ash, Human, 12 years ago

Ok I've looked at 5mins of this in the works gameplay and the marines go into the room where in Aliens just before Ripley and co use the vent after the scene where Hudson gets pulled down. It's all incredibly detailed of Hadleys Hope and looks pretty dark. I might be more excited now seeing this.

BananaAlienKing, Human, 12 years ago

I want to get it. It looks pretty awsome.

DrDiabloSatan, Human, 12 years ago

So is this game going to pick up where AVP3 left off?

DeathWraith, Human, 12 years ago

This game has nothing to do with AvP. It's an Aliens game. And AvP3 didn't have a storyline.

DrDiabloSatan, Human, 12 years ago

OK, and I don't really know which one I'm talking about its the most recent AVP game that came out.

Gaunt, Human, 12 years ago

@DrDiabloSatan: Aliens:Colonial Marines will not be set in the AVP universe and will instead be set in the Aliens universe, where the Xenomorphs are the sole enemy, showing off an even more deadly side as they continue to pose an incredible threat to Humanity.

With no Predators to drop in and destroy their infestation at any random point, the story should (unless it is seen fit to add a PredAlien or two) just be about the Xenomorphs and the Colonial Marines, who are unfortunate enough to run into them.

I'm sad to say that it looks as though we will have to wait until sometime in Autumn, 2012 for the release, I'm going to repost the link to the official site here as the old one seems to no longer work.


"Loadouts and upgrades, Create your perfect killing machine. An extensive upgrade system allows players to customise their characters to play the way they want. Earn experience to get perks, new weapons and new looks for your squad."

Looks like there will be a chance for character loadouts, SHOTGUN!

daveberg, Human, 12 years ago

As much as I love the look of this game, and am excited we finally get a breakaway game that focuses on the Alien franchise alone, i'm beginning to think 'boycott' seeing as they keep shifting the release dates, which is highly frustrating seeing as the game was in development hell for a good few years after they originally announced it - now it gets close to hitting the stores and they shelve it again.


Gaunt, Human, 12 years ago

It's kinda shocking with the release date being delayed, again, but it's something I'd expect from a company that says it going "all out" with the project, though you'd think since this game has been in the works since 2001 (true story) that there would be enough of it to actually launch (it just makes me wonder what the hell has been created in over a decade).

But that's an issue of copyright and self investment, no company will share with another, unless they do a collaborative project or are impeded to do so.

It spells incompetence, for the many companies that have passed this mantle of a game, I hope Gearbox can do it justice.

Mebber, Human, 12 years ago

So, it's actually possible to play as Aliens in MP.

Good decision i'd say. I've also read (not in this article) they mostly dropped the tactical/squad aspect of the game, mostly. Anyway, a straight forward horror game is still a nice thing to have, and coop remains intact...

supersonicman96, Human, 12 years ago

i've been considering buying it.

daveberg, Human, 12 years ago

As posted in the news section, here is the latest showcase of Colonial Marines gameplay....

Colonial Marines Gameplay

jaguargod, Human, 12 years ago

I'm truly surprised that AVP3 didn't kill the game franchise. It was that bad, at least the MP was. I remember logging on and there being less than 10 people on the entire server.

Gaunt, Human, 11 years ago

Well, sadly it looks like Gearbox somehow couldn't take the year they had (on a game they already had partly compiled and completed) to finish, so sorry to say, the release date has been moved back, again, to the 12th of February, 2013. >.<

They did give another trailer, which shows about 5% more than we've already seen, for any of you who were wondering how the umbilical bridge to the Sulaco got destroyed, watch.

The "Suspence" Trailer.

I'm still holding my hopes up to a large margin, thoughts on the quality of the gameplay so far?

daveberg, Human, 11 years ago

Gameplay looks incredible - it was also announced last night that Hicks, Hudson, Drake and Apone will be available to use in multi-player.

Gaunt, Human, 11 years ago

Ahaha yes, nothing like being able to play in the shoes of a real can o' woop ass, I really can't argue with the gameplay, it's just the waiting >.<

Aliens: Colonial

I forgot to mention that Sega have redone/updated the official site for the game, they've made quite a few different offers depending on the content you want (making you forget what you actually came for, the game).

Yeah, Apone, Drake, Hudson and Hicks all come with both the collector and limited addition packs (though chances are, they'll become DLC later on and it will save you $10).

I'm now intrigued as to how Gearbox are going to interpret the 'Sonic Electronic Ball Breakers', which comes with the Collector's addition.

Anyone have any idea where they pulled the idea of a plasma gun from?

Probably the same place as the 'Crusher', no doubt.

It's all looking up, looking solid, grab a flamer.

Gaunt, Human, 11 years ago

Despite all the holdups, this game is starting to look sweeter every-time I find some new content (well, slightly old in this case, but we can see how things, like the class system, are being planned out).

tawganator, Human, 11 years ago

I am actually considering purchasing a PS3 just so I can play this game. Anyone know the exact release date? I saw that trailer with the "crusher" and it looks so damn awesome.


PREDATORv2, Human, 11 years ago

I'm really diggin' the mutliplayer gameplay! So much smoother than avp3, should be a lot of fun.

badapple24, Human, 11 years ago

Yeah seeing as the AVP:3 wasn't all i exected it to be i'm curious about who and what will be happening in the game. and whether or not the game will allow you to create your own look for your squad will be interesting, Long story short I am a pure Alien/Colonial marine fan :D.

-Bloo-, Human, 11 years ago

It looks like a Predalien Praetorian.

Which sounds a lot more badass than "Crusher," which sounds like a has-been wrestler who now stars in semi-entertaining action flicks, reads to children and makes generous donations to...

Wow, I'm pulling this out of my ass. Maybe I'm just really hoping this won't fail.