assassin, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

wait what do you mean dd?

shadowatching, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

You do know, that smoking isn't allowed in certain bars. LOL haha.

Stalker, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Ok guys, time to cheer up. Let's all listen to the grooving sounds of Bobby McFerrin and smile together.

Or if you really want to get in the mood, Darth Vader.

predatoress, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

"You do know, that smoking isn't allowed in certain bars."

In Finland we got a law against smoking in bars except for the rooms especially built for that purpose (with good AC). Would suck to go outdoors in -25 degrees of Celsius to smoke lol (Good thing for us non-smokers)

MrXeno, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

In my great totalitarian country Norway, it's not allowed to smoke anywhere except on the outside or inside your home of course.

Though some bars have made tiny smoking rooms which looks like a phone booth with a fan inside to carry away the smoke. And people on the outside can look at the smoker and point while laughing at them.

Either way, remember that smokers are people too... Just not for very long that is...

predatoress, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Sounds like fun! lol

I think the new law was good for the health of bar workers as well as non-smokers as they don't have to suffer from passive smoking anymore. At least I hated to go to club or bar when your clothes smelled like shit afterwards without speaking of having the smoke cough even you wouldn't have smoked at all.

(This went OT though...)

Deathdrop, Xenomorph, 14 years ago


If you didn't get it, my explaining it probably won't help.