Praetorian, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Just saw it tonight, it's late here so I'll just write some topics on what I thought:

The bad:
- Unplausible beahaviour/reactions from almost all characters. They take death with a smile! (Shaw is "sometimes" the exception).
- The squid alien/facehugger isnt scary at all, something vulgar.
- Story is unplausible in some parts (why do we keep seeing holograms of exactly what we're supposed to see).
- Lack of suspanse or horror, no final climax.
- The Prometheus crew composition doesnt make sense, they have no plan, no protocols, just erratic behaviours.
- Vickers is a waste of time, like her death.
- For me the closing is a disrespectul teasing for a sequel.

The good:
- The sets and effects are very good.
- Fassbender does a good job (despite some of his actions being illogical/erratic)
- Lots of new questions.
- It expands the universe (Curiously it doesnt invalidate the AvP universe and jockeys working for the Yautja).
- The enigmatic agenda of the Engineers.

Best scenes:
- When the Engineer kills David and Weyland
- Shaw cirurgy
- The opening when only David is awake

I think it was a better movie than: Alien Resurrection, AvP, AvPR and Predators. But worse than all others.

Rating: 6/10

Expected a better movie, with some closure. I think it's a good sci fi movie, but not good enough to justify having the cult status that Alien, Aliens and Predator have.

It looks more like a collection of clips than a movie.

I didnt find it scary, couldnt care less if all characters died or not, exception made to David.

Rewatching Aliens for the hundredth time gives me more adrenaline than Prometheus for the first time.

ash, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I have to say I agree that the characters death as I have forgotten all there characters names apart from charlie, david, shaw, and vickers. Should have been better scripted for all characters like in Aliens as it was stupid.

killswitch, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Interesting review P. Pretty fair comments also.

This is a spoiler free Empire review of the film, skip on to 57.57 for the Prometheus review. It's a review that has captured much of the general consensus of the film.

daveberg, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I think the main problem with people giving this film average reviews is in their disapointment that it wasn't filled with xenomorphs. The worst possible thing to do is go in to the movie theatre expecting this film to be a direct prequel to Alien or compare it to Alien from the get go. That right there will shatter any hope of Prometheus being something it was clearly never made to be - better than Alien.

Me being me, I'd sought out tons of information and relative plot outlines before seeing the film, and I went into it with an open mind, and not even the slightest expectations that this film would be anything like Alien - to that end, I left after the film completely satisfied, happy even, at the film i'd just experienced.

Prometheus is far more thought provoking, and intelligent than most of its predecesors in the ALien universe. Its cleverly crafted production left the audiences with copious amounts of questions, thus keeping the hype alive, long after they'd left the theatres.

Yes there were things I was bothered by - why go to all the trouble to basically spell out the events that took place before Alien, yet host them all on another planet and have nothing to do with LV-426? That's just the money making machine right there, Fox probably thought "If we lead directly into Alien, there's no-where else for us to go with this" Hence the change of planet.

The squid creature grew on me when I actually realised what it was. A giant, proto version of the facehugger.

The characters? I actually liked the cast in this film, though most proved to be disposable and Vickers really didn't have the role she should have, for the most part, I liked the line up. Shaw, David, Janek and Fifield (Yes, Fifield!) held enjoyable performances for me.

The visuals? Jesus. Masterful. Once the film REALLY got going and we stepped into an all too familiar vision of Alien, revealing the temple and of course the Juggernaut, I was in fan boy glee. Best looking film of the 'universe' so far. Well, at least up there in set designs next to Alien.

I'd rattle on but i'm at work so i'll get back to you.............

Praetorian, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

My main complaints about Prometheus arent related to the continuity with Alien, but with Prometheus as a movie on it's own.

There isnt any belivability in many of the characters actions, most of those I already saw in other reviews but I also felt it while watching the film:

- Fifield was the geology expert in charge of mapping the tunnels, but he unexplainably got lost. (panic?)

- Fifield and Milburn who supposedly are lost and terrified, find a cobra like creature, an unknown alien species, and Milburn suddenly is not afraid anymore and tries to pet it. (he could be relieved that the creature Janek warned him about was only a snake!)

- Shaw has an abdominal cirgury in the medpod, and immediately after it with only with a few medical staples she is able to walk again. (I guess it's anatomically possible but...)

- When Shaw finds Weyland she isnt surprised, also the characters that are with Weyland dont find strange she is covered in blood and with a stapled abdomen. (Shaw high on adrenaline and the other characters with too much on their hands to care?)

- When Shaw, convinces Janek to sacrifice itself, Ravel and Chance gladly follow with a smile on their faces. (if they dont care they're goind to die why shoud I?).

- When Vickers is running away from the Juggernaut, instead of giving a few steps to the side and escape being crushed she just keeps going forward. (only panic could justify this one)

- In the end Shaw wants to go to the Engineer homeworld and doesnt seem really affected by all thats happened before. (she got mentally affected and obsessed on her mission? Isnt she afraid to wake other Engineers that might finish the job on Earth?)

And there are many other things that prevented me from getting pulled into the movie, something I really wanted to.

I'm frustrated because I expected much more from Ridley. Visually the movie is awsome, but this kind of belivability/story flaws kill it.

I hope that with a second viewing or with the director's cut I will enjoy it more.

ash, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

You literally nailed all that I disliked about the film too! I didn't get that when she knocked the guys away that they would actually chase her and started getting pumped, then she enters the room with Weyland in and everything is forgotten, Shaw doesn't even think to go ape shit on David as it was obviously him that set that all up. And when that guy started going in for a pet on the cobra I thought wtf this isn't really the script? I mean Ridley made everyone terrifyed and even in Aliens, terrified of the facehugger and was believable. It was a great scene but the acting and reason behind it was stupid.

daveberg, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

You all had huge expectations, and I can relate to that, but don't you all think that perhaps people were expected TOO much?

At the end of the day, I've found that when you dig too deep and over analyse films, they lose their magic, and become an object to be deconstructed rather than enjoyed.

Sure, Prometheus suffered with throw away characters, some questionable behavior and the odd continuity glitch, but really gentlemen, (And ladies) what film doesn't have these problems? We could easily sit here and dissect Alien and strive to focus on its negative aspects, but we chose not to, because it was the first of its kind. Prometheus unfortunately falls into the category of being judged by the yard stick that is Alien, so will end up inevitably always falling short of expectations.

In my honest opinion, having thought long and hard about it over the last week since my first viewing, I now place Prometheus as my 3rd favourite film in the Alien 'universe', now topping Alien 3.

Hooper-man22, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I love Alien so much. And I'm blue in the face from talking about prometheus and how disappointing it was as a prequel and as a film in general. Have a gander at my review here
Tell me what you guise think!

daveberg, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

You do know that Prometheus was NOT a prequel to alien, don't you? The people who are giving this film bad press are the ones who went into it comparing it to Alien. You just can't do that. No other film in the franchise can stand up to Alien, it's impossible.

Prometheus, although peppered with references to Alien, has been designed as a stand alone film, SEPARATE from Alien.

DarkLioness, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

The only thing I didn't like were the unanswered questions the film left me. If they do another one I'm sure those questions will be answered. I loved this film and would gladly see it again in IMAX 3D.

Peterson, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

all i can say is this, great movie, stand alone element but hell good effort, this movie for sure gets my approval!

dafuq, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

yeah, i saw it tonight. I really tried to go into the movie, knowing that it was going to focus on a deeper plot line and there wasnt going to be very much xeno stuff. but I did kind of get my heart broken with the jockeys (not the story but the design of them). I guess I kind of had an idea about what they looked like. but anyways onto what I was going to point out. Vickers is referred to as mother by david at the start of the movie. and imo referenced the "mother" computer in alien. Needless to say Im not positive that vickers was a robot, but it would kind of work if she was. do you think that the xeno was the end product of the oil? I mean the jockeys obviously had already made them, because of the mural or door (whatever the hell it was) had a xeno design to it. next why would the jockeys create us, then want to kill us? next in the star map scene with dave. I think I counted 4 other planets that were interest points to the jockeys besides earth. could they be "seeding" spots, planetary hive activity? exterminated planets? other locations experimenting with the oil? do you think yutani's merging with weyland will have any bearing to the story of the next prometheus? I wonder what david said to the jockey in whatever language that was before it got pissed and started killing people. why did the jockey from the beginning act different when exposed to the oil than fifield. I mean the jockey mealted when he drank it. maybe it was because he was dead when he had been exposed to it. I wonder what it would have done to charlie had he not have been smelted by vickers.

daveberg, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

The beauty of this film IS in all the questions it creates. I personally don't need to be hand fed all the answers, half the fun is in the conjecture that comes after an event like this.

I was actually extremely pleased with how they portrayed the Jockeys. Ridley Scott has been saying for 20 plus years that the 'guy in the chair' from Alien was just a suit - I think it was well constructed in Prometheus, even though the engineers received little screen time.

The final scene? I didn't have a problem with the creature, It went through several DNA adaptations to end up looking the way it did, so it being vastly different from what we all expected was of no surprise to me.

I'm actually hoping to catch my second viewing of the film this weekend, I'm just as excited for a repeat watch!

Peterson, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

yeah man its all about how many questions that can come from the movie, although the movie had some dead give aways all in all its worth a second viewing in theaters and you can count on me for sure going to see it again!

dafuq, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I was kinda just asking what you guys response to some of the questions it posed were

daveberg, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Unless I'm mistaken, David actually called Vickers 'Ma'am', not 'Mother'. Seeing as David was created by Weyland industries and Vickers was a corporate tool, he was programmed to follow her direct orders.

As to the different effects of the bio-weapon ooze from the urns, that's something that needs discussing as to why it had different effects on different species etc.

Peterson, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

What about this one, why is it that fifeland went crazynuts and the one guy that was bitten by the cobra like hugger on died? Im pretty sure that i saw fifelands helmet melt to his face.

daveberg, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I think basically, the hammerpede ate Milburn from the inside, the editing there was very quick cut so I was a little confused as to who got doused in what appeared to be acid?

Rumour has it, the original script had Fifield mutating into a form of Xenomorph....

FireHunter, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Peterson, Fifeland's helmet DID melt to his face, that's why his face was so disfigured when he was attacking everybody.

Peterson, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Yeah i know his helmet melted to his face but it melted inwards that doesnt explain how his forehead became larger then hell, it shows the helmet melting full force engulfing his face so how is it that he still even has a face while attacking the ship? just questions to think about.