predatoress, Undefined, 18 years ago


I found this on Finnish yautja -site:

On their first hunting trip young yautjas are with more experienced hunter. Almost always the first object is xenomorph(Kainde Amedha) because hunting human (Pyode Amedha) is strictly forbidden when yautja still is unblooded. And when the yautja have killed his first prey he become young blood.
On the ordinary hunt they have always a hierarchy. They travel to planets in groups (clans) but they'll separate when they get there and then hunts alone. On every hunt there's an Alpha Hunter who leads the group.

To the living we owe respect. But to death we owe only the truth. -Voltaire-

Drake, Undefined, 18 years ago

hey predatoress how many kills have you got. oh by the whay i hope u guys treat Xenomorph players whith respect. i now first hand what they can do to even the most experinced pred or human.

predatoress, Undefined, 18 years ago

Yes, I think that too. Well, all the directors are men and it don`t look like cool, if a female kicks men`s ass;) It would make them seem weaker and the rough guys would seem as a punch of chickens.

Well, I`d like that...;)

I now it`s a mans world but this female don`t give a damn about it.
Kill for honor. Die for duty.
Live for the thrill of the hunt.

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

predatoress, your gonna love Reading this.

\/Y\/ The Roles of Males and Females in Predator Society

Males live in packs of generally unrelated males.
The males are nomadic in nature. Which suggests that they have no "home territory" of any sort. Their home is what they carry with them. Their ships for example, are the territory that they carry with them. Females how ever live in clans of related females and their children and do have a "home territory".

Daughters stay with their mothers for the protected environment to raise their own children and maintain dominance over their clans territory. A female clan would thus be made of succeeding layers of generations; daughters, mothers, grandmothers etc. It would be easy to consider such a clan would be lead by a single matriarch.

Since females rule over their territory and generally run internal affairs, Predators have a matriarchal society. Rarely does it need to be enforced however, males do not involve themselves with female politics and females are equally uninterested in male socialization.

Should the need to enforce this arise however, the male would not only be against a female physically larger than himself, but also against her sisters, and their mothers and grandmothers etc. The brethren of this unfortunate male would offer no support, only their derision.

Because of the longevity of yautja it is likely that sons live with their mothers for a long time before leaving. Thus it takes a lot of energy to raise a child, and so individual females would probably only have a child every decade or two. They would be very particular about who was to be the father, and perhaps choose favorites. But won't have permanent pair bonds.

This leads to very high competition among males.

In this atmosphere of high competition for breeding rights among males, for it is the male who must attract the female, there are many males who never get the chance to breed. These frustrated males may turn on their subordinates. But the males who do breed have proven themselves by hunting dangerous prey and gaining many impressive trophies. A second windfall of this accomplishment is the admiration of their clan brothers with which they spend most of their time. Basically, males hunt for one reason, status.

It is a Grey area why females would hunt for trophies. Females DO hunt for trophies, but it may be for somewhat different reasons than males. Dominance may certainly be a factor yet I doubt it is the only reason. Perhaps to show their ability to protect their territory, from enemy female clans. Perhaps to show ability in protecting their children, both their own and their sisters. Perhaps just for a laugh. But this is entirely speculation.

To conclude, the role males play in their society, that I have postulated, is keepin outside race from interfering with the internal affairs of theirs. Basically, they intimidate other races into submission to protect their females breeding grounds, plus the fact that it is very amusing to them.

Thus it can be summed up by the phrase;

"Males conquer. Females rule."

And as for Reproduction

\/Y\/ Reproduction

\/Y\/ Mating season

Unlike us who reproduce the whole year round the Yautja seem to have a mating season. This makes sense since males and females live separately most of the time and males are often light years away from home hunting on other planets.
But there is something strange about this since both males and females are capable of reproducing outside the mating season. Normally creatures who have a mating season can only reproduce during the mating season. Yautja it seems can reproduce the whole year round but wont. There are 2 theory's about this behavior.

1. Mating season is part of there culture and is sustain for religious reasons or for the sake of tradition.
2. Mating season is simply convenient because of the earlier mentioned distances between males and females.
Mating season is a 30 day period which occurs roughly every 400 days.

During the mating season the males try to mate with as much females as they can. The high ranking males will attract enough females just because of there status. The males that are lower in rank will have to fight for there females. This behavior is probably millions of years old. It dates back to a time that the first yautjaoids where beginning to evolve.

It is likely that the flat crests on top of a Yautja's head developed for the purpose of attracting a mate. During mating season a successful male can mate with up to 20 females. This only happens to really successful males these are real top hunters. For the over-all population 2 or 3 females is really a lot. But because of this type of distribution of females a lot of males are left without females. This is also the reason most males don't mate for the first time until they are at least 50 to 60 years old and have acquired a reasonable trophy collection. Some times it doesn't happen at all for instance when a male is seen as unfit for breeding and he is castrated or when the Yautja becomes one of the eta because of dishonor or cowards. Sometimes the lowest hunting males are also unable to acquire a female these frustrated males may turn on their subordinates.

\/Y\/ The Reproduction System

The Yautja male reproduction system is similar to that of a human male.
The female reproduction system differs quite a lot from that of humans. Although the outside appearance of the female reproductive organs is similar to that of a human. The inner workings are quite different. Although Yautja give live birth the babies develop in an egg like structure. A similar type of reproduction implied by some snakes which hatch there eggs inside there bodies. This type of reproduction is called ovoviviparous (Ovoviviparous having non-shelled eggs which hatch internally of the female.)

In yautja this type of reproduction has evolved it self into something much more specialized then just the hatching of an egg inside the body.

On the ovary only one egg at a time ripens. It takes 40 and the egg will be ready to be fertilized for the next 70 days. Although the egg is ripe and ready to be fertilized it is not jet fully grown, It will only grow to its full size when it its fertilized. The egg is fertilized whilst still on the ovary which will allow it to develop further. When the egg is fertilized the yoke which will have to support the growing yautja fetus, starts to grow in mass. The next 80 days will be crucial. In this period of time the yoke grows to its full size and the fertilized egg starts to develop into a fetus. In the mean while the walls of the "womb" start to produce a thick coating of most holding slime and blood vessels. This coating will later on provide the growing fetus with oxygen and fluids and a means of removing the carbondioxide and other waste products. Before this time the egg gets its oxygen and water from the egg white. After the first 80 days the egg has grown to its full size and detaches it's self from the ovary. The womb coating will cover it completely within days. The fertilized egg as now become an embryo and the basic shape of the yautja has revealed it's self. The embryo is attached to the yoke by an umbilical cord it will get its food from here for the next months. From now on the embryo will keep growing until it has become a baby ready to be born.

Nearing birth the yoke has shrunk to the size of a Ping-Pong ball although it isn't round. In the next few hours the yoke will merge with the embryo's abdomen. When the child is born the yoke can still be seen as a small elongated bump on the stomach with a slightly different color as the rest of the body.

This type of reproduction has definite advantages over actually laying eggs. The eggs can grow much larger because they don't need a hard shell. The yoke can grow much larger because the amount of egg white needed is reduced immensely. The womb coating provides the oxygen and water that used to be provided by the egg white.

Blood Seeker is equipped with standard Predator armor, 1 small wristblade, 1 Naginata, and a small Plasmacastor.

predatoress, Undefined, 18 years ago

What kind of relations are with Hunter`s Moon and Balatu? I mean does they fight against the others or are they in the same side? Can they made alliances for example with humans? And I would want to know how many members there are each of the clans.

Thou who come into my way shalt die.

predatoress, Undefined, 18 years ago

Well, I have been mixing up the guys a little bit;) Yes, I'm new in here and I want to know everything about everything.

Thou who come into my way shalt die.

loki357134, Undefined, 18 years ago

I have not ben here an a long time so what has be going on.

Pulse rifles,Sentry Guns, Grenade, Flame thrower

daveberg, Undefined, 18 years ago

Interesting question, and one i can't really fully answer (*everyone cheers as smart mouthed daveberg is left speechless...*)

I'm sure that the clans would have some sort of interaction or competition with eachother. Anyone else care to share....

darkness of acheron

The_Reverand, Undefined, 18 years ago
great resource, but it mentions there that they mate.

To Die in Battle Is too Die with Honour
To Die without a Cause is too die for Nothing
- Semper Fi

predatoress, Undefined, 18 years ago

Well, different clans have their own traditions. I've heard that too what Solo said.

~What the hell are you?!!~