way, we can keep having our fight if he feels like it.

So yeah, it might be a few days, but I'll end this. It was exciting while it happened, so good RPG everyone.

(My email is [email protected] if you wanna email me your post, Doc.)

DarkLioness, Yautja, 11 years ago

I don't how long ago I posted for this RPG. I'll find out later though.