assassin/i_lost_my_corm/ vs deathstalker

assassin, Undefined, 14 years ago

f hear

DEATHSTALKER, Undefined, 14 years ago

setting human reserch facility

date 2930

there is an alien in a test tube with robotic parts all over him and two reserchers arguing about if they can controll him and the one man says were shuting you down but the man was mad and presses the execute button and says you cant stop progress i present to you project deathstalker so ds looks around but grabs the resercher and tares his head off ten m later two other aliens escaped and see's ds they follow him back to his base made of human bodys they go in

assassin, Undefined, 14 years ago

then assassin and corm sees ds they run assassin escapes but ds grabs corm breaks corms arm in five on his lft arm places then ds throws corm threw three walls then ds beats corm to a palp then assassin throws ds threw a wall then assassin replaces corms arm

DEATHSTALKER, Undefined, 14 years ago

then ds gets up and picks assassin up and whacks assassin into some computers then ds stabs corm 5times and ds slams corm into the ground but ds sees a human still alive ds picks him up and strts whackin g corm until the human dies but assassin jumps on ds and bites ds but ds slashs assassin across the face but corm bites ds on the leg and tears a chunk of ds out but ds picks puny corm up and bites two of corms fingers off and whacks assassin off of him then throws corm at assassin then ds rams them

assassin, Undefined, 14 years ago

but assassin jumps on ds and starts clawing ds 7 tiems then assassin throws ds threw sevrle walls and claws ds agen 7 times

DEATHSTALKER, Undefined, 14 years ago

ds then grabs assassin's hand and trows him into a wall then looks at corm and hiss's "you are afraid heh you should be because i'm going to tear you limb from limb so your pretty much screwed aren you?" ds charges corm picks him up and bites him with his inner jaw on his left rib then looks at assassin and grabs him on the legs and trows him at corm