Anyone here have it rough?

Pred_Killer, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Anybody here grow up in a rather violent environment, like abusive parents/step-parents, or get bullied everyday? Anyone here never really get what they deserve, or have to fight for it to get it, or is constantly alone with nobody on their side, and it seems like the only way out is suicide?

No reason to keep it to your self, I am sure we are mature enough to respect others' situations, this thread is sorta just where you let it all out, I won't judge anyone.

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Well I don't suffer any of the unfortunate moments or events in life you have listed but I must say I think It's a very nice thing for you to care about what happens to other people, Pred killer.

Oh wait I don't think I've introduced myself, Hello I'm Gaunt member of the Hive. I'd just like to point out one thing, Some people may not wan't to talk about what happens to them, Abuse can completly change how you act and think so please respect them if they don't wan't to talk about It.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

I grew up in an unstable apartment. The rats were fucking huge. The water was bad so if I cried myself to sleep I'd have to save the tears for something to drink in the morning.

Plus, you know, I was taught the sound of rapid gunfire and people screaming was just the invisible roller coaster and construction area nearby.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

I'm pretty rich and spoiled and have a great girlfriend whom i love, i've been just naturally hateful of humanity for a short 11 years or so (since i was 6), i still don't like people that much, but i do try, because i love a girl who loves people and i can't afford the confort of having absolutely no compassion for any human being anymore without discrimination. That doesn't stop me from manipulating their sheep-like minds into agreeing with me, but i try to regard other humans as actual sentient beings nowadays. I plan on living 350 years and i WAS planning on killing every last human on Earth because Michael Jackson inspired me to do so, but now obviously, i'll have to change those life plans and i'm still thinking what the hell i could do in 350 years of life.

Also, i am a self-educated pantheist. It is the opposite of the easy way out, which people like to call atheism.

predatoress, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

I don't see how this has to do with avp but...

I grew up as sensitive girl in alcoholic family where fights were every week's show. I didn't have much friends 'cos I was weird and too intelligent at my age and I succeeded at school without studying. I got along with animals very well, and final shot to my trust in people was when my "best friend" and brother stabbed me in the back by lying.

Of the god issue, believe it or not I was in church choir and shit until I realized nobody cared a crap. Imaginary friends the least<<

So now, I'm even more weird, cynical bitch who doesn't trust in people until they've really proven to be trustworthy. I also have a "thing" with men as I tend to physically hurt them if they get too close. I'm also very suspicious on everyone. There's also lots of other happenings which have affected to my personality and sometimes I wonder should I see a shrink lol 4 years ago I was pretty much ok when I got 300 km away from my family.

Either way, I'm happy to have one truly trustworthy person in my life I love and respect from the bottom of my heart. I don't know weather I would've survive this long with my demons without him.

MrXeno, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Hi everybody, I'm Mr. Xeno. And I'm an alcoholic! Well not really, i just thought it would fit here...

Anyway, I have it rough because I got this annoying neighbour who really don't give a shit about us other people living near them. For example, they have been working on their garden for 2 years to make it into a master piece, and they usually start their machines from 7:00 am at the morning and stops working late in the evening or even at midnight.

And even if they know that the whole neighbourhood hates them, who really wish to have at least some days with peace, they really don't give a shit at all. Even when we have called the cops and the housing department, since what they do is illegal.
All they did was to increase the noise and threaten to sue everyone who tries to stop them, whom they did to their former neighbours at some other places before being kicked out.

Although their house and even their garden was heavily damaged this summer after a waterspout, I must say that was the best day of my life even if my own home was somewhat damaged as well. But how can you resist laughing of that when seeing the roof of your bastard neighbour being ripped open, while all the expensive trees they have planted are broken into pieces, eh?

Oh yeah, I also suffer from migraine a lot, so I might have to have a surgery against that. But whatever.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

I was born with a third eye.

Pred_Killer, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

I grew up in a poor family, my dad, my real one, constantly abused my mom, like if he didn't like her cooking he would smash the plate on the wall, in arguments he would hit her, scream in her face. Eventually she got a divorce and we lived in run-down crappy apartments most of the time, most of my Mom's boyfriends over the years, were quiet abusive, particularly to me, one even hit me in the face and called me a bitch.

When I was 9 I fell off a 40 foot cliff, landed on my back in water, I almost suffocated, had breathing problems ever since. For the next 5 years or so I tried to make good friends with my close friend Jon, who was like a brother to me, but he decided it would be better if he acted like a spoiled child and break my stuff and bully me, so I ended that friendship, so his mom and my mom, who'd known each other since highschool, have been having problems. On the internet, I don't think I've had one solid community except Halo 2/3 Boards that I could call home because, well, I never really fit in, people didn't like the way I thought, and it got me banned at several forums for the past 2 years, one guy even pissed me off so bad I almost hated myself and contemplated suicide (pathetic I know),

eventually he found out I did have friends, and corrupted them against me, until I had nobody, eventually I did build a site, but it was destroyed by his hacker friends, and those who were still loyal to me eventually turned to his side as well. Then later that year I tried to make friends with this prep named Kyle, everything seemed fine, until he sucker-punched me and gave me a nose bleed, me and my stupid self didn't hold it over the trashcan, so there was blood everywhere, and then we got into a fist fight afterward and he ran off, everyone thought he beat me up during the fight, which is a lie, and always will be, and he gained momentum off of it and spread lies some more to gain popularity.

So I try not to dwindle on the past, and look forward to the future, probably going to become a writer/concept artist one day. And me personally I'm Agnostic/Thiest, pretty much going to let that spot fill itself. But I'm glad you guys were feeling open enough to share this.

Oh and remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

I witnessed a rape. A rape committed on consumers when gas prices went up, that is.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

I... HATE... people... who don't... respect... THEIR WIVES!!!

Leandros88, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

oh bloo i know that rape so well now. anyways my dad left us for some stripper and now we have almost no money, everyone at school is a bitch, well most of them and life sucks cuz whenever something can go wrong it makes me think it hasn't till the last second, then it finds a worse way to go wrong.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

My homeland has been pillaged by soldiers of the war. My parents died and I was never liked because I have a demon's soul in my body. My cat ears didn't help either. I have a giant sword anyone else wouldn't be capable of holding. The fact that my catch phrase is the most annoying thing in the world landed me roles in plays as the most annoying thing in the world.

People are racist. But I showed them when I saved the world as the super ninja samurai animal training half demon wolf hero when I defeated my twin who was going to explode the world.

But my success didn't last when it was found out that he was actually just trying to come up with a cure for cancer and I was imprisoned, further disliked by not just everyone I knew but people around the world.

I have naturally spikey pink hair and am anatomically incorrect, especially my smile which stretches across from the side of my eye to the back of my ear because some Japanese guy though it would be kawaii.

I'm also totally not making this up. For serious. I will bet you you son of a bitch.

Stalker, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

It sounds like you're having a hard time there, Bloo.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

It's been so bad that crap equals normal and normal equals holy shit, is this for real? You can only imagine what it'd be like if I ever witnessed the actual holy shit, is this for real?

Just yesterday I drank normal water and I went apeshit over the stuff.

Yeah, but that's just life for you, I guess. Though it'd be nothing if I was born seven centuries ago. I mean, those guys were living some life, am I right?

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

I will not reveal any of my life storys, I don't really have any bad ones.
These storys are so ... sad.
I can't describe what I think about some of these situations, They are horrific.

I wish no disrespect to anyone who has exsperienced these ... situations this is my personal feeling.
A human the dominant spieces on earth, With a mind of evil and corruption ... sigh =(

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Humans are not the dominant species, ants are.

delta-boy, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Fucking ants...

shadowatching, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Been called names? check

Even by parents?! Double check

Smacked by the belt/grounded/smacked by (step)parent? triple Check

My life....pricelessly sucks.

How to survive, have a sense of humor.

I can raise the stakes if you wish.

How about getting out of a coma and being blamed for your brother's lack of Christmas? Yep, been there too.

predator428, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Ants aint got nothing on BEES!

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Shadow, what you described there was so seriously... the averege life of any kid in the world. Except the coma part, but being blamed for your siblings' lack of stuff is also normal. Stop being such a drama queen.

Deathdrop, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

I've got a bit of a stomach ache right now if that counts...

If things are really that bad at home, I would suggest seeing someone instead of talking about it on the internet. I'm not bashing, just trying to help.

(This messege brought to you by Naked Mole Rats, which will one dat rise up and destroy you all)