Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

Also, maybe you could see a plume of smoke in the distance instead of the ship itself. If it were that close, we would have seen Xenos by now. Other than that, good posts so far. This is getting good.

concretehunter, Human, 11 years ago

We must all remember that we are what.. 18 miles away? And to travel that distance as a human would take 3 hours when running. So since we are silent death we need to go slower. I say all races should wait atleast 2-3 pages before we actually encounter eachother

Beside that this is getting very interesting! Everyone is really putting in alot of effort! I thought i would throw in that it is close to Yautja mating season, Just to make it a bit more interesting, Ignore it if you want but it may be fun character wise

DarkLioness, Human, 11 years ago

I really like the addition of The Hole. I can really see it coming into play when things get more tense and dangerous. Imagine leading an enemy trhough there.

tawganator, Human, 11 years ago

The Hole does have it's draw backs that I did not consider earlier. 1 such thing is that carrying hosts through The Hole is gonna be dam near impossible with all those obstacles that even a Xeno without baggage could have troubles crossing. As such I am now dragging a Host for the Hive all the way around it :( Lucky me huh?

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

@Concretehunter and PredatorV2: I figure some tension among the elders could make things interesting.

concretehunter, Human, 11 years ago

Remember, im no elder. This is just to see if im worthy of leading hunts and other stuff. Also, Im loving this tension a damn lot.

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

^ Still, the idea's sound. This is working well so far. It'll be interesting to see what happens when we find the ship, and especially once the Marines arrive.

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

Remember, the human ship is a fair distance away, so we're not going to reach it just yet.

EDIT: I've just realized this means the marines will get there first. This should be interesting.

FireHunter, Human, 11 years ago

Dark obviously hasn't read the description. ALL Xenomorphs are between the Hive and the Titannia, and ALL Predators are closer to the Titannia than ANY Xenomorphs at this point, the Titannia rests between the Yautja landing site and the Xenomorph hive, but not exactly.

Dark, if you're reading this, please, read the rules as well, because I'm sure I emailed you on this, failure to do so will result in me removing you from the RPG for disobeying the rules. I also believe I mentioned that there would be point reduction.

concretehunter, Human, 11 years ago

We need a diversion so we dont walk and talk for hours.
Dark seriously please read what we are saying.

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

From the sound of what Firehunter's saying, we won;t have to worry about that. The ship is reasonably close. If that's the case, then all three species are going to meet at more or less the same time.

EDIT: Dark, I'm sorry to keep harping on you like this, but I think we should hold off on marine encounters until Peterson or Mebber can post. Other than that, your post is a good one.

concretehunter, Human, 11 years ago

Fuck this i cant work with this dark kid, He obviously doesnt read anyone elses posts. Or take our advice. I am from here on out ignoring him in this RPG.

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

^ Chill. He's new at this.

Dark, you do need to make more of an effort to match your posts up with everyone else to prevent confusion.

Gaunt, Human, 11 years ago

Whoa! Watch your language, you don't know what kind of delicate little kids may be reading this.

Pffffttt! Anyway, the newer members should be careful when participating, if you're not sure what to post, take it easy and slow, just try to keep up with the story. At the same time, we'd expect the more veteran of our members to take it easy, remember that we can just work around any plotholes/errors that occure, you are after all, a creative bunch.

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

^ Exactly. It's too early for things to too badly screwed up.

Peterson, Human, 11 years ago

come one everyone... Dark, the whole reason why there is no encounters yet is because right now we are setting the story building up to it if you will, its just like if you were to actually write a book. Just slow down and follow the lead of the older members when you see people like me or deathdrop start killing each other of thats the ideal time to actually jump into a combat scenario, however make sure it flows with the story, you could say something like your stalking a marine or something to that effect but just calm down with it all man.

supersonicman96, Human, 11 years ago

I don't mean to sound rude or awful but his Dark going on the OCC to read the posts that are given to him. I say this only through experience because I almost didn't read the OCC till I remembered what it was for. I'm sorry if this is backseat modding but I just wanted to put that out there.

PREDATORv2, Human, 11 years ago

I'm going to have to agree with Deathdrop, everybody calm down. Compared to previous rpgs this one is going rather well, despite a few hiccups on Dark's end. However its not that big of a deal, we'll get it sorted out one way or another.

tawganator, Human, 11 years ago

We can work with this. I've come up with something that should defuse the situation involving Dark. Since Supersonic is supposed to be with Dark at this time you can use this. Feel free to change it to something more your style if you wish:

Supersonic was confused, he knew Dark was acting a bit odd lately but attacking imaginary foes clearly indicated that something was seriously wrong. As Dark was about to attack his prey Supersonic noticed something on Dark's neck, a small parasitic tick that can cause hallucinations after prolong exposure to its venom. Supersonic had to be careful here, there is no telling what Dark might see or do in his state. Suddenly Dark started striking with his weapons at thin air. From what Super could see it appeared that Dark was winning against his marines.

After a while it seemed that Dark was not going to stop his assault as more and more of his imaginary enemies kept appearing in his mind. This had to stop. Super tackled Dark from his back, quickly pinning him to the ground in a arm lock. Super had to work fast because at any moment Dark might take this as an attack on him and see Super as an enemy. Using his wrist blades Super quickly and skilfully sliced the back of Dark's neck, removing the troublesome tick without causing any notable harm to Dark.

Even though the tick was gone Dark would still be under its affects for at least another hour. Super opened his med-kit and delivered a fast acting sedative to the side of Dark's neck immediately sending him to sleep. With that bit of excitement over Super carried Dark back to their drop site where Dark can rest off his poison in relative safety. "If he had listened to the OCC order we received before going on this hunt this never would have happened".

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

^ Thanks for helping, but let's let Dark edit his own posts.

Again, I can't emphasize enough how well this RPG has gone so far, especially compared to the last one. Everyone please be patient; we just have a few small wrinkles to iron out.

Also, Dark: Your posts aren't bad, it's just that there are some continuity glitches. Correct those and you'll be good to go.