Karxav-Niveu, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Karxav whistling Wind of Change by the scorpions walks behind Death Wraith and kicks him to the ground. Taking the skull, stroking it while whispering, " My precious, my SHINY precious." and strolls off over Death Wraith stepping along his body, and his head into the ground.

DW out for one in humiliation.

[:! My Skull !:]

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Sam Dunn doesn't even need a reason, he's just too awesome. He simply appears, with the skull in his hands. Rumours abound that he roundhouse-kicked Chuck Norris in the face and Pitied Mr. T in order to get it. Point is, he's got the skull.

Meanwhile, the poor bastard that'd had it before, sits in a dark cavern, bemoaning the loss of his precious, until the sequel.


Karxav-Niveu, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

sequel made and he is back throwing bricks of chuck Norris and Mr. T at the skull bearer. hitting him over the head, Karxav grins picking up the skull after super gluing the bricks onto the bearer. Walking away slowly.
Out for one turn arrested and having to deal with criminal charges for homicide and pure sickness while wallowing in his victims body parts.


Lone_Hunter2, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

lone hunter walks past the so called skull beare and laughs his head off at the fool for the skull he and others have fought for is not the original skull..."that doesn't have my name on it hahahaha" lone hunter pimp slaps Karxav-Niveu and then puts the skull on a branch "why would I take a fake skull that I used to distract the idiot who attacked me on my pyramid?" then walking to his skull pyramid LH stops to admire the huge skull that is on one side of the pryamid...it has his name on it... laughing at everyone's inability to read propley LH sits on his skull thrown makes himself a cup a tea, adorns his robe and xeno queen skull slippers then relaxs to watch the show as someone tries to take the fake skull

MY SKULL THAT IM SITTING ON TOP OF...fake skull for every one else

Karxav-Niveu out for 2

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Suddenly the TV switches to FOX News, where a tall, completely white alien, missing the right arm sits on a chair reading a piece of paper: "...but now all of the most important scientists are arguing on the origin of the huge skull pyramid that appeared over night in the middle of nowhere! Some claim to ave pictures of a skull that reads the words 'LOn HuntAR'. This is either an anecdote, or whoever wrote couldn't spell for shit"
"Hey, you can't talk like that on TV" LH thought, but the news reporter answered immediately "Oh yes i can, because this is only a distraction that will allow me to steal your skulls."
Lone Hunter only then noticed that all the skulls were gone and he was sitting only on his blanket.
"Hey where'd my pyramid go?!?!?" he shouted grabbing the TV set. "What pyramid?" DW asked whisteling innocently. "This pyramid over here?" he said as a picture appeared in the background. "Yes, that one! It's not here anymore!! HOW DID YOU DO THAT??" LH shouted with his head ready to explode in anger. "Well of course it's not there anymore, silly! It's in this picture tee-hee!" DW said and ran into the picture to search for the real skull through the hundreds of fake skulls, as LH smashed the TV set with his fists, shouting "DAMN YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!"

looking for MY SKULL

FireHunter, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

FireHunter climbs aboard the ship, finding all of the og sticks in the one room, his eyes twinkle and he does the very same og ritual, making his MEGA ULTRA UBER OG STICK the MOST FEARED FORCE IN THE GALAXY OG STICK, he roars and the skull flies through the hull of the ship and lands in FireHunter's hand, there is a pink nuclear explosion and the ship is blown apart, FireHunter gets up, huge horns were now protruding from his head, he had become the horny demon of zog.


Lone_Hunter2, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

(OOC)ahhh dude ive already destroyed the og sticks... every last one of them check back a few pages.)

Namicole, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

(whats an og stick?)
Rayne starts spamming in every direction with his ultimate Spammerz-450 machine gun and shoots the skull then makes an explosion somehow grabs the skull and goes to New Zeland where they shot the Lord Of the ring's.

My skull

Waralien, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Waralien rides after Rayne on a horse from lord of the rings along with a group of orks behind him. They charge Rayne down and run him over. Waralien hops off the horse and pays the orks to play vollyball with him for three posts. Then Waralien runs off into a deep dark cave to hide himself.

Rayne out for 3 while the orks have their fun.
My Skull

delta-boy, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

delta walks up asks for the skull off waralien and is given it,
delta runs off gets in a space ship and travels to the moon.
waralien out for 3 posts,miffed about deltas reaction

nikkie_murray, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Shoots Delta in the back. She walks over and with a quick movement, grabs the skull before it hits the ground


Lone_Hunter2, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Lonehunter runs to the nearest tv and using the "imagination song"(from south park) dives straight into the tv world and begins his search for DW and his Skull pyramid whilst everyone fights over the spare skull that he used as a diversion from the ral skull. upon finding dw desacreating the holy temple of skulls lone hunter tackles DW and beats the living daylights out of him "WHY DO YOU LIKE TO PISS PEOPLE OFF? I KNOW ITS FUN BUT DAMM ITS ANNOyin- ah fuck it! upon ceasing the smashing lh grbs a chair and offers the seat to death wraith and then goes to the skull throne and sits and makes a tv appear out of thin air and begins everybody elese's peril in trying to gain a worthless skull. dw sone pull's the chair up next LH and lh offers DW some popcorn and together they laugh at delta when he was stabbed by nikke-murry..." so where the real skull?" dw asks Lh then replies your sitting on it

EDIT:very well
DW out for none, now hurry up and bring back the real skull(which is large enough to cover half the skull temple and ALOT of tonnes[see post back a few pages or more])back from galacticstorm!

My Skull

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

HEEEEY WTF!!!! You can't take me out for any posts if i don't have the skull!!! Take the skull form me if you want, but only take the last guy who posted out, not me!!

No, wait, that last guy is a girl, yes, well, in that case, things are very different, cos' there aren't many girls left here, so in stead of saying
"HEEEEY WTF!!!! You can't take me out for any posts if i don't have the skull!!! Take the skull form me if you want, but only take the last guy who posted out, not me!!", i will say:

HEEEEY WTF!!!! You can't take me out for any posts if i don't have the skull!!! Take the skull form me if you want, but only take the last girl who posted out, not me!!

GalacticStorm, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

I was walking down the street but suddenly I fell into a puddle of water so I went inside a building to dry off
and saw a TV then I saw Lone_Hunter in the TV so I thought of any thing I could to get in.Finally I dropped straight in to the TV world.
So I found lone_Hunter and got a rock and wrapped a blanket around him and knocked him out with the rock.I yanked the skull up. So I hurried out before any one could get me

Out For 2 Posts

My Skull

Lone_Hunter2, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

(talking to Deathwraith mate, and if you mean the skull part look back through pages and find my post wwhen I had the skull pyramid created.)

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Off topic: That is utterly unimportant! This game is not "My Skull Pyramid"! You can take the pyramid from me, but not take me out too if i didn't have the skull, otherwise from now on i'll just take you out whenever i feel like it no matter who has the skull!

Aaaaanyway, DW was shocked! He could not remember where he was! "Where am i?", he asked. But his brain did not answer. "Brain? Are you... Are you OK?" he said carefully - he didn't want the brain to panic! "Are you asleep? ...brain...?"
The sound of water drops hitting metal could be heard from somewhere in the dark, rusty room. There was a weak light coming from somewhere, but it was impossible to tell where from. The air was moist and tasted like old, moldy bread. "Brain...?" he asked again in a small, discouraged voice. Why was his brain just laying there, on the wet floor of that small, rusty room? Was it that...? But no... He couldn'l believe such a thing... Was he...?


And so, the braindead DW started running like an idiot, just going forward all the time, faster and faster and by the third time he was circling Earth he was going so fast that he became an electro-magnet, so powerful that even the real skull got stuck to him (along with trees, mountains, cows, all of you...)


Kidd, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Wearing a special plastic suit, Kidd waits for DW to make another lap around the globe. Just when DW got within sight, the young man runs towards the beast, that has thousands of other objects stuck to him, only to act as if he is going to embrace him. DW not falling for the trick continues to run, not only because he knows what the marine is up to, but because he needs to keep his adrenaline up so that he can carry all the weight if the items that is sticking to him.
Just as when the predator got within range, Kidd dropped down to the ground only to baseball slide towards the hunter. Successful on knocking one of the monster's feet out from under him, DW tumbles head over heels along with everything else until they come to an utter halt. The soldier gets up only to dust himself off and heads over to the big pile of junk. Finding the skull beside an alien hand, Kidd picks it up only to say a few words to the big pile of trash,"You know DW, you could have done better than this. Oh well, maybe better luck next time." The marine walks away, only to leave the predator in the pile of junk.

DW is out for three turns due to him trying to dig himself out of all the trash he gathered onto him.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago


I am an alien - see the alien sig and the alien clan and the alien character in my profile?

Also, in this game, i sometimes become a wraith (games-like wraith, not mythology)

Examples of wraiths:







Waralien, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Waralien jumps out from a nerby cave (one of the mountains that DW carried as he ran) and pile drives Kidd. Kidd lay knocked out on the floor and Waralien thought it'd be amusing to see him wake up nerby to a dissgruntled herd of bulls. Waralien ties on a red cape to Kidd's armor and throws him into a crowd of bulls. Kidd awakens to see the bulls and starts running. Waralien starts laughing his head off as Kidd runs down away from the bulls.

Kidd out for two while competing in the running of the bulls.

MY SKULL!!!!!!

Lone_Hunter2, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

as war alien is laughing at kidds delima lonehunter runs up and kicks him in the ass so hard waralien is sent flying to japan.lh picks up the real skull(has my name on it) which has been shrunken back to its normal size and weight then summons the skull pyramid from tv land and enters it leaving numrous amounts of bobby traps behind him as he goes(gaint boulder,snake pit, spike walls and ceilings etc...), when lh reaches the center in the bottom of the pyramid lh sits on the skull throne whhich is just infront of a secret escape tunnel which ends where ever lh wants.


waralien out for 3