Aliens vs Predator 3





Aliens vs. Predator 3 is totally awesome. This game's predecessors had horrible graphics and were not as interesting to me, but AVP3 towers over them with graphics and storylines. The Multiplayer is pretty good, especially with unlockable skins, but I think the blocking technique is for the little kids that somehow get on AVP that can't fight. The sounds, however, could be improved as well. You'll generate the most annoyance towards blocking while playing as a Xenomorph against Marines. Maybe they can block strikes, but being able to knock them back is completely ridiculous. The Xenomorphs and Yautja are certainly the two best species. Overall, I would highly recommend the game and I give it a four out of five.



This is a predator glitch. first you need a combat android and the smart disk. next equip the smart disk and cut of the androids head with it. and while he has no head and is getting up quickly go behind him and stealth kill him. the result is the android will spew red blood instead of white blood. I don't know if this works with both xbox or pc but it works for ps3 definitely

awsome and bloody


i have and it,s awsome and bloody a bunch of trophy kills and i easily able to perrfer the predator! i recomend it for the xbox 360.



Its the best i have it for xbox 360 and the graphics are great and the best gameplay is on online i do it online on my xbox live

avp tree glitch jungle


If you go to jungle on avp online. Theres a tree near one of the casters were you can hide inside the tree. NO xeno morphs,predators, or marines can huert you within the tree. This is only for predators and makes you invincable.



I give it a four star mainly due to how it is limited to what the Xenomorph story goes. You can only harvest unarmed civilians and not the marines why is that. I would also like to play as a facehugger those are cool.



I give it a four star mainly due to how it is limited to what the Xenomorph story goes. You can only harvest unarmed civilians and not the marines why is that. I would also like to play as a facehugger those are cool.


