Could the deacon alien be a completely different species of xenomorph than the original ones.

shockwave, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

What if the two species are enemies. What do you think.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

The Deacon and the Xenomorph are definitely cousins. They would probably be hostile to each other in the same way that Xenos of different hives are hostile toward each other.

shockwave, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I bet you that if they met they would kill eachother

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

They're both weapons, so it's highly likely, yeah.

shockwave, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I wonder if the deacon alien has brand new abilities or evolves into something we hadn't seen yet . Don't you think the deacon alien has a life cycle that we didn't see yet -Bloo- ?

shockwave, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I want the deacon alien to be playable online in avp4

FireHunter, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I'd say the Deacon would be cooler in an Aliens game. But yeah they're a different species of creature altogether.

ultimate-xeno, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Yeah i think so too. The deacon aliens are definatly a new breed that would probably kill a different breed of xeno on sight.

skull_ripper, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I wonder if they would have the same hive structure as regular Xeno's. They could be a solitary species, still parasitic, but maybe they only harvest host once a month or some such, and are less like Xenomorphs and more like animals of a less hive based persuasion, like parasitic wasps.

Deathdrop, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

In one of the earlier drafts of Prometheus (back when it was still a straight-up Alien movie) there were multiple "species" of Xeno.

Not just the adult forms, either: Different eggs, facehuggers, chestbursters, etc. It sounds stupid, but the execution was actually pretty cool.

For example, there was a bigger, fleshier, white strain nick-named "Belugas."

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I'm imagining a shiny gelatinous thing similar to a tall and really skinny polar bear.

Like my new Dave design, actually, which makes me want to redesign him again.

krio, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

I think the deacon is stronger then the regular but i have one question:will the deacon be added as a species since i really want to play as it in the rpg!and if so i would really like to see how many points it would cost!
and i want to what is stronger :a deacon or a warrior. Also in aliens infestation there is a deacon queen!wich should be added.again.....what is stronger? A normal queen or the deacon queen?

concretehunter, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

Species: A group of Organisms capable of producing fertile offspring

Well that just fucks this up doesn't it?

A facehugger can produce fertile offspring with anything (As far as we know)

So in theory, We all belong to the same species as Xenomorphs. Right?

Wrong. We (probably) share genetic material so dissimilar that we can't call them the same species. Despite our ability to fuck.

What about Parasites?

Although we consider a chestburster a parasite (Which is in some aspect true) no known parasite actually takes genetic data from its host. A parasite can't produce fertile offspring with its host, It simply lives inside it. Unlike the Xenomorph. (See the dog Xeno)

So if they aren't a species, What are they?

They are Simply alive. Just because it is alive does not mean it has to fall into our system.

It may be alive, But that doesn't make it a species. The word species is currently only used to describe life that originated on earth.


-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

^The whole point is that they're alien, so well done with that.

concretehunter, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

photo Ihateyoubloo-1.png

I just wanted the word to be used correctly. ;_;

Edit: Fixed the colour

skull_ripper, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

Science officer, does that mean the position of head ripper-offer is available?

concretehunter, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

Yeah but you have to earn it by ripping off someones head with your hands.

On Topic: Do we expect to see Decon again?

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

Probably. They'll find some way to include an adult in the next movie, otherwise its revelation was useless.