Gaunt, Xenomorph, 2 years ago

Darn right it is! >:D ... we got Chestbursters, Drones, Warriors ... Yautja that are soon to BE PredAliens ... more Drones!! It's a whole veritable Hive!

Good to see you pop in, Supersonic. Things are still fairly, quiet, around here, but I'm keeping things bumped for now. How you been?

supersonicman96, Xenomorph, 2 years ago

Not bad. Decided to suck it up and finish college, but as with all things, I am very slow with it lol.

Glad there is still a place to chat with some of the old friends i've made on the website though, glad to hear from ya. :)

supersonicman96, Xenomorph, 2 years ago

Also...finally played Aliens Versus Predator 2 as of yesterday. I had no idea how much I was missing, but legitimately my favorite of them all now.

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 2 years ago

Dude, AVP2 was the shit <3 It was especially chaotic to play a multiplayer game with the Alien Lifecycle mode, so many instant killing facehuggers, & chestbursters getting obliterated in the madness as marines spammed grenades.

Great game, I should download it again sometime.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 2 years ago

The main reason I won't link Kpop is that it wouldn't embed.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 2 years ago

Also, this site was originally named after AvP2, wasn't it?

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 2 years ago

Fair enough, regarding the non-embedded nature of videos rn. There's a fair few things to fix on this site, but thankfully HTML input still works.

Yes, the site used to be known as, I found it when I was young, & looking for a free version of AVP 2 in full (as I had no money).

In other news, I'm back from a long weekend holiday. Seems we may not get any traction in regaining control of the site, unless P decides to pop his head in one day.

Concretehunt, Xenomorph, 2 years ago

Same shit different year. I miss when it was called AVP2 , still think that's the sites name in my head.

Hope you're all doing well, I just started a PhD in the south of Germany - very weird in context I guess. Crazy how things change!

What are you all up to nowadays?

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 2 years ago

I also still think you're american in my head even though you've told me a few times that you're from Germany.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 2 years ago

Well, Korea is here. Posting several times per hour.