AvP 3 Hijinks!

assassin, Undefined, 15 years ago

Fellow patrons of aliensvspredator2.com!

It has recently come to my attention that certain parties within 20th Century Fox have begun negotiations to begin production of the third entry in their financially successful but critically maligned “Alien vs. Predator†film franchise.

I believe it would be rather droll if we were to discuss various aspects of the production. I shall begin:

Do you suppose there will be titties?

DeathWraith, Undefined, 15 years ago

I thought you were done with this kind of shit.

Deathdrop, Undefined, 15 years ago

Pray to whatever gods you worship AvP3 doesn't happen.

-Bloo-, Undefined, 15 years ago

I'm confused. Is this about the horrible idea of a third AVP film or Assassin liking his prey well-done?

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Undefined, 15 years ago

Both, mate. Both.

Deathdrop, Undefined, 15 years ago

It's clearly about AvP3. Didn't you read his beautifuly written first post?

Anyway, I think AvP3 would be fine WITHOUT titties, but I wouldn't be so bold as to complain about their inclusion.

In all seriousness (as if) my only hope is that they keep the ole' BS far, far away from this. If they REALLY wanted to shake things up, they'd bring in someone like Warren Ellis to write it. Now THAT would be interesting...

DeathWraith, Undefined, 15 years ago

Oh, well this looks much better now.

I suppose there will not only be titties, but many a variation of breasts belonging to different species. Personally i'd like to see a scene where an alien brushes his teeth with Colgate.

Deathdrop, Undefined, 14 years ago

Suppose, however, that an Alien attempted to floss?

DEATHSTALKER, Undefined, 14 years ago

or a alien and a pred attemting to make a kid the old fashion way

Deathdrop, Undefined, 14 years ago

I'd like to see them discuss their differences over tea.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 14 years ago

"attemting to make a kid the old fashion way"

There's a "new fashion way"?

DEATHSTALKER, Undefined, 14 years ago

well i meant not shoving somthing down someone's throat like in avp 1-2

DeathWraith, Undefined, 14 years ago

Ah, i see what you did there.

assassin, Undefined, 14 years ago

dd it has come to my attention that your gay

DEATHSTALKER, Undefined, 14 years ago

thats very colerfull

(dd delete assassins post please)

DeathWraith, Undefined, 14 years ago

That looks a bit over the line :\ Talking about his gay and not finishing the sentence...

assassin, Undefined, 14 years ago

really you think that

DeathWraith, Undefined, 14 years ago

Indeed i do, young homophobe!

Deathdrop, Undefined, 14 years ago

(this is the second time I've made this joke, but...)


In all seriousness, my sexual orientation is not something I'm ready to disclose on an ALIEN VS. PREDATOR forum.

Really, how do you even know I am who I say I am? I could be the President for all you know, and that means I'm getting Michelle Obama in the Linclon bedroom every night. BE JEALOUS.

I could be a 7-year old boy. I could be a 50 year old woman. I could be a spy for Fox. I could be an extraterrestrial screwing around with you silly Earthlings.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 14 years ago

I'd like to see that scene in AvP3, in the event that it were created (trying to stay on topic here).

Deathdrop, Undefined, 14 years ago

Obama cameo? Like:

GENERAL: Mr. President! The aliens have escaped the-

OBAMA: When Air Force One is a-rocking, your pale ass does not KNOCK!

... On second thought, I want this movie to be made.