AVP 3 a Certainty

Champ, Undefined, 16 years ago

look at this link


K1LLA_4_H1RE, Undefined, 16 years ago

cant wait i just hope they get some better actors and i do like the space idea wounder if will get to see more of the predator home world and understand there culture abit more.

predatoress, Undefined, 16 years ago

What... The... Fuck... The bad, the worse, the worst? What they think they can achieve anymore by raping the Alien and Predator series even more? Molotov's cocktail upp their asses, that's what they gonna achieve... From Finland, with love.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 16 years ago

Oh well... Just another AvP movie, or a really great Movie tht has preds and xenos in it? Tua tun ta-ra!!! My guess is, the first option. I would like whoever wrote the script for Pirates of the Carribean to write the script for AvP3... I have no idea why.

Voltage-3000, Undefined, 16 years ago

i actually loved the second one there was no romance in volved i just love murder and violence i guess

daveberg, Undefined, 16 years ago

I'm sorry......AVP? What's that?

I refuse to even acknowledge these movies now. Far as i'm concerned, they don't exist.

black_warrior, Undefined, 16 years ago

Going to damn fast, i still havent seen AVPR!
.......i really need to make that a priority......

_Zwecky_, Undefined, 16 years ago

This is just an early April fools joke...Right?

Venom, Undefined, 16 years ago

Wow i bet this movie will be the best and make the franchise good again, just like the second was.. supposed to. I have an idea the film is going to shit (or even shitter than AVP_R) if FOX screws with it even more.

I can already see the plotline, the predalien survives the neclear missle and finds the wolfds armour, stras the cannons on his shoulders and goes in a space ship with predators that become friends with it.

the end

K1LLA_4_H1RE, Undefined, 16 years ago

i dont understand i thought this is a forums all about avp where fans talk about them and share there ideas why are you guys so negative about the movies that you dont want another one being made? i think it would be a good idea becuase it gives us something to talk about and if it werent for the movies i bet alot of us wouldent be here right now.

Karragon, Undefined, 16 years ago

I LOVED the first AVP movie, loved every min of it, I liked the second one alot too, but not as much as the first, I loved the ending of the second one and am looking forward to a third.

There is nothing better than watching a predator and alien going toe to toe with eachother! and the introduction of new predators and aliens from the AVP world is just awesome to see on the big screen!

I hope they make a ton of them, It would be nice to see more of the predator world, and also how the first queen was captured and subdued, how the hunt began, how the aliens where discovered as the ultimate prey, "AVP Origins" type stuff, that would be awesome imo!

predatoress, Undefined, 16 years ago

Well we've seen how badly FOX can screw the both of the genres when trying to combine them, I don't hold high hopes on the 3rd one...

They should use more time and effort to really bring the best things out of both of the series, not some half assed action movie with awful characters and even worse plot line.

But FOX wants money. The sooner the better...

The-Wolf, Undefined, 16 years ago

I don't mind it. I enjoyed AvP-R and hope they make an even better one. So sue me.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 16 years ago

Lol Killa... Don't you know how the old members always whine about the "good old days" or so? Well, those days are the days before AvP. When alot of us weren't here yet. To these members, apart from a sucky plot and a bunch of immature members, AvP brought only more dissappointment.

The-Wolf, Undefined, 16 years ago

Uh oh. You might piss alot a few people by that. From my experience, this site was so much better back then. Maby if you were here back then you'd understand why we miss the "old days".

Anyways, to get back into what I was saying. I loved AvPr. It payed off for me. I love seeing the Predator come into the town killing several humans and smashing the Aliens around and even the Alien whiping out the town. It was a huge improvement. By that I can only imagine what another improvement will be like.

Deathdrop, Undefined, 16 years ago

If they're going to do it, they might as well go all out and make an ultra-violent cheesefest like Doomsday (only without the ripoffs).

Good? No.

Fun? Hell yes.

K1LLA_4_H1RE, Undefined, 16 years ago

if avp brought so much disappointment they why are we here? whats the point of coming here if we are just gonna complain about avp and not enjoy it arnt we all fans of the series? isent that why we are here to talk about how much we liked the series instead of complaining about it.

i could say more but i dont wanna go off topic here all i know is that i liked avp i loved avpr and i hope the next one will be even better if anyone knows any new about avp 3 plz let me know.

Deathdrop, Undefined, 16 years ago

AvP and AvP:R are a tiny part of the alien/predator series. There's still the solo movies, plus the A/P comics, games, and everything else. If people don't like them, they have every right to express their opinion. Same goes if you DO like them.

The-Wolf, Undefined, 16 years ago

Well, Killa. Its good to see someone else who appreciates the movie(s).

K1LLA_4_H1RE, Undefined, 16 years ago

then why does a negateive aka (a$$hole) has to come on a fan site and give it his/her negative opinion on a fan site that is supposed to have lots of positive opinion i did thought this site was for fans when i first came here but as i look at it now and all the negative post people made its starting to turn in to a hate club. come on where suppose to be fans of the series and praise them for making another film instead most of you hate the previous films that much that you dont want another one being made. dont you have any faith left that the next one will be even better? i mean look at avp it was good even though and avp r was abit more better but there taking the next one into outer space (fromt what i heard) isent that the best idea for the series yet? well i dont know how to end this and i think i shouldent say anymore incase my mouth gets me in trouble like it always does but all i know am a fan this is a fan site (from what i can see) and its suppose to be full of fans of positive opinions if anyone has a negative opinion (well i cant really see a difference between negative opinions and spam) i think there better off just joining some non fan site to post there negative opinions.

Deathdrop, Undefined, 16 years ago

"then why does a negateive aka (a$$hole"

That was unnecessary. Not one person has insulted you.

"fan site that is supposed to have lots of positive opinion"

Fansites are supposed to have opinion, period. Positive or negative. There are people here who like the AvP movies, there are people who don't.

"come on where suppose to be fans of the series and praise them for making another film"

Not if we didn't like it.

"i mean look at avp it was good even though and avp r was abit more better but there taking the next one into outer space (fromt what i heard) isent that the best idea for the series yet"

This is all your opinion.

"well i dont know how to end this and i think i shouldent say anymore incase my mouth gets me in trouble like it always does"

Name one time. I am so sick of people acting like we ban people on a whim. People here have told me to fuck off and I haven't banned them. You will never be banned for an opinion.

"well i cant really see a difference between negative opinions and spam"

Anyone who disagrees with you is a spammer? That's completely unfair. You're free to like the AvP flicks. Others are free to dislike them. If we all agreed on everything, this site wouldn't be very interesting.

I'm at a loss. You're suggesting your view on the matter is the only valid one? Wow.

I understand your frustration, but if you like AvP 1+2 so much, make a thread about its positive points.