PREDATORv2, Yautja, 11 years ago


tawganator, Yautja, 11 years ago

I've always had a crazy idea that the Jockeys just traded with the Predators. Like Alien eggs for resources and services such as escorting them from one place to another as bodyguards or something.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 11 years ago

@DD: I don't remember if Aliens and Predators were ever in the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, which is the shit.

@Pv2: Search you heart, you know it to be true. Also Leia's your sister, I'm bald, etc.

@Tawg: That's like a less sexy Space Pocahontas that has its vagina on its face.

Your theory isn't so ridiculous considering everything else we've seen, but I'm sorry that this was the first thing that popped up in my head.

Spacial_flux, Yautja, 11 years ago

I think it's pretty much well established that Space Jockys/Enginere's have been around the longest. I think that postulating that they need anything from predators at all limits there status in both universes. Obviously they are genetically superior, and are of a more pristine DNA, and have mastered that sort of engineering.
Crossovers and the like, just because a poor movie is made doesn't mean that the they have nothing to do with each other, or Alien resurrection would have invalidated the entire series. We just have to deal with what we have. The moment James Cameron allowed the Alien skull to be mounted in the trophy room of the predators ship, the two universes came togeather, and when the movie cane out, it was solidified. Obviously the movie version of the Steven and Stephanie perry book prey would have been, a better story. Which goes along with the comic books.
That black liquid in Prometheus is a mechanism for alot of speculation on what could happen, and how things are the way they are. Its more probable that Predators we're early creations of the engineers, or that they are independant completely. There are several similarities between both, Intellegence, size, strength, apparent insignificance of humans, lifespan, space faring. Even if and this is speculation they are just 50,000yrs older than humans, engineers have been around for billions, and Predators have a sorta one track mind everything they do is for the hunt if to improve the hunt. Since clear connections have been made between both series , citing movies and comic books, and Fox owns the rights, I see no reason to refrain from artistic speculation.


-Bloo-, Yautja, 11 years ago

We didn't say it was completely impossibly to link the three franchises. In fact, if you look beyond just this thread, you'll see that we crossed that bridge miles ago.

It's just that... many of us prefer to keep AVP out of this.

ragnarok521, Yautja, 11 years ago

The idea of space jockey vs the others I think it will pretty cool , but the name is very long ...

Ptt: supersonicman your sig is awesome !


daveberg, Yautja, 11 years ago

All Vs movies should be aborted. I have nothing more to say on the matter.

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 11 years ago

"....Since clear connections have been made between both series , citing movies and comic books, and Fox owns the rights, I see no reason to refrain from artistic speculation."

No speculation will be allowed and those that attempt to do so, shall be burned as heretics!

-Bloo-, Yautja, 11 years ago

What? We won't have politics up in this bitch, and we certainly won't have heretics!

My people!

Gather 'round, noblemen! The time as come yet again when history feels necessary to repeat itself and bring about the suggestion of a blasphemer's invention! Do we head? My horse says neigh, and we shall do the same time and again!

To integrate a perfect world into that of a savages' is just... I can't even... Imagine! The first president, Ridley Scott, and the 16th, James Cameron, would surely take these suggestions for franchise-crossing and shove them back up our vaginas through our assholes! They did so when the French (briefly - and sadly) took over and attempted their nation's resurrection, and they'll do it again! Do we want that? Do you want that?

When I say fuck, you say NO!

Admittedly, my peers and brothers, the opposition has come back with something of a complex and somewhat reasoning mouth. Yet a mouth no doubt destined for our nation's shlong in the end! (But which end? To no end!)

Sisters. Brothers. My family. Consider the fact that the first few versions of the Matrix were not ready. Do you think it will be ready now, especially without a viable leader in the destruction's wake?

My horse bellows and spits!

For you, I have nothing left to say on the matter, except...


Dark, Yautja, 11 years ago

Preds probably would win as even though the jockeys ahve bioweapons preds have cloaking and plasma, plasma will destroy the bioweapons and the cloaking puts pressure on them as they have to keep constant lookout.

tawganator, Yautja, 11 years ago

I'm amazed this is still going.

alienxeno, Yautja, 11 years ago

.............avp is NOT trash.all avp things yell i forgot the NES avp is trash in poop.really it makes poop look good.....

alienxeno, Yautja, 11 years ago they did not.else they would not fight the aliens.they made THE XENOMORPH!

-Bloo-, Yautja, 11 years ago

Okay, sure, maybe it's not exactly the steaming pile of blended horse ass that we all make it out to be, but someone slap me in the scrotum if it isn't close.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 11 years ago

Alienxeno, please put a space after the end of one sentence and capitalize the first letter of the next one. Your posts are really hard to read.

tawganator, Yautja, 11 years ago

^ Seconded.

Titulus12, Yautja, 11 years ago

Xenos are made by octopuses.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 11 years ago

^ I'm sensing a theme here.

xCxToastxCx, Yautja, 11 years ago

ok the two massive franchises were supposed to come together. if anyone remembers correctly the first glimpse of them coming together was in the predator 2 movie. when danny glover jumped into the predator ship on the wall was the skull of a Xeno. this was the first hint in hollywood that the series was coming. i dont understand why people are against the AVP franchise. its a great one. it clears up the air about why the predator was here in the first place. i do however agree that the AVP franchise kind of flopped a little with the hybrid and very little known about the predator homeworld. couldnt this be that movie that is sort of answering the questions that are asked here? maybe the engineers are in fact the predators. in the newest predators movie its explained that the bigger ones hunt the little ones. the blood feud. perhaps the engineers are the bigger predators and created a weapon to win the feud? it would also answer as to why the predators were hunting the aliens in the pirst AVP. maybe to keep training up? either way the movies do all tie in together. just when alien first came out hollywood wasnt throwing out hints if you wanted a hint you had to read the books. maybe in prometheus 2 we actually get to see the predator home world. it kind of looks like it at the end of the first one.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 11 years ago

Cows are nice.
Jam is nice.
Therefore, cows are jam.

Edit: Okay, so what the hell I was going on about was that just because a Xeno skull was in a Predator movie doesn't automatically officially link the two franchises. It was an Easter egg at most.