Saint, Yautja, 16 years ago

ok I carry 2 Nok Ki’cti-pa (wristblades, 13in.) the left wrist has triple blades and the right side is a regular double blade system, a H’sai-de (scythe-like sword), 2 daggers, 4 shuriken, and a glaive. I choose not to have a plasma gun or spear gun, preferring to have close combat.

ScarredShadow, Yautja, 16 years ago

Ok mate I will add your character into the story thank you for submitting a character. To all members I am still taking submits.

PS. Second passage of the story is on Page 16

x_saysell, Yautja, 16 years ago

Very nice i love the way the action changes from human to Predator...

And Now i wanna know more than ever wat happens to my character lol

predator428, Yautja, 16 years ago

Great story man, I especially like the marine's cluelessness. It's like an old vampire movie. Can't wait utill the next edition.

Lone_Hunter2, Yautja, 16 years ago

Awsome can't wait to see the next chapter with my character, great story SS really Great.

Namicole, Yautja, 16 years ago

page 14 not funny DW. i hate you so much. sssssssssssoooooooooooo much........ (and thx for the back up Scarred really apreciated it =( )

DeathWraith, Yautja, 16 years ago

Stop acting stupid Rayne, i`ve been on your side ever since you became a Shadow Serpent, changing the species again won`t gain you anyone`s respect, and you know damn well that my description of your actions during that period is pretty accurate, since i was the one always saving your ass when Lucifer was about to kill you. But this is spam so do not continue.

predalienking, Yautja, 16 years ago

is to late to still submit charaters

ScarredShadow, Yautja, 16 years ago

Hell no lol. I am always taking submits I still got a lot to go so of course you can submit a character. Go right ahead.

predalienking, Yautja, 16 years ago

thank you

name:you decide
appearence:black with red markings on his armor and celtic mask and face has a blooded mark and hundreds of marks and a albino eye with a scar across it
history:a blooded warrior who is one of the oldest predators he is much different then other predators for he dosent accept leadership as a elder he was once shot by a human and was healed by a young boy he considers himself not hounorable enough to accept leadership or fight powerful prey besides xenomorphs he hopes that this hunt will allow him to forgive himself for not self destructing when he was being healed
weapons: the whip from the avp2 trailer a smart disc wristblade spear gun and acid proof maul

voodoopred, Yautja, 16 years ago

have you cheked my profile yet. if so are you puting my character in it.

ScarredShadow, Yautja, 16 years ago

Sure I'll use yours. But please list the character desription and weapons. I can't use a pred with voodoo magic. So just name, description and weapons.

Lone_Hunter2, Yautja, 16 years ago

Dude i cant handle it anymore, I'm going crazy with anticipation it has been 8 days,EIGHT days! Im' sorry but the book is really good that im getting sick and tired of waiting. I know it takes a while to get it perfect but at least give us a hint when you will be putting on please?. (e.g. so and so many days before next page is added.)

Namicole, Yautja, 16 years ago

almost done there?

ScarredShadow, Yautja, 16 years ago

I would like to apologize to everyone for the very late delay i have been gone a while from work but I am writing the passage RIGHT NOW LOL. It should be up in like 30 or less minutes.

ScarredShadow, Yautja, 16 years ago

Gomez was screaming in horrific pain. He felt his ribs crunbling in his body. The marines went from resting to immediate fear. They aimed there guns at their fellow marine but couldn't shoot. Ethers and Frost tried to assist Gomez but his screams of fear just grew louder. "What the hell is happening to him."
Destebro asked.
"Shut the hell up and help us!" Frost demanded.
Destebro sprinted over to Gomez, " Tou're gonna be just fine Gomez" Destebro assured. Gomez grabbed Destebro's throat throbbing him back and forth, KILL MEEEEEEEEEE!!" Gomez screeched. Within seconds a small creature bursted its way straight there his rib cage killing him instantly. The soldiers started to shoot wrecklessly at the creature hoping for a lucky hit. They were not successful.

Destebro knelt next to Gomez' body. He felt horrible but yet angry in a cruel way. Why the hell would he strangle me, we were best friends." Destebro moaned.
"I don't know but we will figure this out," Frost reassured him.
Do you think that had to do with something with all those eggs? Ethers asked.
Frost shrudded his shoulders in a response, Possibly?"
"Okay soldiers lets move out."Ethers shouted.
Yes sir", everybody responded simultaneously.
In a corresponding chamber stood three monstrous hunters by the names of Xerax, Zenwi Sai, and Yeyinde Nih'koute. "Nain-de Thwei," Xerax roared. All three roared in excitement. The three were surrounded by dead marine bodies. Yeyinde Nih'koute bent down tore out the skull of a dead marine and held it up to his brethren. "Nain-de Thwei" followed by a sick laugh.
Xerax switched to thermal vision and saw the last marine in the group. The hunters cloaked themselves and steathily followed behind their prey desperately waiting for a challenge. "Do you hear that?" Destebro asked.
"What What? Hear What?" Pvt. Johnson panicked.
"I'm kidding" Destebro replied.
"Fuck you you're not funny Destebro." Ethers told him.
"Fine, fuckin asshole Destebro muttered to himself."
The Predators started to approach dramatically close to the soldiers. Holy shit did you hear that guys? Destebro shouted.
"Shut up Destebro its not funny." Frost responded.
No really its not a joke guys. I'm serious! he said.
Frost turned to see Yeyinde Nih'koute standing directly behind Destebro.

"Guys get outta here I'll try to hold him off, don't worry bout me!" Destebro shouted in a heoic matter, or not so heroic. Come over you ugly asshole," Destebro shouted trying to be intimidating. He tried to shoot as rapidly as he could but he just wasn't doing any damage. He was running short on ammo and just kept shooting and cursing. Finally it came to his last bullet he shot hitting Yeyinde Nih'koute but the Predator just kept moving as if nothing happened. Destebro used some of the flame thrower it didn't do anything. "Jesus What the Fuck are you!?" Destebro screamed and pulled a large sword from his holster as his last hope. Destebro took a slash across Yeyinde Nih'koute chest doing some damage. But the Predator grabbed Destebro by the throat hoisting him up in the air. You are one ugly mother Fuhhh"
Yeyinde Nih'koute thrusted his wristblades directly through Destebro's chest killing him before he could finish his last word. The Predator dropped his prey's dead body flat on the solid floor. Nih'Koute placed one foot on Destebro's lower back. The hunter gripped one hand on the marine's head Two of the jagged wristblades drew back tearing the marines head and spinal column severed from his body. The only thing able to be seen was the shining red glow from the blood of the severed skull. The marines stood grouped together.

"Where is Destebro?" a marine asked.
Ethers frowned in a silent response. Hours passed by like minutes.
"Oh shit," he said. The marines heard loud pounding. But it evantually stopped immediately. "Why did it stop?" Frost asked. Costant hissing filled the silence once more. A large alpha of these jet black creatures stood in front hissing revealing its teeth. He was preparing to charge. This monstrous creature went by the name of Rayne. Two warriors stood behind him Venom and another by the name of Devestator stayed in a dark corner out of site. Rayne hissed to his fellow warriors and they made their way. The other two hunters Xerax and Zenwi Sai roared in response to a challenge. The monstrous creatures clashed together in haste. But the marines screamed in a helpless manner....

Lone_Hunter2, Yautja, 16 years ago

in the words of Eric Cartman "KKKKICK ASS! THAT WAS AN AWSOME CHAPTER. defintaly worth the wait good job SS can't wait for the next one.

ScarredShadow, Yautja, 16 years ago

Thanks mate I was mostly sorry to you I saw your post before. I saw you were anxious to read it. lol. So yeah there it was. But again thanks mate.

Lone_Hunter2, Yautja, 16 years ago

No worries mate.

ScarredShadow, Yautja, 16 years ago

Alright thats good I got to see who is gonna be the main charactes=rs next passage. Oh yeah just out of curiousity what clan are you in.