BananaAlienKing, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Great trailer. Can't wait untill the movie comes out, its going to be amazing!

DarkLioness, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

This trailer effected me like the trailer for Predators( I remember another girl saying that but we're not the same person). I had to go see Predators in the theaters and now I have to go see Prometheus. I am already saving up so I can pay for the tickets and the snacks. Hell this movie is "buy two snacks and a drink" worthy! Is it weird that I'm gonna wear a T-shirt with a Chestburster on it to the show?

NightBlood, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Well I know I'm going to see this. Come on June 8th! It seems so far off but eh what the hell. It's worth the wait.


Nah kid you ain't weird for wanting to wear a shirt with a chestburster on it.

Archibald, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

This is confusing me, if that's supposed to be a suit then why did it look like a chestburster came out of it in Alien?

jaguargod, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

It was never really confirmed in Alien that it was not a suit. In fact, the space jockey scene was extremely vague. If it is a suit, and it has a rigid exoskeleton, the chestburster damage could resemble broken ribs.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Why is it so confusing? Do Aliens have a history of avoiding to come out of suits? Would a suited human be safe from getting chestbursted because the Alien would like to avoid creating confusion between what is human and what is suit? I don't get the logic behind claiming it has to be a creature and not a suit. It's most likely some sort of interface for controlling the cannon.

Archibald, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

good point sorry im retarded

DrDiabloSatan, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

If you notice there seems to be some sort of infection going on among the crew. Therefore I believe that the Space Jockeys might have been experimenting on the Xenomorphs and that doing so imperfected them. Causing them to mutate and instead of gestating and ripping out of the host that they completely take over the host and mutate it's body to a form that we have never seen before. Much like The Thing... That would be interesting.

RuthlessWarrior, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

^Yeah I noticed that. Sorta like that thing in the girl's eye and that long pink eel thing. Was there a pink creepy thing in The Thing? Or am did I miss that part?

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

That's silly. You're being silly. This is a prequel.

daveberg, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

An indirect prequel. In the fact the film takes place 30 years before alien, but doesn't necessarily lead up to it as we've been told by Ridley Scott and the media dozens of times. Same universe, but different rules, i'm sure, will apply.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Yes, but the idea that the Jockeys tempered with the future aliens to make them past aliens from which they evolved into future aliens is a bit backwards.

DrDiabloSatan, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Who said anything about future alien? I'm talking about how they fucked with the Xenomorph DNA nothing else the hell are you talking about? This has been brought up several times. It could be that the Xenomorphs have always been a virus and then the Space Jockeys turned them to actual creatures or something. My idea is not silly sweetheart it is just thinking outside the box.

BloodHarpy, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Well let me say this:

What if the Xenomorphs were a virus? Think about it. You hear about all types of viruses that can be treated with antibiotics but then something happens. The virus adapts and soon the antibiotics are futile against the virus. Also is you combine one virus with another virus and then ad another virus and then mix those with yet another virus you get a Super Virus. Now get the Super Virus and the top two most nasty parasites in the world. Now use the same combo but on another planet in another universe where there are unknown viruses and parasites. The Xenomorphs may have just been around or they could have been created.