how do aliens eat when they have no throat in their mouth

shockwave, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Sorry if this is off topic. Im just wondering.

Blizzard, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

I always thought that they would use there inner mouth and the flesh and blood would go down the throat from there

FireHunter, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

It's theorised that they generate their own energy through their acid blood (think battery acid). But I'd say they'd ingest food through their inner jaw.

shockwave, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

But if you look closely at their inner jaws. Theres no throughout in it

FireHunter, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

That's probably because it's a prop. But it supports my theory on the battery acid thing, and in that case they'd be designated killing machines.

Dronehive, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

What if they consumed metal? I wouldn't be surprised. It is almost always available, and has high mineral content. We should all eat metal, actually.

FireHunter, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

It's possible that they could consume metal, though they're never shown to do so, but they ARE shown to consume flesh (Alien 3, AvP2) so, I'm not sure.

Deathdrop, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

This is one of those unanswered questions of the Alien movies, since the Xenos grow so ridiculously huge so quickly with no apparent food source.

One of the theories is that they're "extreme omnivores" ie: they can eat literally anything, another says they feed off of kinetic energy generated by moving, another says they just "absorb" nutrition from whatever source is available... You get the idea. No one's really sure.

It's a bit like no one recognizing that Clark Kent is Superman; it doesn't make any sense, but the story needs it to work.

shockwave, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

maybe they don't eat at all, I mean. Maybe their pupose is to kill and impregnate, thats all. o3o

shockwave, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

what if you controll the first born xenomorph of the hive. it could work. But your theories are pretty good though. You guys are awesome !

shockwave, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

They controlled a king alien called Rogue.

shockwave, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Id like rogue. If it was an predalien king.

edit: yes sir.

daveberg, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Shockwave - can I ask you to stop spamming the message boards please. You don't need to create a new post for every piece of text you write. Secondly, please keep to the topic in hand.

Many thanks.

Illiana, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

They don't eat because they are hungry they eat to eat and its the little second mouth That does the work

ultimate-xeno, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Im think that they do eat flesh because in the marine campain of avp3 when your taking to be hived by the xeno but you kill it. Well if you keep going there is a xenos and a marines shadow on the wall and it almost looked like the xeno was eating out the marines chest.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

It was seen eating in Alien 3, the only time in canon media ever (unless I missed something from ACM). It's been theorized that it did so only to help grow to its adult form. Otherwise, they don't need worry about skipping breakfast.

DarkLioness, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Well there was one part in ACM before you encounter the Spitters where you see the Marines the didn't make it to the building. Then you go around a corner and there's a Xenomorpher eating a Mariine's face.

skull_ripper, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Well they could have throats, maybe it constricts tightly when being used as a weapon. Just think if it chocked to death from using its tongue to kill the first person in a movie, pretty lame. So that's my grand theory, they have throats, you just cant tell their there.

ultimate-xeno, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Yeah dark lioness is right.

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 11 years ago

Their biology could be so alien that none of their shit even makes any sense to us.

Their hearts could look like unicycles that work like jeeps in the summer time for all we know. We don't even know why they eat. The only reason we think it's to grow is because we're assuming they're similar to earth-based life forms, which is completely missing the point.

Dronehive, Xenomorph, 10 years ago