DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

Spiders aren't big enough to drive tanks, silly!

But anyway, I think that the theory that they mature slower wants to say not physically, but morally/socially or something like that. I mean they may be as developed physically when they are 20 years old as a man would be at that age, but noone will give them weapons at that age. ust like i was already much smarter than all of you when i was 6, but noone gave ME weapons of mass destruction (i still don't understand why...)

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

(i know why they didnt and i meant if spiders did build tanks)

So basicly(Humans)will finsh puberty at 18 roughly so does that mean predators will finsh puberty at 180.

concretehunter, Yautja, 15 years ago

NO right let me explain this slowly, they mature FASTER, now listen on earth they will get mature at around the age of 9 yet on thair plannet they would be 25 OK seriosuly dude we dont know.

they lov to 200 minimum

rottingam, Yautja, 15 years ago

hi all:)
i jsu want to say that it would be really good if is created a movie or comic about the origin of the predators,and to give answer to this topic
i think that predators follow the samurai code about fair fight and they live like samurai

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

(Girls start at the age of 9-10 not boys)

Well i doubht they mature faster,why we dont know how long it takes their planet to spin on it's axis and rotate unless thats provent then the best theory is that they mature faster.End of story.Full stop.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 15 years ago

I'm not trying to be an ass here, but because you want your theory to be the right one, you shun all others and talk with a closed mind?

No, no. That is not the way to go. That's how modern racism started.

predatoress, Yautja, 15 years ago

Getting back to the spiders being smart and black widow... I consider it brilliant that you eat your partner after mating 'cos it makes sure the offspring will survive. As well as you don't have your guy drinking beer and sitting on his ass watching tv and nagging about dishes and cleaning and crying children.

As far as the predators, I find it amusing you guys keep fighting about when they get puberty. Who the hell knows if they are 1,276 years old when growing their first pubic hair (if they have those). So quit arguing (especially when trying to get the last word out of imaginary creatures) lol

And as far what comes to humans, I thought puberty starts when youre 12-13, but your mind is still at the state of being a kid until full adulthood and pass 18, maybe 21 when your brains have developed all the normal functions (well to some blondes it never grows at full potential).

MrXeno, Yautja, 15 years ago

Anyone can have their own opinion about those creatures, no matter what or how stupid they sound. Since it's all purely sci-fi. And not even the comics, nor movie can prove anything. Only the one who created the yautja in the first place can decide all that.

But until then, everyone can come up with much BS and facts as much as they want. And everyone should respect each others opinions.

Thats what i think... "In my opinion". (a rarely used sentance -.-)

But personaly, as i believe, in my own little world, and in my opinion. I think they wont be counted as adults before becoming 30 years old or something, since they get pretty old. Perhaps then they are seen as legaly beings to hunt or mate. Who knows?

When it comes to technology, i believe they know a lot more than we have seen in the movies. Such as i believe they have other technological things than just weapons and space ships, such as fridge, ovens, toilets (or else their ships wouldnt last long...), TVs, etc, etc. Even if that seems stupid. But hey, its my opinion =D

predatoress, Yautja, 15 years ago

^ I think that's the very interesting question. Do they have other culture and practices on their spare time, than the actual hunt and rituals around it? I can see them having somekind of free wrestling competitions to show off their power, but do they have more peaceful culture as well like books, TV, schools etc. which doesn't necessary train them to kill but eg. make weapons and learn about the species they are hunting. Do they have tribes who have seen the hunt is brutal, and the knowledge of the other species to understand the universe is more important?

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

Okay i'll always stay open minded.

Would predators have toilets?

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 15 years ago

Alright clectic enough of these questions, we go on forever discussing whether: predators eat with their hands or prefer to drive SUVs. Sometimes the mystery of the whole thing is what makes it so great, so lets leave it at that.