

Species Undefined
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Registered 16 years ago

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upsides and downsides of AVP

created: devestater, Undefined, 16 years ago, 20 replies
last post: 16 years ago

what are preds scared of?

created: devestater, Undefined, 16 years ago, 2 replies
last post: 16 years ago


I will kill you if you escape I will hunt you down I don't care who or what you are (with the exeption of a alien) I will kill you. then I will suck the life out of you and then consume the body.


I am a mutated alien that is about 7 ft tall my second mouth has fangs that can suck the life out of you. when I do this I become stronger. I can also store food in my second stomach and then use it when I need too. I also give off poison spors that paralize every living thing they come in contact with but they don't if the creatures body isnt exposed.


I'm badly injured so badly that I can't even stand up BUT WHEN I RECOVER I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

