8 years ago
PRE-EMPTIVE EDIT: I got really mad and typed all this in response to DW's link, sorry everyone.
Eh, no big deal, some college kids will protest on the news and everything will be fine this totally isn't the beginning of a far-right coup LA LA LA
The people of this country are so so SO goddamn proudly, deliberately, willfully Capital-S fuckin' STUPID that they'll just do the opposite of whatever makes the slightest bit of sense cuz' it make them libruls all mad n' shit HAW HAW. I mean, I fucking give up. They wanted this. They begged for this. They demanded this. They fought and fought and fought and CRIED and PISSED and MOANED and threw tantrums until they finally got it: a fascist President. A dictator. A king. A big scary daddy who'll beat us when we're bad and make all the scary minorities go away.
So fuck it. We get the government we deserve, and evidently a large percentage (I mean, technically it's 3 million votes LESS THAN HALF, but hey, VOTING!) of the country deserves a malignant narcissistic con-man with an actual nazi's hand up his ass. It was never about small government or healthcare reform or any of that shit; they got mad because the black guy won and this was their pathetic little shit-fit form of "revenge." Fuck em'. They have shown us their soul, and it looks exactly like a lobotomized baboon raping a garbage disposal.
I swear to Christ, if this impotent little pig gets re-elected (or, y'know, thrown the fuck out of office, as he would've been in any other "first world" country), I'm just gonna start transitioning and damn the consequences. Can't get hormones because no insurance? Tough shit, I'll walk around with facial hair sticking out of my sloppily-applied makeup. I'll make myself horrifying to these fuckers, so that every goddamn day they have to look at my hideous, always-incomplete transgender ass walking down the street.
Just because it bugs them. Just so they get that little bit annoyed. Just so their day is that little bit worse. Hey, don't get triggered, snowflakes, I'm just trollllllllin'.