What do you think could be done better with the AvP, Aliens, and Predators franchises ?

XenoPred321, Human, 11 years ago

I just want your opinions

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

1. The number one thing would be to split them into 3 separate universes so we can stop worrying about fitting everything into some arbitrary continuity.

2. Stop portraying the Xenos as raptors in space. They should move in the weird, unsettling way they did in the first and second films and stop hissing and roaring and leaping into gunfire like idiots.

3. Garth Ennis should should be offered a gigantic sum of money to write a Predator miniseries, because the guy could knock it out of the fucking park.

4. Mix up the standard formulas a bit.

XenoPred321, Human, 11 years ago

ya that does sound pretty cool i'd like to see an alien mini-series too though and i have to agree Xenomorphs are not dinosaurs from outer space plus I like the creeper crawl xD

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

^ Ever see that deleted scene from Alien where Lambert runs into the fully-grown Xeno? It sort of crab-walks over to her. It looks kind of goofy, and yet there's something... icky about the way it stands up. It's hard to explain, but it looks creepy as hell.

XenoPred321, Human, 11 years ago

nah but its been awhile since I saw aliens last oh dude you have to watch this video


just copy and paste in the search bar its really freaking funny

killswitch, Human, 11 years ago

"2. Stop portraying the Xenos as raptors in space. They should move in the weird, unsettling way they did in the first and second films and stop hissing and roaring and leaping into gunfire like idiots. "

I couldn't agree more with this, though I believe it was actually Aliens that basterdized the creature in the first place. Raptors/Bugs, whatever term you want to use, making them more expendable certainly hurt the unsettling and disturbing presence of the Alien. The hive concept was the worst. It comes down to the original premise Ridley Scott used to reveal, or rather not reveal the creature and leave the audience's imagination to terrify them. The minute you start unsheathing the blade, the mystery and fear drifts away. The hive scene was a solid and memorable sequence, but I still can't dislike that the aliens were represented in that way.

XenoPred321, Human, 11 years ago

what annoyed me with the newest predator movie is in the beginning everyone dies to quickly and their are only a few really good fight scenes in the movie
at least that's how I feel

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

@Killswitch: Now that I think about it, that scene where Vasquez holds the Xeno's head down with just her foot is really stupid.

PREDATORv2, Human, 11 years ago

Aliens was a great movie, it was also the downfall of the xenomorph and the creation of the 'bug'.

XenoPred321, Human, 11 years ago

what confuses me is in AVP & AVPR the aliens clearly make their existence obvious so how is it that in the aliens series they had no idea what they were dealing with and in predators 2 the predator had alien skulls in his ship when supposedly the alien origin starts in Prometheus I mean it doesn't make sense

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

Short version: Because those movies suck.

XenoPred321, Human, 11 years ago

well that makes sense more or less

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

I like an in-continuity explanation as much as the next guy, but sometimes the only answer is that the screenwriter was either asleep at the wheel or really, really needed the coke money.

PREDATORv2, Human, 11 years ago

"Short version: Because those movies suck."

This might be the twenty cans of coke talking, but wtf man they were goddamn works of art! I just hope Anderson gets a hold of the avp franchise again and makes like 30 squels cause it doesnt matter the next sequel will always fix everything and make it even more amazing!

Proven science by the resident evil movies.

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

I still can't believe there was ever a Resident Evil 2 (let alone 3, 4, 5 and 6) but apparently people eat that shit up.

Ravagers, Human, 11 years ago

I agree with killswitch, I liked it when the xenomorph was so scary people would crap there pants just by seeing it, but now they just show them as some sort of stupid space-coyote that is really weak and to kill someone there has to be 100 of them.

-Bloo-, Human, 11 years ago

I actually get really entertained by the RE movies because of how ridiculous that shit can be. Michelle Rodriquez is apparently pulling a Fast Five and is gonna show up in the next one even when her goddamn character already fucking died.

Kids, let this be a lesson to you that when you're a sexy bitch, you can't fucking die.

XenoPred321, Human, 11 years ago

I gotta say one thing though Sigorney Weaver is the best damn actress ever she can play a her role really well

Kurai, Human, 11 years ago

I just want to know why people think that the Alien's origin was in the movie Prometheus? It is one of the most narrow minded things I've heard. There is no evidence given that the Alien was first released during the end of the movie. However there is plenty of evidence of just the opposite. The Alien "virus" is first seen right at the beginning of the movie and who knows how long ago that is set, probably around the in-canon creation of humanity.

The planet, LV-223, was probably used as a testing grounds for biological weapons created by the engineers, there is no evidence that this was the ONLY testing ground and in all honesty the Alien "virus" is far more potent and deadly than the Aliens so it could in fact be a lab for enhancing the xenos.

Just because a xeno was shown at the end doesn't mean it was the first...

Seriously though, I'm reading this everywhere and it's frustrating. It's like people are blind to important factors of the films.

Deathdrop, Human, 11 years ago

^ I see your point, but I think it's mostly due to people wanting to get AvP out of continuity as soon as possible.

Kurai, Human, 11 years ago

I guess... But still, AvP could be amazing if they just handled it properly. I mean the latest AvP game had a story that could have made a good movie, a far better movie than the ones we've been given. The major problem is that both AvP movies are set in the "present" day. It just doesn't sit right with most people. The family values thing isn't actually that bad just have it in a freakin colony on LV1234 or something. Then again, even a "present" day AvP movie could be handled right if it followed the same line of thought that Predators did, humans being abducted for hunting in a game reserve planet.