Elimination of Dilution: Pv2 Vs DeathWraith

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 13 years ago

Predatorv2 unwaveringly stood glaring at the barren landscape that surrounded him, the earth and rock was scorched black from the generations of fighting. This planet was an empty rock, barely habitable. The species who once thrived here had been long since extinct from years of continual war with the yautja race. The planet now controlled by the yautja was used as a sparring planet, with a harsh atmosphere and climate it is the perfect place for wouldbe warriors to train and better themselves.

This would be the setting in which Predatorv2 would face his vile opponent. A hybrid of human an alien, a deadly creature in its own right. However DeathWraith's reign of irritation for the yautja race would end here and now. Predatorv2 waited for his opponents arrival....

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

DeathWraith - also known as Xeuss by the few people who ever talked to him - arrived in a shuttle at the designated location that would be the scene of a most likely fatal duel between him and the senior yautja warrior known as PREDATORv2. As honorable as a fight to the death might be, DeathWraith cared more about his own survival more than about his respected opponent's satisfaction, so whoever thought that his reign of irritation for the yautja race would end there and then... was wrong. During his years of leading a pariah organization of bad bloods and rejects he had learned to avoid death simply through cloning himself after he is killed. For this special occasion, he thought it would cautious to leave some of his DNA back with his ship for reconstruction, so he was looking foreward to either winning or losing.

As he stepped out of the shuttle, the took a deep breath and raised his fist high in the air, saluting any yautja that might have been watching him. There was little oxygen, but he did not need much. Such were the advantages of being the best of his kind, the only combination between xenomorph and human ever deemed "completely successful" by the very people he'd later slaughtered. Wearing his barely translucent black xenomorph skin clothes over his charcoal skin, he looked like a shadow in the arid scenery that would be his arena, impression betrayed only by his silver eyes and white hair showing slightly through the hood on his head. Grabbing his knife with his four fingered hand, DeathWraith began to walk through rocks and ashes, weary of every sound or movement that could signify the presence of a cloaked predator nearby.

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 13 years ago

Predatorv2 watched atop a dirt and gravel dune filled with jagged rocks, as a small shuttle drifted down from the sky. It's engines hissed, stressing to keep the craft level as it's landing cleats touched down on the rocky surface. It was hard to miss the craft making it's entry into this planet's atmosphere, the heat generated from the event lit up the dark sky. The glowing red of the ship's hull slowly faded allowing the darkness to take hold of the land once again. As the tiny shuttle settled, a bright light outlining a shape of a door appeared on the side of the shuttle, the door opened a rush of air and smoke drained from the shuttle's now opened door as it's atmosphere drained out onto the planet.

A figure stepped out of the craft, carefully placing a foot onto the rocky surface, it quickly shot a glance to the left and right, checking it's surroundings. Predatorv2 studied the figure, switching vision modes to get a better fix on it. Oddly enough heat vision didn't seem to track the creature all that well, however Predatorv2's alien vision mode displayed the creature wonderfully. "Humph, damn hybrid." Predatorv2 quietly whispered to himself. The creature then armed itself with a crude looking single bladed knife, and began to walk, as it ventured away from it's shuttle, the door automatically sealed. Predatorv2 activated his cloak, and moved away from his secure spot on the dune, slowly he tracked his enemy staying around 50 or so meters away. He would take pleasure in this hunt, seeing how there was no need to rush.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

The sky was dark, and this was to his enemy's advantage. DeathWraith felt unconfortably human, walking helplessly through the the twilight, knowing he was being watched, but not knowing from where. His eyes pierced through the waves of smoke that came with the wind - reminders of the past battles that had turned this planet into the dead rock he was now treading on. But they were human eyes. Unnaturally drained of pigment as they were, they couldn't see through miles of walls and darkness as those of a xenomorph. The dry clouds above him blocked the vital light that could reveal the shape of something transparent moving in the distance...

DeathWraith stopped. This was not going anywhere. His eyes were not his best ally at that moment, so he closed them. With four fingers still on his knife, he used his remaining five to carefully move the black hood back and off of his white hair, leaving his ears free to acknowledge the vibrations in the air around him. He stood still and listened. For the first few seconds there was only silence, as if the wind itself had stopped blowing in response to the hybrid's motionlessness. And then, just as expected, there it was. Much closer than he had anticipated, the involuntary clicking sound of an excited predator stalking a possible next victim. DeathWraith turned around quicly, ready to block or dodge, but nothing. No blades in his abdomen, no kick in his chest, no blast through the air, no shape in the thin smoke. "So," he said in the best Yautja accent that a human mouth permitted, "are we going to fight, or can i go home?"

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 13 years ago

Predatorv2 was startled by the clarity of the words spoken by his prey: "are we going to fight, or can i go home?". He studied his enemy closely, clicking softly letting him know of his close presence. Predatorv2 only stood 10 meters from his prey, he could tell by DeathWraith's posture that he had not pin pointed his location. "are we going to fight, or can i go home?" Predatorv2 repeated in a distorted voice as he ran the recording through his wrist computer. DeathWraith turned listening, trying to find the origin of the taunt. Predatorv2 began to circle his prey, keeping his distance, making enough noise so DeathWraith could track his movement. Quietly stopping so DeathWraith's back faced him,

Predatorv2 was finished toying with his prey, he raised a clawed finger and disengaged his cloak: crackling and popping sounds of the cloak dying could be heard as his body and location slowly became visible. Roaring Predatorv2 charged his prey, he ejected his wristblades from their gauntlet and raised his left arm to strike!

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

He heard his own words repeated back at him and looked in the general direction of the sound. He saw it, the uneven shape of something that doesn't want you to know it's there, moving slowly around. It was still hard to spot through all the small obstructions that came with the floating with the warmth of the wind, but every so often a slight distortion of the background became obvious. DeathWraith turned to the sound provided by his opponent until he could no longer hear it. From the corner of his eye he saw the bright sparks of a deactivating cloaking field right behind him and prepared for the attack that came at greater speed than he'd expected.

PREDATORv2 was bigger, faster and stronger than him. The hybrid managed to dodge the deadly blades that were coming for his chest, but even the impact of the Yautja's fist with his ribs was enough to spin him in the air, making him drop face first to the ground, with the knife in his left hand ending up in PREDATORv2's foot. He felt the wristblades sink through the muscles in his back, touching his internal organs and in response he grabbed the knife and drove it into the predator's abdomen. The wristblades came out of his back with a loud roar, followed by a kick that threw DeathWraith several meters away from his opponent with the knife still firmly in his hand. "Oh, shit..." he sighed, coughing up some bitter blood.

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 13 years ago

Pressing his palm against the gash on his stomach, slipping his wrist blades back into their gauntlet, Predatorv2 glared at his opponent. His foot burned from the stab wound inflicted there. His blood had started to clot, lessening the amount gushing from his wounds. Predatorv2 shook his head in rage, and stomped towards his prey. Unmoving DeathWraith laid quietly where Predatorv2 had kicked him, carefully watching the knife clutched in his prey's hand. Predatorv2 wrapped his clawed fingers around DeathWraith's ankle apply enough force to try and crush the bones within his grip. Quickly Predatorv2 lifted Deathwraith into the air pivoting on the ball of his foot, he swung his prey around releasing his grip, slamming the foul creature into a outcropping of rocks a couple of meters away.

Roaring, Predatorv2 once again ejected his wrist blades from their gauntlet extending them their full length of 2 feet. He glanced down at his wrist computer and a punched a couple of keys, again the recording played out: "are we going to fight, or can i go home?". It was much more distorted this time, Predatorv2 let loose another intimidating roar and at a distanced awaited his crafty opponent's next move...

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

"Alright... gah... this is getting ridiculous, you might wanna stop repeating that all the time." DeathWraith said, this time in English, while spitting some blood. He was having trouble getting up. His head felt like it was spinning and his insides hurt like he'd just swallowed a spinning electric drill. He knew his skeleton was probably tough enough to withstand many more of those hits, but every other organ in his body was pretty much human. The wristblade wounds on his back felt cold now as the pain sensors in that part of the body were shutting down, but the heavy bleeding hadn't stopped. He hadn't really know what he needed all the blood in his body for, since he only ate and drank as often as once or twice a month, but he knew that the less blood he had, the weaker he got. He turned to face the yautja to find him standing there with half a meter of wristblades on his arm. "What, you're not attacking? You want me to attack?" he asked again in English, while sheathing his knife and coughing up more blood into his now free hand, a little stronger than natural. In fact, so strong that most of it flew through the space where his missing finger once was right onto PREDATORv2's right shoulder and started very slowly burning through his skin.

Taking advantage of this momentary distraction, the hybrid breathlessly took his pistol and tried to place two shots right into the shoulder marked by his own blood. The still ravaging pain in his body did not agree with him and one shot hit the predator's mask, while the other hit his armor, with enough force to knock his head back a bit. This all happened in less than two seconds and the next thing he knew, he was leaping at his opponent with his knife back in his left hand, placing it viciously inside the yautja's corroding shoulder, while his right hand was shooting a 50mm bullet through the knife wound in the enemy's abdomen.

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 13 years ago

Roaring in pain, he was unable to anticipate his oppenant's move quick enough, before he could of reacted in defense the vile creature had shot two rounds into his right sholdier. The vile creature than lept onto Predatorv2 and began stabbing the wound with is obsolet knife. Enraged Predatorv2 felt the adrenalin pumping through his vains, the pain lessened. DeathWraith's face only inches away from his own, Predatorv2 glared through his mask, his eye's burn, in a second he reacted to his attacker. Wraping his large clawed fingers on his right hand around DeathWraith's neck, his clamped down cause the creature to gasp and struggle, stabbing even more viciously not only at his right shoulder and arm, but at his chest, trying to stab vital organs.

Quickly Predatorv2, while his fist still clinched around on the creature's neck spun his opponent over his head and slammed DeathWraith's feeble body down on the ground. With his free arm, Predatorv2 slammed his wristblades into his enemy's lower stomach, so hard that most of the blades past through DeathWraith's body and into the hard rocky soil. He then pulled forward on the wristblades driving them up to the top of DeathWraith's chest, leaving two large gash lines 6 inches long in his opponent's stomach and chest, the wounds surged with blackened blood, Predatorv2 was careful keep his body away from the toxic blood, he watched oppenant struggle...

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

He could not breathe... His lungs were badly punctured. He couldn't feel his body violently shaking on the ground. He couldn't feel the ruptures through his body. He couldn't feel anything... anything but cold. "Strong bones... Human organs..." he thought, trying to focus on the bright green holes in the body of the yautja standing tall next to his soon-to-be corpse. His body had stopped shaking moving. He wanted to make a joke about this, but he couldn't breathe. "Mostly... human organs..."

His consciousness was slowly fading. And yet, the holes in the predator's body were starting to make sense in an odd, but satisfying way. That thing there... that thing had to die. His mouth opened and cold air passed through it. And then everything stopped... No struggling, no shaking, no grimases, no muscle twitching. He looked frozen. His eyes fixed on the last spot they had looked at. PREDATORv2 was preparing to acnkowledge his victory. He was raising his fist and opening his mouth to roar at the gods who had granted this swift triumph over his hated enemy. But in stead of a mighty roar,
there was a silent gargling, hidden by a screech coming from below. An eardrum shattering screech coming from the mouth that had no lungs to speak from and the arm of the seemingly dead hybrid, elbow deep into PREDATORv2's body. Human organs... Mostly. Whatever drove a xenomorph to fight until all of his limbs were torn off, whatever kept the xenomorph alive even in the vacuum of space or under miles of water was keeping him alive now, driving the air through his body... to screech.

Death Wraith had stopped being himself, stopped thinking like a human. His body had mimicked death and it had worked. As soon as his enemy looked up, the hybrid thrust his arm into the holes that his eyes were fixed on and grabbed whatever he could of the yautja's insides, ripping them out without mercy. This weakened his enemy signifficantly, giving the frenzied hybrid's slap a great advantage. PREDATORV2 fell on his left side as the mask flew off several meters away. Death Wraith had stopped being himself... A xenomorph's mind combined with that of a human. The usually latent natural violence of the drone from before had replaced his dominating humanity. A xenomorph's mind with the knowledge of a human. He grabbed his pulse rifle and stepped on the barely moving predator's left arm. Acid blood was leaking through his front and back, and yet he could stand. "You have misscalculated. You are weak." he said. But this was not his usual voice. It was coming from the xenomorph vocal chords. An unnatural sound. Something that should never be heard. Aiming the weapon just above the wristblades, he shot... A roar of pain rushed through the thick air as the pulse rifle's bullets ripped through the elbow that had thrust the blades into the hybrid's body, separating the two sections of the arm completely.