Lone_Hunter2, Yautja, 16 years ago

sorry for swearing but thats a really good story
could do with a few small improvments but still great.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 16 years ago

Well thanks, it`s actually pretty bad, but oh well... i`m planning on becoming a movie director, not really a script writer, cos it takes me about 2 months to write the begining of something something that finally sounds like it`s not that bad and then i read it again and realise that it needs to be improved and eventually... after remaking whatever i wrote several times... who knows... i write two more paragraphs...

K1LLA_4_H1RE, Yautja, 16 years ago

nice why cant fax get people like him to direct films?

DeathWraith, Yautja, 16 years ago

Because people like me also intend to eradicate humankind, now quit making me brag.

K1LLA_4_H1RE, Yautja, 16 years ago

lol dont we all ;)

Voltage-3000, Yautja, 16 years ago

wait i got a better one what if theres a planet thats dying because of wars between alien and predators and then so they have to try to wipe each other out and then the earth people find out about the planet and have no clue what was going until they catch themselves in the war and have no choice to fight for predators have destroyed and i'm lost now =P but something like that

City-Hunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

I don't like these stories that get too personal with the Predators. The movies are usually following the story of an action character who encounters the Predator thats been hunting him and many of the prey around the setting.

I don't think the mojority of the audiance would know what a badblood is. Lets get realistic. They'd never make movies with those ideas.

I'd like to see another movie following human characters while the Predator hunts people down around them. Kinda keep the original engine of the movies just with some new twists.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 16 years ago

First off, I was just calling it a Badblood so that you guys wouldn't get confused about a Predator kicking another Predator, and second, I didn't use Dutch and Harrigan because 1. Dutch supposedly died a few weeks after the events of Predator 1 and 2.) Harrigan, even though he was still alive, my idea is set in 2010 while the events of Predator 2 are in 1997. Both the character and the actor would be too old to support the idea of Dutch and Harrigan meeting.

Lone_Hunter2, Yautja, 16 years ago

guess bloos right alwell there goes my idea...city hunter is right aswell, the franchise only focused on the human characters while briefly showing the Predator until the climax of the movie, hopefully if pred 3 is made it wont suck and the wrighters would atleast put some thought intoit like we've all done.(fat chance knowing fox, but someone might. right?)