badapple24, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Bad apple had heard the hive-brothers cry and hissed moving out of the crevice he'd been concealing in healing for a long time. He then crawled out of the sewer hole instantly smelling the Larger predator's blood and intestines. And now however another of the hunter's had joined the Fray, More experienced, More deadly. Technically the larger predator would have less fight in him so going after the more experienced one would be more logical. Bad apple pounced over the one wounded predator and was circling his other prey. Before the experienced hunter could even respond bad apple jumped on him while simultaniously breaking his plasma caster with his inner jaw and scratching one wrist gauntlet breaking it, and breaking the other one with his tail. now he had no melee and no long range, Finally the alien head butted the one experienced hunters bio mask making a large crack from the bio mask practically shattering however the recoil from the predators armour took a toll on bad apple's skull for a few moments where he moved into the shadows.

Titulus12, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

This hunt was going from bad to worse the hole in his stomach made his blood boil in fury as another berserker rage struck him. He whipped around and saw the smaller predator with a xeno on his back he ran up to it, and ripped it off the smaller predator pulling the xeno to the ground he bagan beating it's head with his bare hand hearing cracking in the xeons head he was appeased he gave it one last kick to the ribs and turned to the smaller predator his beserker rage made the smaller predator look like a blur he gave the smaller predator a punch to the ribs felling him to the floor after giving a rour he jumped onto the nearest tree and headed deeper into the forest. He found a large oak to rest and heal.

Jonathan-Robert, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

As he entered the place he felt a bit fuzzy basically because of his first Alien kill and the fact there may be a queen which was his main target.He pulled out his shotgun and loaded it and got his pistol ready he walked in the facility where he saw nothing he walked in more the touched the panel control feeling the alien goo." These aliens are gonna have to pay ",He smirked the started putting his pads and armor on he put his skull mask and entered the main control room where he saw dead guards.

badapple24, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

bad apple,s acid had taken it,s toll onfthe huntr,s fist as it slowly melt

NetHead, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

He turned to heat mode and saw a human he walked toward leaped through all the tree's and landed on the closet spot as he cloaked himself he walked in and saw the foot print's and kept going where he saw the human's examining the dead guard's he heard foot steps and charged after the guard who survived.He grabbed him by the mouth to shush him up than ripped his head off examining his spinal cord.He skinned it than put it away as a trophy.He walked into the room and threw the man out into the floor.

Jonathan-Robert, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

He hit the ground hard and started to move around groaning." Is that the best you could do Mr.To scared to fight me really ",He smirked and used his shotgun to shoot the thing right in the arm it uncloaked and revealed a large 7'2 alien with green skin and a mask along with dreadlocks and trophies of people's he and spinal cord's and a plasma canon like the one his team captured on a mission.He moved over and made sure he was in position.

NetHead, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

He healed than cloaked himself and leaped to another tree than sat there as the human thought he left he could copy this voice and trick people into thinking it's that person.He pulled out his spear that had the queen's head and jumped down and knocked over the man right into the wall the pulled out his two blades and was ready for the kill.He knocked the man's gun away.

Xeno-Hunter, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

He crawled out of the vent and saw a predator preparing to kill the human perfect chance to show he is a great hunter.His tail came down and than zoom right into the predator's stomach area where is sensed had a weak spot there.He lifted the predator up and hissed than used his second jaw to stab him right in the chest so he'd be weak.He hissed in victory as he defeated his first predator an Elite at that.He looked toward the human than hissed as the human was defenseless he grabbed the man's head and his second jaw went right into the head.He gave out another hiss to any face-hugger than stayed there.

Xenotor, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

His face-hugger crawled out and walked so far over to the human facility and spotted the alien and the predator he walked from his leg's all the way to his body and than to his head where he wrapped his tail around his neck than put tightened himself so he'd be secure.The process was beginning as he was starting to die.

Titulus12, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Titulus was in the deepest part of the forest he had healed and his fist had healed over leaving burn scars from the xeno blood. Finding occasional refugee soldiers in the forest kept him entertained until he had healed. It was time to strike back he wan't sure if the other smaller predator would accept him as an ally anymore so he took extreme caution to keep away from fighting. He had reached the battle sights again he traveled to his drop pod and saw hive mucus on the floor he was amazed he could destroy the queen and the hive right now he opened the self destruct on the drop pod and the timer began he ran out of the sewer to observe the explosion.

badapple24, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

"Shit" Bad apple hissed "Scar WE NEED TO GET EVERYONE OUT NOW!" bad apple hissed almost screeching "I'm taking care of the hunter, If i don't come back then don't come looking for me" bad apple hissed to Scar crawling over the Drop pod and out into the ghost town looking for the slightest trace of pheromones. Then he saw a trail of blood and pheromones. He followed the trail until he got out to the edge of town seeing the hunter he jumped up onto the nearby tree and crawled down. Bad apple then jumped on the hunter clawing at any place that didn't have armour on. Bad apple destroyed the hunter's plasma caster and wristblades with the acid that still dripped from Bad apples head. bad apple then jumped off of the hunter to let himself recover as he hissed.

badapple24, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

"Shit" Bad apple hissed "Scar WE NEED TO GET EVERYONE OUT NOW!" bad apple hissed almost screeching "I'm taking care of the hunter, If i don't come back then don't come looking for me" bad apple hissed to Scar crawling over the Drop pod and out into the ghost town looking for the slightest trace of pheromones. Then he saw a trail of blood and pheromones. He followed the trail until he got out to the edge of town seeing the hunter he jumped up onto the nearby tree and crawled down. Bad apple then jumped on the hunter clawing at any place that didn't have armour on. Bad apple destroyed the hunter's plasma caster and wristblades with the acid that still dripped from Bad apples head. bad apple then jumped off of the hunter to let himself recover as he hissed.

Xeno-Hunter, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

He saw badapple than hissed and waited for the predalien to be born it was the first one he'd seen ever in his life and he had planned on molting and than turning into praetorian than maybe the queen if one died and he would one day become strong and lead the hive.

Xenotor, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

It has been 12 hour's and Xenotor had already started eating through the predator's rib cage and was erupting the predator choked green blood out than Xenotor bursted right through the Predator's chest and it's second jaw came out and and stretched it's mandibles out as it gave out a cry and quickly slipped out of the predator's body and instantly stared at the other alien who had a grid like pattern on it's head.

Xeno-Hunter, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

He walked to the Xenotor and hissed to follow him so he could find him a hive to be at he was guessing this might be a Alpha Alien and lead a hive.He grabbed a security guard and stuck his tail right into his stomach and lifted him than dropped him the man still had a heart beat so he stuck his tail straight in the heart.He hissed for the predalien to eat the man.

Xenomorph1212, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Scar called for all of the Xenomorphs in the arena to spread across the world and breed thus multiplying and then ran into a Yutaja pod and set for it to head to a Weyland Yutani vessel to unleash the Xenomorphs he suspected were up there. The invasion was starting.

Titulus12, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

The puny xeno attacked him again he remembered it, this one would make a perfect trophy. His plasma caster was broken, and his wrist blades were not retracting, but he had what other predators didn't a gift from birth, a large size and weight he grabbed the xeno and jumped from the tree keeping the xeno underneath him. The impact made the ground shiver. Titulus heard the a large crack from the alien. The alien seemed alive he reached into it's mouth while it was still in shock and ripped out it's inner mouth, and started beating it with it after giving it a good beating and hearing a break and a sound of pressure coming, out he was appeased. He towered over the xeno it seemed dead but he didn't care he strapped on the xenos inner mouth to his trophy belt and ran to keep clear of the explosion

Xenotor, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

He was ready Xenotor had not had food in about 2 hour's and was ready to eat when he spotted an marine guard who got killed.He started eating it than by the time he was finished kept crawling through the vent's continuing to search for other Alien sign's when he saw a man about 29 working on the car.He hissed than used his second jaw to head bite him.The man fell crumpled to the ground.He slided over and ate him than left into the vent's.

Specimen3000, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

It hissed and cried as it was captured and brought to a facility where they test alien's and try to make clones usually unsuccessful.It hissed to all the alien's telling them to help no person showed up not one.

Xeno-Hunter, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

He hissed than ran toward the facility where a predalien was being tested it he could get there sooner than he'd be able to help it.He jumped through the vent than entered the facility where he saw the button to free the restraint's.Shit he thought as he walked through.He used his tail to swipe at the button and it destroyed freeing all alien's.