He comes here every two days to feed.

Karo, Yautja, 16 years ago

- Target one is on the roof.
- It's taken us two weeks to learn his patterns.

He comes here every two days to feed.

- Seems he has a taste for beef.
- I didn't think he was vegetarian.

I was watching Predator 2 on tv tonight and I had forgotten the fact that the Predator was tracked to the slaughter houses where it was apparently eating beef. This just struck me as interesting because the idea of a dietary schedule for a Predator is never touched upon in the other films, to my knowledge anyway. Any thoughts?

black_warrior, Yautja, 16 years ago

Preds need to eat like anything else, but they probably are able to store more of it after eating for later, thats why they can go so long without eating. Or maybe they just pack it in a bag like to-go.

Solo_Predv2, Yautja, 16 years ago

hmmmm well im remembering a topic from a little wile back and it was a discussiion about what the Predator is warm blooded or cold blooded, something like that and people where saying it was kinda like a lizard if i remember correctly and to back up that thought is the two week diet thing, most reptiles digets food really slowly so mabey it is reptilian humanoid or something.

Karo, Yautja, 16 years ago

Yeah, what interested me was the fact that its highly unprocessed raw meat. Beef in fact haha and it just keeps coming back for more.

Solo_Predv2, Yautja, 16 years ago

Mabey that hints something about their homeworld. Mabey they eat unprossesd meat or something. That, or they have a type of food souce (meat) that tastes like beef and they have study'd Earth for there edible products.

black_warrior, Yautja, 16 years ago

Maybe what Solo said, or maybe they're bodies can tolerate raw unprocessed meat and not get sick like humans.

I would think if preds are so advanced then they would eat cooked meat normally if they were ont he homeworld.....