DeathWraith, Yautja, 10 years ago

Wouldn't the Dutch die by head explosion from the severe change in pressure when they go above sea level?

Deathdrop, Yautja, 10 years ago

The Dutch have achieved CHIM, and so are immune to such things.

ultimate-xeno, Yautja, 10 years ago

No your wrong.


Deathdrop, Yautja, 10 years ago

Bro. Seriously, bro. I killed Ulfric and stole his clothes. Argonians FTW.

ultimate-xeno, Yautja, 10 years ago

You killed ulfric! How dare you.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 10 years ago

So anyway, Bloo, here's a relatively new song from my favourite Sistar member (not Hyorin) and some nerd loser.

supersonicman96, Yautja, 10 years ago

Long live the Khajiit assassins.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 10 years ago

Dude's rapping voice is alright, but I don't know what he's talking about.

I'm a picky asshole when it comes to rap.

DarkLioness, Yautja, 10 years ago

That's me too when it comes to rap.

Are you all talking about Skyrim?

DeathWraith, Yautja, 10 years ago

The rap is probably about how he loved someone and they broke up, like every other rap in Korea. This is pop rap, there are no gangsters in Seoul. Here's a song from my favourite Korean rapper. What I appreciate about rapers is the ability to rhyme the middles of lyrics and words and vary the number of syllables in consecutive lyrics without ruining the rhythm.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 10 years ago

This guy's delivery is pretty good, I really appreciate that. Mostly what I mean about being "picky" is not wanting to hear lazy speaking and uninspired drum machine beats, which is popular for some reason.

skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago


-Bloo-, Yautja, 10 years ago

I don't think you realize how legit that sounds.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 10 years ago

Skyrim belongs to me because of my pirate's sense of entitlement.

So anyway, here's some actual music from the band that I said would be my favourite if I had a favourite band.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 10 years ago

That was nice. I'm starting to think your taste in music is similar to mine, except we've been listening to totally different bands.

Waralien, Yautja, 10 years ago

Anyone play the new Amnesia game?

skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago

No, I have not played this game, the most recent game I've started playing is Game of thrones ascent on Facebook(I generally avoid Facebook games like the plague.)

DeathWraith, Yautja, 10 years ago

I found the first Amnesia extremely boring and I just watched RoosterTeeth's let's play of the new one and it took over an hour for something to actually happen in the game. What I find extremely boring about Amnesia is that even when something DOES happen, you can't do anything but run.

DarkLioness, Yautja, 10 years ago

Did you play Amnesia: The Dark Room? The one with all the memes and stuff, I haven't played either yet but I kinda want to play Amnesia, Slender, Vanish and Penumbra. I'm just not so thrilled about having to download the stuff online from some website.

Edit: We're in the middle of a wind storm and we're about 38 miles away from where we'll be spending the night. We literally have no where to stop for the next 38 miles and it's getting kinda scary D:

DeathWraith, Yautja, 10 years ago

I tried Slender and then I realized that all I had to do was not look at him and he'd never catch me and then I uninstalled. I mean I literally walked right next to him, just looking the other way and he didn't do shit. I recommend SCP: Containment Breach if you want to shit your pants.