what if you were a predator stuck on earth

assassin, Undefined, 14 years ago

you are the predator stuck on earth

DeathWraith, Undefined, 14 years ago

What, no i'm not, are you calling me a pedophile?

-Bloo-, Undefined, 14 years ago

Well, first I'd go to this little girl's house down the street... have a lemonade and tell her how I want to !%#@ that [donkey]. Next I'll be really [excited] and [scream] into her [purse] and [poop] [that] [gardening tool]. Man, [dog] would be [dogging] about how I'm such a [Jeff Goldblum in the Fly during that sex scene] [tyrannosaur].

Before anything happens, the [dog] would leave and I'd wait there with [my] [naked] [weapon] out, [charging the batteries]. This guy would them come out and ask me [how are you day today, sir?] Some unpleasant greetings would be exchanged, I'd try to explain that I was only a [family friend] and I'd try to pathetically run out the window, only to be caught by seventy bodyguards with police batons.

In jail I'd become someone's girlfriend, and, well, you know how that goes...

Deathdrop, Undefined, 14 years ago

I've got a confession, guys...

I AM a Yautja. For real.


^ That was all me, man.

assassin, Undefined, 14 years ago


DeathWraith, Undefined, 14 years ago

I'm really sorry to say this, but i can't help it. Of all places to hunt, you chose a KFC?

BloodHarpy, Undefined, 14 years ago

I dunno maybe I kill stupid people that got on my nerves or govenment officials who try to capture and kill me.

I wonder what DeathWraith would. Wait do I really wanna know that?

Who the fuck would go hunting at KFC? I can see someone going to a sushi joint but KFC?

Wanna here something really sick and creepy? My Mom told me about this girl she heard about on the news when she was a kid whose hair was so flithy and nasty that the girl's teacher took her to the emergency room and when they cut her hair off guess what they found?

Three Black Widows nesting in her hair and here's the creepy part: Their were five egg sack's in her hair and one had hatched. Now is that sick or what?

predatoress, Undefined, 14 years ago

Damn, I thought it was normal to have spiders nesting in your hair? Poor things, where I can re-settle them...

Predator on Earth? Hmmh I guess I would continue planning of killing the entire race... Naah maybe just the ignorant and arrogant ones.

Survivor88, Undefined, 14 years ago

I'd just make up this game called messin with humans and sit on a skyscraper and shoot at people's nice stuff that would make them want to commit suicide because they spent almost all there money on that stuff.

Shadowwall, Undefined, 14 years ago

indd sick story about the black widows... luckely we aliens do not have hair.

anyway I would go to the army stuff like secret thingies to do some stealth killing and then i would take on an army after 1 million got killed i died in battle and my bomb thingy would go off and BAM!

TDN, Undefined, 14 years ago

If I was a Predator? I'll do the exact same thing the first Predator did. Kill as much as I can, have a grand old time doing it, and in the off chance that someone defeats me, be a sore loser and blow myself up along with him.

MrXeno, Undefined, 14 years ago

As a Yautja, I would seek asylum in a random, but rich country, as a refugee. And make up a story that I've been persecuted by my own kind, due to ideological differences.

And as I settle in the country, I will exploit the system as much as possible, when getting free social and healthcare from the state. While being uncooperative as possible, when I wouldn't bother learning the language or integrate to the society.

Or I would start a school for former refugees from war-torn countries and planets, and later find a nice beautiful earth like woman which I would marry and get many ugly hybrid children with.

And as I grow older, I would open more of these schools and eventually get a Nobel Peace Prize for my kindness for the poor. Until a real arrogant bastard figures out my dark past were I hunted humans as a sport. Then I get sent to The Hague, for being charged with crime against humanity, which leads to me being kicked out of earth.

Fu*king humans...

BloodHarpy, Undefined, 14 years ago

I'd also be inviseble most of the time and I'd trip random people, shove them into ponds and I dunno hang out at some goth club where no one would even care if I wasn't inviseble anymore.

TDN, Undefined, 14 years ago

BloodHarpy: So if you happen to be the galaxy's most dangerous hunter, with all the advance technologies, stealth and agility, all you would do would be pulling pranks on people?

DeathWraith, Undefined, 14 years ago

Shiiiiit if i were the galaxy's most dangerous hunter, with all the advance technologies, stealth and agility, i would go and uh... TIP SOMETHING OVER!!!!

Shadowwall, Undefined, 14 years ago

Hey pulling pranks is fun :D
do it all the time on AVP 3 :D

Playing with your prey makes it more tasty don't you think :P

MrXeno, Undefined, 14 years ago

In a goth club, everyone is invincible. Since everyone are too busy worrying about their own outlook than paying attention to their surroundings.

Which makes them easy prey for the pickpocket kind of predators...

BloodHarpy, Undefined, 14 years ago

Tie random people upside down off of street-lights, grabs stuff while in my invise-mode just to freak them out.

Pickpoketing sounds fun as long as it ain't you.

During Halloween I wouldn't be in my invise-mode so I'd just walk around chasing people around.

If I found another Predator on earth I'd hang him I guess.

WarBlade, Undefined, 14 years ago

I would hunt down and kill people who are worthy prey, maybe go to the zoo and take down a Lion and I dunno look for some chicks ;).

AmerthystBlades, Undefined, 14 years ago

I would take down anyne worth the fight. And Take the skull.

Dragous, Undefined, 14 years ago

just cause major havoc and go on a killing spree pretty much it