concretehunter, Yautja, 9 years ago

Happy Birthday by the way bud! I hope you have a good one.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 9 years ago


@CH: I might be around later, but I can't stay on too long. I want to see what you came up with, though. Would 11:00-ish my time work?

concretehunter, Yautja, 9 years ago

like 40 minutes? ok bud no problemo

-Bloo-, Yautja, 9 years ago

"Because all the hulk movies were bad"


Well, yeah, but that's a great reason to make another one - I don't want his last moments to be "I'm gonna be alone in this plane and maybe reenact Spider-Man 2." I want a good Hulk movie. Like, one I'm not embarrassed about enjoying. Maybe he learns that feelings are human and his anger/negative emotions are just as much a part of him as his happiness is, and that's when he learns how to be Green Without Being Blue. IDK, I don't know anything about Hulk except that there's a Red Hulk that wears glasses or something.

Edit: Well, I guess he did that in Avengers 1, but AoU did away with all of that in about 20 minutes.

"who wouldn't ditch their long distance gf for Scarlett Johansson in a skin tight suit"

Honestly, good point.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

H-how do you know...


I want a movie where they go to Louisiana and he bangs She-Hulk.

L___, Yautja, 9 years ago

I could really go for some strawberry cake right now. However, I heard a bunch of guys making dick jokes in front of me so I have lost my appetite for now.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 9 years ago

@DW: She-Hulk is He-Hulk's cousin in the comics. They actually did an evil apocalyptic alternate future where a nuclear war gives him brain damage, and he DOES indeed bang She-Hulk, thereby producing all kinds of fucked up inbred green rednecks who take over the state of California and shake Wolverine down for rent money.

... Comics are weird.

concretehunter, Yautja, 9 years ago

DD same time tonight?

Also does anyone know wher i could get a complete scan of the Wanted graphic novel?

skull_ripper, Yautja, 9 years ago

@Bloo: I believe the reason there hasn't been a Hulk movie in so long is because the last one really fucked up the Abomination, and his muscles were weird and stringy even though he was massively bulky. Also Marvel doesn't currently own the rights for a standalone Hulk movie, Universal still has those rights as best I know...

... but Marvel is currently planning a Hulk movie according to Mark Ruffalo and some others, possibly a Planet Hulk movie if we're lucky. So I don't know if Marvel made a deal with Universal for the Hulk film rights like Marvel did with Sony who currently hold the Spider-Man rights.

My biggest hope is that they'll fix the visual design of the Abomination, the Hulk's greatest and coolest enemy. Abomination is literally my favorite Marvel villain.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

@DD Well yea, I know they're cousins, that's why I said Louisiana. Maybe I should have said Arkansas. Not sure which one's more of a redneck state. "Sue Allen Hulk did you let uncle Billy Bob Hulk have his way with you in the barn again? You know we can't afford to raise no more kids!"

Also, I just discovered that Smite has this xenomorph-human hybrid with wristblades skin for the goddess Serqet.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 9 years ago

^ Kentucky or West Virginia. That would have said it all.

the_doctor, Yautja, 9 years ago

*cough* so I know I've been lurking in the shadows for a while now, mainly because of what I'm about to talk about. I've been doing some of this serious filmmaking thing as some of you older guys might remember me talking about. Well that's whats kept me away for the most part. I'm gearing up on a short at the moment and I'm launching a crowdfunder for it. It's a retro horror film that I'm sure some of you on here would dig, anyway check it put for this old elders sake.

L___, Yautja, 9 years ago

the_doctor@ Well since I love to consume strawberry cake, I would very well consider myself the predator since my delicious sweats are my prey.

skull_ripper, Yautja, 9 years ago

@the_doctor: That's really badass, and kind of what I think I want to do with my life. If I can I'll try to throw some money at your film's fund, since I really like it that you're going for practical effects which is awesome. Good luck with your film, I look forward to seeing it in the future!

the_doctor, Yautja, 9 years ago

@Skull_ripper Cheers man, its been a long road to get to this point. I really wanted to make something like the old films we all love. I really think its going to be me masterpiece to date (at least in short film). If everything goes the way I hope ill gave my first horror monster feature set in the Aussie outback with lots of Alien and Predator influences.

L___, Yautja, 9 years ago

Is sit just me or is it dead in this site?

DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

Is what dead in this site?

concretehunter, Yautja, 9 years ago

It's usually more active, the issue is that many of us have finals right now.

It's a busy time of year, things will pick up. Especially if they being out a new AVP film, we're a more tightly nit community of very frequent users. The most of us have been here for well over 5 years.

Anyway man don't sweat it, this isn't exactly an IRC chat but you'll usually get someone pop up.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 9 years ago

Also, if you're wondering why you don't get a quick answer to your AvP threads, some of us have been her for a lot more than 5 years and have made pretty much every possible speculation on most AvP related themes, so personally I'm kinda trying to leave it to the newer people, but either there aren't many new people at all, or they're just waiting for the short answer that shuts down the thread.

concretehunter, Yautja, 9 years ago

It's always worth sticking around, there are tons of interesting people on here.

We all pump out lots of content generally.