
Kharn, Undefined, 18 years ago

I'm considering buying the snapkits. I'll use them for display, and not mess them up.
Just want your thoughts on them, and if you have any recomendable thoughts on any other merchandise. Particularly Alien things.


celtic102, Undefined, 18 years ago

and then i bought a pred Action Fig

My Horror Site

Kharn, Undefined, 18 years ago

Thanks for the noticeon the snaps, i thinki'll get that Predator The Hunter figure
my freind has that...


celtic102, Undefined, 18 years ago

well i bought a snap kit out of Forbidden planet in Belfast and the blasted thing woundn't even go together so i took it back but i lost a joint and they didn't notice muwaaahahaha

My Horror Site

the_doctor, Undefined, 18 years ago

im an obsesive collector i have to get all of them, now i no where all my money goes *sigh*

are you predator or prey?

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

I actually have a couple of those snap kits, but i prefer the action figures much better, i have two of each figure, one outside the box and one still inside the box.

Kharn, Undefined, 18 years ago

same, i might get more... i love collecting movie things.


Celtic_Warrior, Undefined, 18 years ago

i love those things, the detail is amazing and the gadgets they come with are also very detailed.i have 3 preds(pred1,2 and celtic,i've also bought scar off the internet and its on its way) i've got 2 aliens(alien drone, battle alien)but i can barely find them in the shops anymore

daveberg, Undefined, 18 years ago

Yes the mcfarlane figues, i have the whole set from every series, love those things, great detail.

darkness of acheron

nicholaskang, Undefined, 18 years ago

i oni have the mcfarlane giger drone 12 inch figure sniff

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Kharn, Undefined, 18 years ago

your talking about the mcfarlane ones? i have some of them, battle alien, grid and celtic. i have some comics to, thrill of the hunt, harvest.


Ancienthunter, Undefined, 18 years ago

only thing that ed was i Had PRDAtOR action figure and and the wristblades broke Plasma castet fell oer something and the Alien Action figure fell apart loose joints true goota be careful first broka at waist then tail and Finally neck i was aliitle disapointed but awwweelll im still going to get them again LOL

(all acid proof armor)2Writsblades(acid proof),comitstick(Acidproof),2shurikens,Smart Disc(Acid Proof),speargun,plasmacaster, netgun,cermonial dagger,and 2elder daggers(acidproof,and there from Pred2)

daveberg, Undefined, 18 years ago

The avp action models, all of them are fantastic, the joints can be a little loose but in all, they are really good.

darkness of acheron

The_Reverand, Undefined, 18 years ago

My very first Alien Figure that started me collecting them was an alien drone with a facehugger.

My parents were like hey cool!! an alien and it get's a fashion accesory lol.

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