Avier7777, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

I play avp2 on my PC thats about it or Warcraft 3 or hopefully World of Warcraft

My mommy always told me there were no monsters, no real ones, but there are.

Iseijin, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Lol. That's it, forget civility! There's no reasonable way to deal with that man. I'm up for Alien Worrier's idea. Who's with us? *lifts hand*

~ No one is taller than the last man standing ~
~ Males conquer, females rule ~

Avier7777, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, get a model alien tail and see if anything survives...hehehehehe, thats the best i dea i ever heard...hehehe

My mommy always told me there were no monsters, no real ones, but there are.

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

well you all know why the chestburster survived, THATS HOLLYWOOD FOR YA FOLKS get used to it, lol, but seriously its the truth.

~All Bow before the Mighty and Powerful Queen~

caboose3456, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

she stabed him in the stomach and the predalien was in his chest

goodbye pinkie toe...YOU SHALL BE AVENGED

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

guys thats hollywood for ya, get used to it, its screwed up my favorite movies to many times! :(

dronewarrior-copy.jpg ~All Bow before the Mighty and Powerful Queen~

nicholaskang, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

the queens tail IS large like the time when she impaled bishop in aliens

Stalker, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

the tail only went through his stomach. must've barely missed the chestburster.

Hunters or the hunted

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

If u Watch closely u can see that only a small part of the tail go trough...
So the size shouldnt matter.