

Species Undefined
Rank 20
Level Member
Registered 17 years ago

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Houston, we have a problem...

created: Crpl_Hicks, Undefined, 18 years ago, 8 replies
last post: 18 years ago

Alien res, why the hate?

created: Crpl_Hicks, Undefined, 18 years ago, 13 replies
last post: 18 years ago

AVP chess set

created: Crpl_Hicks, Undefined, 19 years ago, 9 replies
last post: 18 years ago

I've got some bad news guys......

created: Crpl_Hicks, Undefined, 19 years ago, 13 replies
last post: 19 years ago


Oh hello. My real name is Devon and my e-mail is [email protected], if you have any questions beyond aliens and preds. I also like D&D, Dinosaurs, Stephen King novels, Rock music, Godizilla, and sci-fi movies in general. My fav. Alien-pred movie was Alien. I have a terrible addiction to the Halo games, they are the best. ROCK ON DUDES!!!


You just got owned, FREAKING OWNED! I saw it!