Stalker, Undefined, 17 years ago

A gutteral growl rumbled from Stalker's throat as several drop pods slammed into the surface of NX-72. Metal & debris scattered as they ploughed headlong into the colony to make their landings. A bright beam of light illuminated the night sky as one of the pods came hurtling down at tremendous speed, slamming straight into one of the buildings. The incredible impact sent tremors rumbling through the ground, & massive chunks of metal violently scattered in all directions as the pod buried itself deep into the structure of what remained of the building's upper floors. The battle had yet to begin, & the area was already undiscernable from a war zone.

Blue sparks showered over Stalker's body as his cloak fizzled into life, camouflaging him seamlessly against the surrounding area. Turning to the nearest building, the mighty hunter leaped into the air, latching onto the small grooves in the metal surface with his clawed fingers. Using his powerful legs, he propelled himself upwards, grabbing onto windowsill ledges & pulling himself towards the building's rooftop.

Scaled fingers latched over the edge of the rooftop as Stalker hoisted his menacing form to the top of the building. Staring out over the expanse of NX-72, Stalker felt disgusted. These pitiful humans had defiled their sacred land with this hideous technology & way of life, & would pay dearly with their blood. With one fluid movement, Stalker leapt from the rooftop, bounding with effortless ease to the next building. Scanning the streets, the mighty hunter found almost no signs of life. The immediate area was void of activity. There were no bodies to be seen, nor any evidence of a battle, the civilians must have been holed up inside one of the more protected buildings. Although why the entire colony had seemingly gone into hiding was a complete mystery, there was no way they could have possibly detected the arrival of the clan so quickly, so there must have been another reason for their fears. Suddenly, chatter echoed from the streets up ahead. Stalker's head propped up as the sounds caught his attention, with a smirk on his face, he set out to discover their source.....


donut, Undefined, 17 years ago

Donut softly padded her way through the silenced corridors of an alien-infested building, her taloned feet making a small "clack" as they met the floor. Her sapphire colored flesh barely visible in the black shadows that smothered the building from within.

Her sapphire lips dripped with saliva, as well as the blood from her recent meal, who knew children tasted like delicious fried chicken? o3o Her hazardous tails swayed gently behind her as she continued to walk these alien claimed hallways, her blue flesh giving off a hazy glow as she passed by one of the building windows, the lights from outside slightly piercing the darkness that layed within..but only moments after passing this window and returning to the shadows, Donut came to a halt.

Her smooth elongated head slightly rose and cocked itself to one side as a quiet chortling sound escaped her wet lips. She had recieved a scent... a familiar scent... Donut began to move again, this time a bit quicker, her muscles rippling below her flesh as her pace increased, the smell getting stronger and more recognizable every turn she took through the hallways untill she finaly realized who gave off this particular was one of her kin :3

Soon Donut found herself rushing through these hallways, her kin's scent growing ever so strongly as she came to the end of a corridor, and it was here where she encountered a very particular thing o3o She had never left the building, so this lighted, strange walkway was new to her, however her curiousity was quickly broken as she "spotted" Crow :3

A trill pierced the silence as Donut lept over to crow. x3

~i draw is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

Crow, Undefined, 17 years ago

Crow sat in silence as he blindly gazed at the two humans who had just struck down one of his kin, the light-sensitive patches of flesh on his body clearly and vividly painting the scene of the attack and defeat which had occurred before him...

Though he had been recently spawned, and knew nothing of his deceased brethren, his lips had curled in disgust and hatred as they struck his sibling all the same...for Crow, as well as all xenomorphs, family came first...

Sneering in disgust as one of the humans tended to the other's wounds, Crow began to pace up and down the length of the skyway, the lights from the outside world dancing across his flesh, rippling as the muscules beneath his ebony hide tensed and eased with his movement.

He continued to silently pace as one of the humans turned and walked out of his line of vision, leaving the other human, who, unbeknownst to Crow, happened to be a synthetic andriod and not a human at all, to turn back and gaze directly at him, his expression as unwavering as his stare.

After a while Crow ceased to pace, his slender figure entering a feline-like crouch as he firmly planted his taloned hands between his thighs and stared directly at Hyro, a translucent trail of saliva dripping down between his fingers from his bared teeth...

It was then that Donut trilled and leapt out of the corridor and into the skywalk, causing the xenomorph's focus to break and his head to snap in her direction. The sapphire xenomorph had leapt close, and finished covering the last few feet between then as Crow rose to stand on his four lean, muscular legs.

Her head moving close to his flank and drifting towards his face, Donut breathed in, taking the surrounding air and his pheromones into her body and running them through her olfactory senses before exhaling in a slow, long hiss. At the same time, Crow breathed in as he ran his own head across her body, taking in her pheromones and identifying her as being one of his brethren and, more importantly, female.

Finishing his breath, Crow let out a shorter, more emphatic hiss in response before leaning in and sliding his smooth, domed head against the sloping cranium belonging to the xenomorph whom he now knew to be Donut. The feeling of attraction between them was mutual.

After a couple moments, Donut turned and padded her way back into the corridor as Crow turned his head to face Hyro once again. However, Donut stopped upon re-entering the shade of the building's interior and turned to face Crow, issuing a low hiss as she beckoned him to follow.

Sightlessly staring at Hyro for a few seconds, Crow finally broke their wordless confrontation as he turned and returned to his shadow-ridden domain, moving alongside his potential mate as he slipped out of second lieutenant Hyro's sight...


god_of_blades, Undefined, 17 years ago

Blood that is all i can see and smell. Yet above all this i picked a scent that was not that far off, yet it was not a human nor one of my brethren. I had to investigate this matter. So quickly ducking into an airvent i tracked down the source off the strange scent. When i came out of the airducts i had lost the trail, but i had'nt have too look to far as the creature that was giving off the scent was just around the corner. A creature i was not familiar with yet it seemed as if i knew this creature, it was humanoid and had some sort of mask on. I hid back into the airducts and waited.

As the creature moved on i followed, quickly hiding into an airvent or behind a box whenever it looked back. The monster whatever it is was was starting to get suspicious. but it had no time to wonder what was behind him but what was about too attack. As a drone appeared too drop from an airduct from above, the alien looked at the creature and raised it's tail swaying it from side to side, but before it could strike a spear comes out of the darkness and takes the Drone by the head pinning it too the wall. A new creature appears out of the darkness. This creature seemed to taller and more muscular. When the bigger hunter took the spear out from the wall the drone fell to the ground. The smaller creature moved on as the bigger hunter headed in my direction! I swiftly ran into an airvent and hid there for a minute but when i saw no clawed hand trying to reach into the vent i came out too investigate, both creatures where gone but i could hear footsteps in the direction that the bigger one went.As i followed i came across him as he took of his mask and tearing off one of the limbs off a Runner. As he finished his bussiness with the corpse he sat up and turned in my direction, but too my discovery the creature had not put it's mask back on, so as i got ready too pounce i heard something... Clicking! But i paid no attention to the strange noise as i leaped upon my new host.

The Shadow Empire has consumed many worlds and realms now it comes for this world....

Unknown, Undefined, 17 years ago

Malus gritted his teeth and fought the sheer agony that ripped through him with every fibre of his being. Just as evrey part of his mind was ferociously denying what he in his heart knew all to well. Despite all that Malus had done, it was over. He was finished. His mind recoiled at the thought that he would die here, in a place light-years away from home, with only his murderer to witness his death. The survivalist in Malus whispered sometihng into his mind. 'Don't give up on it now, if you're going to die then at least go down fighting, or even better kill him!' It said insistently, and Malus managed to open his eyes. His vision swam as tears streaked down his face. He blinked a few times to clear his vision and saw stalker crawling towards him, using his arms to cross the distance. Malus knew that he had a few seconds to destroy stalkers three remaining weapons: The speargun, the netgun and the wristblades. Malus checked the ammo clip on his pistol and swore.

Three bullets left, and in his condition he would not be able to reload before the monster killed him. He felt his combat knife on his hip and grinned. He was hopelessly outmatched. Stalker was physically stronger, had more weapons remaining and had less damage than he did. Malus's shattered face slowly twisted into a grin. Those were the kind of odds that he lived for. He realized that the beast had it's mask off and grinned. "You are one ugly mother fucker." He said, and then felt as if he'd achieved something, like he'd just fulfilled a tradition. He realized that stalker would be unable to use any of his remaining weapons without the use of his hands, and grinned, a desperate plan forming in his desperate mind.

He raised his pistol and took aim at the wristblades mounted on stalker's arm, just above his hand. "You will not need those." He said, a cold and evil tone entering his voice as he fired twice. Malus had a basic accuracy score of 99.7%, the highest in existence. This meant that he had a reputation of never missing. Of course with his wounds it had gone down to about 80%, but that was still enough to score the hit he needed. The first bullet exploded against the armour of the wristblade housing, penetrating and exploding with a dull roar, shattering the wristblade's housing and destroing the weapon. Shrapnel from both the bullet and the wristblades dug deep into stalker's wrist and sliced through muscles, tendons, nerves and ligaments. The hand immediatly went limp. It would no longer be able to hold or use a weapon for this fight. Malus then turned and aimed his second last shot at the knee of Stalker's remaining leg and fired, the explosive bullet sending shards of bone flying in all directions. The kneecap was spread over the hallway in a three metre radius, disabling Stalker's last leg. Malus laughed evilly and then winced in pain as it aggrivated his damaged kidney. His laughter died as stalker still gained on him, crawling towards him. He was almost in range to throw Malus fully across the room now, and Malus knew he'd have to act quickly. He dropped the pistol and drew his Combat knife from it's holster at his belt. He sprung up with his good leg and crossed the remaining distance between them in an eyeblink.

Malus had three possesions that meant the world to him. The first of which was the pistol his father had given to him exactly three days before a Xeno Queen had ripped through him with a gigantic segmented tail. It had already been deadly when he'd first been given it, and he'd done eight years of upgrading to it. And now he had to drop it. The second possession was the alien bone pendant that he wore around his neck. It was from the skull of the Queen that had murdered his father. The Queen he had killed himself in mortal combat. The third was his Combat knife, which he'd also made himself from the bones of that same Xeno Queen. He kept that knife so sharp he had to use a metal holster for it, because it cut through all the others he had tried. He knew that it could cleave bone, and that is exactly what it did.

He swung it in a wide arc in front of him and allowed himself a grin he swung it with all of his might and reaped the rewards of using such an effective weapon as it sheared neatly through Stalker's remaining wrist, slicing his last useful hand clean off. Malus unsteadily got onto his good foot and hopped away a reasonable distance as the hand fell to the ground. Stalker was now completely disabled, with one hand entirely gone, and the other one utterly useless and two legs that wouldn't support the weight of a kitten, much less a hunter of his weight. All of his technology had been disabled and blood was pouring from him in bucketloads, as he had forgotted to cauterize his wounds as Malus had the moment he had lost his hand. Malus holstered the knife and stopped to grab a smartgun. He could see that Stalker was in minor shock, and he quickly unclipped the gún's ammo and strapped it to his shot leg in a makeshift splint before rising unsteadily to his feet. The spear had gone thorough his kneecap, and his leg hurt like hell but on the whole the spear was still lodged in there and supporting his leg in place of the kneecap itself. Which was more than stalker's wound was doing. He finished strapping it up and rose unsteadily to his feet, limping over to his pistol and picking it up.

It was over, stalker was finished. He may not be dead yet, but he was defeated. He was unable to fight any further, unable to use any weapons other than the stumps of his arms, and to be able to reach Malus he'd have to crawl, an act that would be even harder with no useful hands.

Malus holstered his pistol and picked up the fallen speargun before kicking away all possible weapons from the predator, before limping back to a reasonable distance and inclining his head to stalker in respect. "You are truly a mighty warrior, whatever you are. And you founght well, but it's time to face facts. You have lost." Malus said, managing to keep his voice clear despite the pain. He pushed that pain to the back of his mind and continued. "I do not like killing unarmed foes, and if you cut your losses and retreat then I will allow you to leave, to live to kill me another day. But don't get me wrong, if you take a single crawl towards me I WILL shoot." He said, keeping stalker distracted whilst he figured out how the strange weapon worked. Once he figured it out he grinned.

"Now, will you leave or will I have to put a spear through your head while you are lying down?" He asked as he accessed his radio. "All Marines, this is Malus Darkblade. I am at the main hallway of the second floor and am seriously wounded. I want you to send a medic up ASAP, also, we have a foe here that is still potentially dangerous, I want a squad on stand-by incase he manages to kill me. And Kidd sir, there is a Xenomorph and a Predator still on the loose up here, I suggest you get hyro and clear them out. If this guy doesn't manage to kill me I'll be joining you after I get the medics to fix me up. Darkblade out."

(Okay Stalker, you have no useful limbs left, I have removed/disabled all of your weapons and have a speargun pointed at your head from a safe distance. You can either try to kill me in this infirmed state or cut your losses and flee to survive this RPG, but congratulations, you fought well mate.)

Honour is a fools prize, glory is of no use to the dead."

donut, Undefined, 17 years ago

*Donut let out a pleased hiss as she left her mothers chamber along side of crow. Though her mother had outsmarted the humans this time, she knew that this fight for survival was far from over...

While her mother called for an attack, Donut and crow padded their way outside of the building, crawling closely on through one of the higher skywalks.

The scent of humans was obvious as they left the building, their heads turning to eyelessly gaze down below at their enemies, and it was then that they noticed something... there were a few spots which were unprotected by these marines, a few shadows that they seemed to have overlooked, the perfect place to sneak their kin in and deliver a devestating blow...

Donut's blue tinted flesh shuddered as she continued to stare down at her foes, her lips quivering to reveal her crystilic fangs which dripped with a clear ooze. She could almost taste these humans, but she knew she had to wait for the right time.. and that time was would come soon...

She turned her large smooth head and faced crow, her eyeless gaze fixed upon his ebony face, she quietly cooed at him as she watched him think, what was he planning?

~i draw is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

cutm3up, Undefined, 17 years ago

Cutm3up Extended and retracted his wristblades, convinced that they worked fine, Next he drew his combistick and Stabbed it into the floor, Splitting a Lone Rock in half. Activating his Plasmacaster, the head of it turned from left to right. From front to back.

---A few minutes later---
( Sorry had to use that time skip :P )

Content that all of his weapons and equipment worked To their Potential, Cutm3up began to feel a little less tense. His weaponry worked, He would meet up with a fellow yautja soon enough, and he needn't feel like he was on a one-way train to doom. But inside him, he knew that was exactly how he felt.

((( OOC: can my character head toward the facility, or does he not even know where it is?)))

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Unknown, Undefined, 17 years ago

The Giger Drone was about to awake from a very deep sleep, he was resting in a resin coated wall in a crouched position with is dome like head between his legs. As he be began to awake he could hear the screams of impregnated hosts as they gave birth to his fellow hive members. His long serrated tail began to uncurl from around his legs as he awoke, then his large dome like head raised up and he gave a small growl, which was almost like a yawn. The xenos mouth opened and his inner jaw emerged, salvia oozing from it. As the ancient xeno stretched out his arms and pushed himself out of his little nesting place he heard a loud and echoing screech from the queen. Although he was separate from the hive she was still caring for him and the others, so he went to investigate on what she was calling him for.

The Giger Drone became quadruped and scuttled across a resin coated wall towards a ventilation shaft and entered it. It was dark, cool, and damp within this area but as he approached the queens chamber he could feel a slight warmness increasing. His sharp talon like claws dug into the thin metal of the vents as he scuttled through them, then he found an opening above a small hallway and decided to drop down and travel closer to the main chamber.

As he scuttled down the hall he sensed another presence in there with him and immediately stopped, then he gave a soft low screech signifying he was harmless… to xenos.. there was no reply for a while but then he heard a low garbling noise of a facehugger, which had seemed to have lost itself within the hive. Being as kind as he was the xeno picked it up with its clawed and carried it with him to the queens chamber.

Once the Giger Drone had reached the main chamber he simply placed the small facehugger apon the ground and let it scuttle of into the darkness to find a host. He looked up at the queen and screeched at her signifying that he was asking a question, she only replied with a deep angered screech, which sent thoughts to the Giger Drones brain, it was then he realised that there were humans trying to enter one of there smaller nests south of the city. The xeno knew his duty was to serve and protect the queen… He is now about to serve her……………………………………………..

In Space No One Can Hear You Scream…………

Creature of the Dark

Messageboard Rules

cutm3up, Undefined, 17 years ago

(( Bloody damn, i had a week off and the rpg has started! and now i have chance to post, i GTG!! anyway, hope you like. and just wondering, is GODMODDING allowed? because ive seen quite a few already))

Cutm3up's Small sleek Pod streamed through space at speeds to be reckonable by most other intelligent lifeforms, with it's gentle frame shaking as it breached the atmosphere of the Ancient Planet he had heard so much about. The pod began shaking more and more violently, and the pod began to ignite with the immense speed, Whereas inside, Cutm3up had already strapped on all the weaponry a beginner could have, and need.

Cutm3up felt continual and strange bursts of emotion, sometimes it was anxiety, the other times it was excitment and bloodlust. Cutm3up, an unblood was about to experience first hand what true fear was, as his Pod Hit the ground quietly, shooting debris into the air.

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god_of_blades, Undefined, 17 years ago

Freedom! The creature that i had inpregnated was no more than a rotting corpse with a hole in it's chest. I now understand what this creature is, it is a hunter that travels the stars looking for prey such as myself, instead it found itself my host. I had adopted a couple of things about this creature. It's tendrils around it's mouth and it's strength. Even if i am a chestburster i am nearing my final stage, but still i can feel the power this hunter once called it's own....

I decided it was time to hide and grow, when it was time when i had to kill whatever threatened the Hive and the Queen. I wandered the corridors for what seemed like an hour, soon i found myself on top of one of the higher skywalks, then i found them my brethren, Crow and Donut. They where looking down on what seemed to be humans, Donut and Crow had sensed my arrival and had turned to examine me, and the aura in air that told me that all was not well.

The Shadow Empire has consumed many worlds and realms now it comes for this world....

Unknown, Undefined, 17 years ago

Malus and the marines accompanying him had just completed thier sweep of the School's second floor, and thier eagle eyes and motion trackers had picked up absolutely nothing at all. The place was utterly empty, completely secure as far as he could tell. He knew that there was something running around on the first floor, but that wasn't his deisgnated area, and whilst he didn't really know the other Marines from Alpha Draconis very well, he knew that they would be able to hold thier own if the Xenos tried anything.

His squad was currently taking a quick break in one of the classrooms, drinking some beers that Gillie had managed to smuggle along in his combat webbing. Malus knew that it was against regulations to drink on the job, but nothing was going to come up here. Especially not with the sentry turret he'd set up on the skywalk. He was sitting on the teacher's desk, his rifle and motion tracker sitting beside him as he took another sip of the beer. "How the hell did you manage to get this past the Lieutenant?" He asked with a grin. He and the rest of the squad had allowed themselves to relax, and as far as he knew 2nd squad was practically asleep in the school infirmary. "Hid them in empty smoke grenade canisters, after all, losing the smoko bombs are a small price to pay for some decent grog when on guard duty." He said, and the rest of the marines murmured thier assent. He was about to take another swig when a loud and sharp beep came from the motion tracker, the sudden noise causing Malus to jolt.

He put the beer down and picked up the motion tracker, swearing under his breath as he did so. It looked like there was a single motion signature right by the airwalk access. Malus quickly accessed the comms and tried to contact 1st platoon downstairs. "Kidd sir, are any of your marines by the north skywalk access?" He radioed in, and after a few seconds the radio in his helmet cracked and a Kidd's voice came through. "That's a negitave private, we're all downstairs."

Malus swore again and grabbed his rifle, looking down at the tracker again. The signature was still there, right by the airlock. Malus remembered the sentry gun he'd set up on the skywalk on the other side of the door and grinned. If that Xeno -and by this stage he had no doubt it was a Xeno- went through that door he'd be splattered across the skywalk. Sentry guns had always proven to be alarmingly effective against Xenos in past missions, and Malus had every confidence that the gun would do the job. But he had to make sure.

"Everybody on thier feet! Break's over guys, we've got a Xeno at the airlock and I want to make sure there isn't enough of it left to fit in this beer can!" He said, and jumped up to his feet. The rest of the squad did so as well and stored thier beers in thier combat webbing, intent on not losing it. Malus opened the door to the main hallway and led the marines towards where the Xeno was, it seemed to be holding position in front of the airlock, as if waiting.

Waiting for it's death, of course.

DBSigII.jpg"Honour is a fools prize, glory is of no use to the dead."

Unknown, Undefined, 17 years ago

The Giger Drone’s serrated tail plunged through and young marines arm as he held down another ready to finish it off. God of Blades had already leaped across the hall just dogging a blast from a marines shotgun, as he landed there was a slight crunch and The God of Blades looked down upon the marines lifeless, crushed body. Then the Predalien turned to see The Giger Drone release his inner jaw… straight into the other marine’s forehead. Blood flicked on to the hallway in front of The Giger Drone and the proud xenomorph gave a loud terrifying screech.

As the last marine lay there terrified, holding his bleeding arm The Giger drone merely swiped him across the face with his clawed hand and the marines skull was completely torn in half. After he had killed the last marine he turned to see God of Blades next to Zasz, his mandibles outstretched as he examined the carcass of his fellow hive member.

The Giger Drone gave a soft screech intent of trying to make God of Blades to follow him, and in return God of Blades screeched back and began to follow him. The Giger Drone became quadruped and with great grace and swiftness started to ran down the hall, God of Blades not far behind. As they both reached the end of the hall they had come to a stop by elevator and above it had a large sign reading: Skywalk Access …

Creature of the Dark

Messageboard Rules

god_of_blades, Undefined, 17 years ago

I was powerful, so very powerful. I had fully matured and now im was ready for my enemies to come down the corridor guns blazing. But there where no humans or Yuatja for they where waiting for me and my brothers. As i made my way down the hallways of the school i can hear the hissing and screeches of my brethren. So i made my way down to one of the school classes, i could still hear my brethren, but i could not see them.

I could no longer hear hear my brothers and sisters. So i slithered into a nearby vent. It took me a couple of seconds to get to the end of the vent, but when i did i saw a human trying to get a facehugger off his fellow marines face. I quietly slipped into the room and snuck behind the human, but he heard me and grabbed for his gun which was lyingon the ground next too him. As he picked it up i slapped the pulse rifle out of his hands as he turn to run towards the door i quickly lifted my tail and peirced him. I slowly lifted him higher and threw him at the left wall, as he hit the wall i heard the crack as his head snapped against the wall and then crumbled to the floor. I turned around too see if the my brethren was alright, too my relief he was healthy and well natured as he tightened his grip around the neck of his host. And i quickly lept back though the airvent and out back the corridor to find my brothers and sisters....

The Shadow Empire has consumed many worlds and realms now it comes for this world....

FireAnt, Undefined, 17 years ago

((BEEP BEEP BEEP)) The pulsing noise of an annoying little machine, the sound entering FireAnt's ears and out the other end only to find a death from one quick blow with FireAnt's fist, leaning up to read the last expression on the clocks face and letting out a quick but much needed word ''SHIT''.

FireAnt jumps out of his bed, well what their calling them these days, reaching for his armour clicking it into place, unlocking his locker to withdraw his most prized weapons, his two pistols, lifting them up to his head to show a grin ''Beauties'' FireAnt complimented, grabbing his necessary pulse rifle and strapping it over his shoulder, attached his intercom onto his ear, grabbing his shoulder lamp and flicking it on and off on a place like this ya dont want to be left in the dark, a bag that was packed for him most likely by Private Darkblade he is always looking out for me and finally my black bandanna mask, heading his way to the door he hears the overhead speakers turn on which made the dropship echoe ''20 SECONDS TILL LIFT OFF I REPEAT 20 SECONDS TILL LIFT OFF'', FireAnt starts to sprint down the hallway as the speakers countdown his fate ''15'', ''WAIT IM STILL ON HERE'' yelled FireAnt as he sprints down the last hallway which he can see the exit start to close, ''10'',''5'' FireAnt at that moment leaping out through the gap of the exit and onto the hard ground.

FireAnt getting up and cheering ''Hahahaa'' as he waves at the dropship, which lift's up and fly's off only leaving a slimstreak of gas, FireAnts breathing suddenly gets faster and deeper, his pores open up with the sweat of fear, quickly he draws his pistols and flicks on his light and looks around and starts to speak through his intercom ''Soldier FireAnt has arrived anyone out there'' FireAnt whispered, ''I was wondering where you were son when i didnt see you on the dropship, where were you?'' Distinct voice of Private Darkblade, happily replying '' haha good to hear your voice sir, i needed my beauty sleep, who is in charge here?'', suddenly a new voice entering the conversation '' That would be me lieutenant Kidd junior now listen no crap around here, I have told 3 soldiers to go look for Rickison who needs help, go set out and find him and offer aid i warn you now we have a dead body on our hands and nothing to own up to it so be careful, you have your orders soldier, out''.

FireAnt getting a location pinging on his locater, '' this must be where Rickison is, i better be careful'' Nervously spoke FireAnt, he started to move at a fast walk just taking in the beautiful scenary of human technology only to hear sounds like some demonic cicada ''click click gurrr'' this creature made, FireAnt looking around with his light shining along the rooftops only to hear a laugh ''HAHAHAHAHAAAA'',FireAnt continued on in search of Rickison but always looking behind him .......

FireAnt a Rogue for the Human Race

cutm3up, Undefined, 17 years ago

Cutm3up's pod made a small, quiet click and opened slowly, the door lifting down into a ramp, Taking his combistick in hand, Cutm3up switched through his visions and examined his surroundings. Looking through his Thermal vision, he saw nothing of particular interest. But he knew that time was growing ever closer.

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Kidd, Undefined, 17 years ago

The marines aim their rifles down the hallways, most aiming down the main hallway which led deeper into the school, following what the motiontracker just picked up moments ago. All the men's stare stayed fixed down the halls, their shoulder-lamps illuminating the dark corridors for friendlies or hostiles. No sound came from the halls, the only sounds that could be heard were the sound of marines breathing, itching to make contact with whatever the motiontracker picked up, and commit themselves to the best procedure that fits the unknown being that lurks in the dark. Kidd's fixed brown eyes stare continues down the sight of his rifle, him breathing as calmly as they are as he steadies his aim. Trying not to move, the marine stood silently, knowing full well that the infestation here only means that they'll encounter few or no survivors.

Minutes etched by with no movement, and as soon as Kidd was about to give the order to stand down, the motiontracker beeped, and it continues to beep as the one marine in charge of it picked it up to see the screen and then he calls out to Kidd as he points to the left hallway,"Sir! They are down this hall!" Walking over to the marine and checking the scanner to verify what he had just said, Kidd looks over the unit and calls up two marines and gives them the order to scout the area. Acknowledging the leiutenant's new orders for them, they started down the hall slowly, taking their time to secure the rooms that they pass as they continue down the silent hallway...
Moments later after sending the two marines, Kidd looks up to the main entrance of the school to see Rayne with the other two marines that he sent with him. Glaring at the trio, Kidd growls out to Rayne,"Why aren't you over at Rickison's position private!? You should be helping him to figure out what happened to Gail and scour the area for the person or thing that killed him, and..." The marine looks back, hearing gun fire coming down the hallway where he sent the two marines.

The two marines walk down the hallway, their pulse rifles aiming down the dark corridor as the lights behind them, coming from the lamp-mounts on their comrades, they continue their scouting. Securing four rooms already, three which were classrooms, and the duo were getting an uneasy feeling, a feeling of being watched. "Dennis," one of the marines spoke up, as he stops half way before reaching the fifth room, and he continues,"I have a bad feeling about this. There is something down there." The broader and shorter marine looks back at his comrade, and then looks down into the darkness,"We still got to follow our orders, so come on!" Dennis steps up to the door with his back against wall, he reaches out to grab the knob on the door and turns it, and then he groans,"It's locked." Looking back at his companion, he motions for him to come and break down the door. The tall soldier positioned himself in front of the door, looking over at Dennis, he nods as he counts,"One... Two... THREE!!!" He kicks the door down, revealing nothing but another dark room. Shining his shoulder lamp into the room, he sees rows of desks and grease boards both in infront and in the back of the room. Looking over at Dennis once more, he speaks,"Another class room. Now, can we go back to the others?" Dennis grunts and tells the soldier to enter and secure the room. Not able to go back without his partner, the marine followed the order and walks in.
Body shaking in unknowing fear, the marine went from one corner of the room to the other, looking for any living beings. Halfway done, a sound of crackling coming on the tile floor, the marine squints his eyes as he leans to the side, looking down between the second and third rows of desks, he steady his rifle and crept forward, taking caution of his surroundings, and the sound continues. Walking down between the rows, the soldier is fully aware that he is not alone and as he turns to head to the walls which he crept away from, he turns to see a hand-like spider looking creature standing on a desk, facing the marine as it wags it's tail behind him. Shocked to see the creature just standing there, the marine slowly raises his rifle and cockily speaks, only to have the creature leap forward at him,"Oh, you are not gonna get this marRRGH!!!!" The soldier reared back as he pulls the trigger of his rifle, the creature clutching onto his face as it wraps it's tail around his neck tightly, and Dennis, standing outside the room, runs in only to see his brother in arms on the ground, struggling with this hand-like monster which sticks to his face, and he yells out for others as he rushes forward to save the marine.

Returning his gaze back at Rayne, Kidd gave the private a stern frown and angerly spoke to him,"You three return to Rickison's position. I want to KNOW what happened to Gail and don't you come back until you radio me first, you get me!? Good!" The officer takes his rifle and orders a whole Rifle team to go down the hallway, having the others slowly moving out from the entrance, taking positions in the secured rooms that the scout team as explored, and with their hearts pumping, fists gripping onto the handle of their rifles, they were ready for the enemy assault... or so they thought.

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In the moment of action remember the value of silence and order.
-Phormio of Athens

rayne, Undefined, 17 years ago

delete this post

Crow, Undefined, 17 years ago

Crow's head sank forward as he sightlessly stared at the newly spawned predalien for a moment, taking in the faint traces of pheromones which had crept close and identifying him as one of their own. The creature was obviously not like them, but it was also still maturing...Its movements were brash, teeming with energy in anticipation of its first kill...

Crow was much the same, he hadn't gained the opportunity to dispatch one of these invaders in honour of his mother quite yet, but he knew his limits, and he knew how to reserve himself: the preservation of energy was engraved in his instincts just as much as it was in his former host's.

Issuing a low hiss which was in turn backed by Donut's, the two xenomorphs urged the predalien to aid their brethren near the school, where his presence would be more welcomed...Being both outnumbered and outmatched by Donut and Crow, God of Blades could do little more than accept their request, and retreated back into the depths of their home...

Waiting a few seconds to ensure that the predalien had indeed left, Crow placed one of his hands on the cool glass of the skywalk, his claws slowly running over the smooth surface...

While Crow patiently tested the glass' thresholds, Donut's patience ran short, causing her to sharply bring one of her clawed tails forth, growling in frustration as it did little more than glance off the pane's surface...

Crouching in silent contemplation, Crow quietly hissed, beckoning Donut to wait as he calmly padded back into the hive, only to return a few moments later with a facehugger writhing beneath his clawed grasp, droplets of its acidic blood pooling around the puckers Crow's claws had made in its tender flesh...

Donut couldn't help but flinch as Crow brought his arm back and smashed the innocent creature against the glass wall, crushing its body into a pulp before the acidic blood began to do its work, producing a hole large enough for the two of them to slip through...


hyroglphsarenice, Undefined, 17 years ago

Was it possible for an android to have a nervous tick? “Nah†Hyro thought to himself as he continued to stand guard. Hyro just stood there, there was nothing coming from the comms, no word from the platoons, this kind of silence was sickening. It was the calm before the storm, so to speak. It was going to happen; Hyro knew it was going to happen. It was the edginess of something about to go down. But what? What could it be? Hyro could only stand their alert, gun raised, and listening.

(sorry for the short post but i honestly just dont know what to say)

"He who fights monsters should see to it that in the process, he does not become a monster." ~Nietzche

god_of_blades, Undefined, 17 years ago

Running down the halls i have the feeling we are been followed so i stop, but do not hear anything as we continue i hear footsteps But they where not heavy Marine feet i was excpecting but the light footsteps of a xenomorph. As God of Blades and Zasz turned a corner they came to some double doors. They approuch the double doors, but it bursts open and Giger Drone walks out of the school hall. Giger Drone had already seen us and motioned us to follow him.

We followed Giger Drone down the halls of the school. We soon came to another pair of double doors Giger Drone hissed at us indicating to towards the door. We could hear voices on the other side, they where some marines in there how many i could not say.

"Pvt have you fixed that goddam motion tracker yet" Captain Raynor asked Pvt.Jim. "Not yet sir" replied Pvt.Jim "this thing was beaten up bad, it might take some time". "Well hurry up I don't want to be fighting blind when the bugs get here".

A sinister smile crossed Giger Drone's face. He motioned me to ram the door down. I turned around and faced the wall, I than turned back towards the door to ram the thing down. Sprinting towards the door i collided it with great force. Catching the marines by surprise Giger Drone and Zasz charged into the room, but one marine regained his sences and picked up a shotgun leaning on the wall. He lifted the gun and pointed it towards Giger Drone, but Zasz leapt upon the marine and was about to maul him, than i heard a shotgun fie as a huge hole ripped though Zasz. Zasz silently fell to the ground melting the floor and the marine with his acidic blood....

The Shadow Empire has consumed many worlds and realms now it comes for this world....