shadowatching, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Drama? If you want drama you can listen tot he shit i have to listen to. Malus's life is drama, the princess of drama.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

However much of a princess Malus may be, you are still the queen.

MrXeno, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Dear Shadowatching... Why putting the spotlight on someone else when you got the attention you wanted?

Who gives a flying fu*k of who whines most anyway?
Talking behind other's back is childish like hell.

Perhaps this thread should be locked.

Pred_Killer, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Hey, hey! Guys. I made this thread with this assumption that we would be mature enough to respect others' situations, please stop the h8


DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Really though, shadow, i've told you before, you should stop whining so much and learn to enjoy life, being called names is nothing uncommon and definitely nothing to get upset about, all you need for people to respect you is to demand that respect with confidence. I really don't understand how you can work as a bouncer if you start crying like a baby at the first of hostility ON THE INTERNET! Get a fucking grip, your life's not bad, it's above averege, stop complaining. I know people who live on the street or in sewers and don't complain as much as you.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

None of my stories were actually true, if you couldn't tell already. Well, except for saving the world.

The closest thing I ever came to "the rough life" was when the dog ran away, but then came back an hour later. I don't suppose I can count the time I fell down half a flight of really short stairs.

Oh, but I didn't start dragon kung fu until I was 12 when I wanted to start at 8.

I honestly think things like this are a bit ridiculous. We're spilling everything bad that allegedly happened to us as if everyone on the website should care.

I mean sure it makes for interesting discussion... just... when half the people who have posted in this thread say their lives suck I being to wonder if it's true.

I suppose most of my hate for serious discussions like this comes from the fact that on every manga or video game-related website I've been on, every fucking person has had a crap life. And they talk about whose life is worse. Who deserves the most, "Oh, I'm sorry! <<<3 :3" As if anyone gives a flying shit.

I'm not insulting anyone here, just the topic at hand.

shadowatching, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

hahahaha, i take that hostility to my work and kick guys ass's, that's why i love my job. I get to kick the ass of men and kick them out of the establishment as they hold their tail whimpering wanting to come back in.


Pred_Killer, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

I assure you, I care, I am a good person, unfortunately I am not often percieved as such, as you can tell from my 'post' (which, I also assure you, is 100% true), so what if nobody else cares, as long as 'somebody' cares is all that really matters.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

I'm not saying any of you are liars, but I have no proof stating otherwise, either.

The reason I hate these discussions is because it has potential to turn into a huge whine fest, which ends up boiling into one of the biggest lame-come-back-filled flame wars the internet will ever offer.

And to tell you the truth, they remind me of bad anime plots. In fact I think aspiring cartoonists who are desperate enough actually visit internet forums in hopes of finding a topic like this.

I know I'm not showing any side of my intelligence here; it's mostly opinion based purely on emotion. And when it comes down to that I'm afraid I'm not too good on getting my point/thoughts across.

predatoress, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

I think it was a nice gesture of Pred Killer to start this topic. I mean, usually people tells what good things have happened to them. But it's the bad things that usually makes you to grow into the person you are now (except for Wraith). It is also good to project your life through your past and understand the shifts, weather it is of writing a diary or writing it on anonymous forum.

And at least I thought this was the last forum to be asked such question, 'cos seriously nobody gives a crap in here even they seem friendly.

I honestly felt physical pain when reading Pred Killer's post but it's 'cos I can relate to such situations and feel empathy towards what people have seriously gone through in real life. Of course, if you've never been in such situations and had somewhat normal family life, you have no idea how much it hurts to have your parents, who should be the most trustworthy people in young man's/woman's life, breaking that trust by either hitting, blaming you or just acting like common idiots on every weekend. Without speaking of your friends. It does make you cold and hate life. I'm surprised Pred Killer have been able to gone through that and still be nice. I have to raise my hat... I mean my mask to that.

You also can tell your story with mature manner and not expect any kisses and hearts and cuddlybuns 'cos they don't help a shit and some of us have adapted to the situation of having (or had) bad life. You read too much manga forums lol

"when half the people who have posted in this thread say their lives suck I being to wonder if it's true."

Seriously, what did you expect when opening this topic? lol

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

There is something different this time around. I mean, no one started speaking about their personal just randomly. ...I guess.

Still, I'm not a fan of spewing out personal problems and life stories and feeling bad for each other, only for it to really just end there.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Oh i think you are a fan. Because fans don't have feelings. They're just... rotating... inanimate objects. >:(

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

After reading the last few posts I have really been able to think, Pred Killer your a nice guy, That's a good thing and I can understand.

If I were abused I wouldn't get myself consumed by hate and anger I'd try to make sure It never happens to anyone I know in the future.

And I hope that no one here suffers ANYMORE ... God I would really pity someone if they were suffering right now ...

Abuse It makes me sick ...

shadowatching, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Life is suffering, haven't you figured that out yet?

MrXeno, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

One more word from you...

Namicole, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Oh I wanna add my whine! :D

This is in Chronilogical (I just raped that word didn't I?) order.

I was born. And it was fine I guess, and as many of you could have guessed I can't remember early life to well. The time when I really started to remember things was in Second Grade. I don't know what happened, Something in my mom's brain broke and she would just randomelly flare up in rage. Second Grade was probably one of the hardest years of my life, A standerd night consisted off Watching her scream at my dad until he broke into tears, and then laugh as he ran to his room. Then having her yell at Me until I broke out into tears (Which is rather easy seeing as how I'm easy to make cry, and second-grade me was REALLY easy to make cry.) and ran to my room, uas she laughed at me. And seeing as how I don't feel like writing a long rant, Screw Chronglogical Order. immah Just list stuff now.

Mother Abused me.

Went to school full of (If your Latino/Mexican whatever, you might not want to read this if your easilly offended.) Mexicans, who, unfortunately didn't like white people. I be White. So..
Mugged everyday (I learned not to bring anything of value to school.)

Called names everyday

Tried to commit suicide by jumping in front of a car, It swerved and just fucked up my legs a bit >.<

Tried to start cutting, but i'm to much of a pussy to cut, it hurts to bad. So I usually took a knife and stabbed instead of cut, making little bleeding holes.
Tried to slit my throat, but failed.

Snuck up on my dad with a knife, and thought about slitting his throat. (Best part is, I don't have any problem with my dad, I was just so fucked up mentally, I guess I felt the urge to kill him? >.o)

Fell in Love (Yup, You know where THIS is going.)

Had parents cut off all contact with her.

So yeah... o.0

assassin, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

from what ive been reading shodow you have it prety good but i dont now if you could cunsider being aruond people who smoke is relly bad but thats what i think

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Astro Boy.



Okay, now I'm really living the rough life.

Namicole, Xenomorph, 14 years ago



Deathdrop, Xenomorph, 14 years ago

Assassin wins the entire thread.