Paul Anderson is at it again! NEW ALIEN MOVIE

Jed-Chrizt, Undefined, 18 years ago

New ALIEN movie.

Looks like he's back at it again, this time...solely to kill the ALIENS franchise. Don't people see the lame talent he puts out? Or does he blow producers in order to gain the rights, and access to the movies. I think it's my second thought that's correct :).

I pray that they will reconsider....ALIEN franchise is far to precious to be finally stabbed with a dagger to it's heart. Anderson attempted to stab AVP in the heart, but missed by like an inch...:/

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Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

I hope this never happens. I think it would be best if we left the alien movie count at 4.

This time its war.

Stalker, Undefined, 18 years ago

u gotta be fu*#ing kidding me. If fox actually brings him onboard to do A5, then god help us all.


StLkEr222, Undefined, 18 years ago

well altho I Happen to like all of the moives includeing AVP alot, Many people didnt like Alien3 and Res. and already think that the series is dead. Altho I would love to see an Alien 5, I cant wait for AVP2 and I hope they make an Pred3

"Give me a hand with this Haverson, this thing weighs more than your last date." Sgt. Johnson,

Alienation, Undefined, 18 years ago

Yeah, some people were dissappointed about the last two movies about aliens.Maybe they're thinking "Why would they make Alien5 when Alien3 and Alien Ressurection looked like a screw-up, who knows, maybe the fifth one will be a screw-up too.(which will be). Unless if it was the original director from Aliens.

"There is no "I" in team,there is an "I" in "KILL"

Stalker, Undefined, 18 years ago

the strange thing is, it says Alien 6, not 5. Maybe anderson is being considered for a directing spot in a future alien movie after the 5th installment. One way or another I still think it's a bad idea


Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

As do I. As do I. Sure, he isn't the worst director in the world *cough* Uwe Boll(I think Boll is his last name) *cough* But he is far from praise worthy. Interesting point Stalker, so maybe that means a reliable director will be direction Alien 5. Unless they consider AvP as Alien 5, in which case, we're screwed.

Stupidity works in mysterious ways. Its greatest achievement is solar-powered night-vision goggles.

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

i hope paul andersun make alien5 good and i hope more alien5 have great story i like avp paul make good movies

in space no one can Hear you scream

navyspaz, Undefined, 18 years ago

But it said no the news board before

"AvP killed Alien5 read about it on IGN"


EDIT: Uhh.. it said Paul Anderson wants another chance at ALIENS So maybe their gonna remake Aliens...

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alienhunter, Undefined, 18 years ago

i hope this one doesnt really connect to alien 4 but take us to the alien home planet where we can find out a how lot more about the aliens.
i mean yes it is a bad move making another one although i got to admit it would be great if we could find out more and This would really interest me but if it is gonna be a remake ....

p.s it would be pretty cool and funny if it was from the eyes of a xeno instead of a human i mean it wouldnt be very scary but interesting
i can see it know....

ALIEN 5 -A day in a life of a man eating xenomorph....

-The Hunters back so RLH!!-
- Run Like Hell -

Jed-Chrizt, Undefined, 18 years ago

Congrats to ya all! Anderson is going to murder one of our favourite titans. Brilliant!

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Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

i love the alien moves but for christs sake freken a fifth one this is gona


-Bloo-, Undefined, 18 years ago

WHAT!!!??? No, seriously. Alien 3 is VERY, VERY VERY VERY underrated, and it's a very good edition to the franchise. What SCREWED it UP and over was the continuing story of Alien: Resurrection. But, just in the knick of time, these guys decide to make Alien 5.

FOX: "Hey, since the fans "LOVED" our last two installments in the series, lets surprise them with ALIEN 5!!!"

*Anderson comes through the door*

Anderson: Alien 5? This is a job for...

Anderson: ME!

FOX: "Hah, good timing too! I was SOOO not looking forward to trying to search for a director! You're hired!"

That being said, God help us.


"To me, everyone is crazy. The ones in the Mental House just got caught."

donut, Undefined, 18 years ago

._. *crawls into a corner and begins to sway back and forth*

~i draw is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

*Comforts Donut* Shhh... Shhh... We call it "going into a corner in a fetal position".
*Stands Up*

How about if this movie su cks (It will) we take Anderson paintballing. Everyone on this forum vs him. Pain ball.
Stupidity works in mysterious ways. Its greatest achievement is solar-powered night-vision goggles.

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 18 years ago

how much u wanna bet he makes the aliens a sub plot and has some kind or romance story with humans

i wouldnt put it past him

GOD that moron needs to be shot

Xeno_Slayer.jpg hunters moon

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

You mean sorta like Pear Harbor (The film)? 'Cause that was more of a love story, with WW2 as a sub-plot. But anyway, the serise is screwed if he messes up. A 99.98% chance that he will. But if he manages to fall into the 00.02%, then it would still take a good Predator 3 film to make up for AvP. Predator 3 made by Anderson would be a 00.01% chance.

And those were optimistic reults. You don't want to see the pessimistic results, which are the correct results.

Stupidity works in mysterious ways. Its greatest achievement is solar-powered night-vision goggles.

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 18 years ago

hes an alien fan predator 3 is safe from him

Xeno_Slayer.jpg hunters moon

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

You guys need to get over it ........ and just say whatever happens happens , Your hatret for aderson is childish and dowrite F**king pathetic

This is a quote from killswitcher about anderson that i couldnt agree more with

"Event Horrizon was a truely kick a*s move ...... i cant say i hate the guy, because i dont know him , i have to addmitt he screwed avp up , but then again no matter how good avp was , people would have still ed about how they felt robbed of something that could have been so great .........
it was the anticipation that ruined avp .... people had so many idea of what might happen in avp and forgot to consider the fact that the film lasts just about 2 hours and didnt have the greatest budget in the world .... i think its safe to say we can expect much more from avp2 , provided everybody comes toi grip`s with the realitys about the film .... its not going to be perfect and its not going to have everything you wanted in it , but lets just try to enjoy the movie and not look for someone to massacre when the film goes wrong .... lets not also forget the prresure put on anderson , by the vary kinds of fans that voted "Hate him " in this poll .......... Killswitch"

hyroglphsarenice, Undefined, 18 years ago

while i say that avp was horrible alien 5 might be ok. note that word might. the reason avp was so bad is that he favoured the xenomorphs so much more so maybe with amovie solely about them it might be ok. yet again note that word might

"He who fights monsters should see to it that in the process, he does not become a monster." ~Nietzche

-Bloo-, Undefined, 18 years ago

Yes. Any of you who has not seen any of Paul's other movies should not complain about him being a bad director. Truly, Event Horizon kicked a$$. Seriously. Plus, I know you Mortal Kombat fans know that the MK movies he made kind of blew, but just seeing it as a movie with ancient styles of fighting and what-not makes them kind-of good movies. Same goes for Alien Vs. Predator.

That movie, with all of the knowledge and what COULD of happened between the two to make more sense. But if you just see it as a movie between two alien species in a slug fest with humans in between it, it's a pretty decent movie.

Oh... And by the way... Alien 5 BETTER not make "Our planet, their war; Aliens Vs. Predator" a D@MN sub-plot beside a friggin' romance story. Pssssshhh. If that happens, FOX is just asking to get shot up the nose and down under, over and up and way passed the point where "the sun don't shine".


"To me, everyone is crazy. The ones in the Mental House just got caught."