shadowatching, Yautja, 14 years ago

I am still going, just figuring out where I am and where everyone else is. Yea, the only female the mass of men...ish...(ish being aliens, none gender)...

-Bloo-, Yautja, 14 years ago


Okay, since this is progressing really slowly right now I guess I'll make a filler post about No Face rushing through a cafeteria or something. You know, useless exciting crap.

shadowatching, Yautja, 14 years ago

UGH that was how my halloween went, nothing but men in my hotel room. I swear, they think i am a man, until my shirt is removed and wearing nothing but a tank top, then its bam...lets be nice...and the silliest thing is, they start to say "Excuse me, i am sorry, pardon me" I am all "WTF man" I been raised around guys, nothing but sausage fest for me. So, I went to Ians hotel room and asked if i can stay there for a few hours, him treating me like one of the guys. Well his friends came in and said "There is a girl in here, what ever happened to the sausage fest" Ian perks up with "Dude, she acts like a dude, but looks like a chick. She is cool" I am sitting here rolling my eyes and pipes up with "Dude, don't you hate it when your balls itch" i crack up laughing, acting like i am scratching my balls. Yea! I win, i so win. I even have pictures of them ^-^, that halloween weekend, was actually pretty fucking good.

My room: Ed, felix, Johnathan, james AKA Dr. Scraps and me

Ians room: Himself, Mick, mike and Ian AKA shaggy (dude sounds like him too, which he owes me a message recording in shaggy's voice. Just have to write down what i want said)

Yep the only girl in both rooms of the or....mmmm -smile-

Gaunt, Yautja, 14 years ago

will post when I can, I's not gonna let my alien be a bot/NPC