Peterson, Human, 13 years ago

hey so this is the OCC area so lets not spamm the RPG, everyone needs to remember to have fun and make sure you follow the rules if your dead your dead, no bitching and moaning!

DeathWraith, Human, 13 years ago

>no mention of the DBO anywhere in the plot
>suddenly an entire post about how the DBO are the main characters of this RPG
>DBO are known for not really being in good relations with the marines
>suddenly the marines are DBO's comrades

CH what the fuck is wrong with you. Did you even notice that i'm the leader of the DBO and that the first original post places me on the actual predator ship?

concretehunter, Human, 13 years ago


DeathWraith, Human, 13 years ago

Why thank you :3

concretehunter, Human, 13 years ago

WTF Deathwraith how can you be Raised by humans, xeno blood and trained by yautja? WTF!

DeathWraith, Human, 13 years ago

It's all in my profile, my dawg. You know, in the good old days. people used to read character descriptions before asking stupid questions. Are you even aware that my clan has humans, hybrids and predators together in it?

Mebber, Human, 13 years ago

My encounter with you isn't meant as a true fight, just as a bit of action. My char will give up the pursuit as soon as he looses your track (or Peterson gives him other orders).


I'm confused, where's this convoy going to? Are there any humans left in the base at all?

DeathWraith, Human, 13 years ago

I like how my post was completely ignored.

concretehunter, Human, 13 years ago

Hey peterson i dont want out fight to be to the death (Yet) I just want to get some action before we get serious.

Peterson, Human, 13 years ago

mhmm well no garentees...

concretehunter, Human, 13 years ago

Yeah lets just see how it goes, Again i dont want to die in the early parts of this RPG.

DeathWraith, Human, 13 years ago

I think the two of you are the only ones who know what the fuck is still going on, so yeah, you could have just requested a sparring match in stead of this whole bullshit.

concretehunter, Human, 13 years ago

Basicaly fight until one race is still alive,

Peterson, Human, 13 years ago

queit frank;ly i have npo intentions of fighting you, id rather let this build up. put a background onto the story, that being said CH make your posts longer and more descriptive, also try and use some proper grammer instead of a run on scentance every five words, please and thank you. CH edit your post we are not going to be doing any fighting as of now go wonder around somewhere.

concretehunter, Human, 13 years ago

*Sigh* Ok, Pardon my blood lust.
Edit: You brought this onto yourself.

Kirby-Cage, Human, 13 years ago

i think that the few number of members is killing this (mini)RPG.