Scar_Face, Undefined, 18 years ago

I believe that there is some connection on Runners from the games to Alien3, yes.

daveberg, Undefined, 18 years ago

Well, the way i see it is they extended the known boundaries of the movie universe to make a more diverse playing ground for gamers, stops the bordom setting in i guess, but in reality there's so much about the creatures that even the most dedicated fan could wish to learn, i love the anchorpoint essays website, it's the most indepth analysis on the creatures i've ever seen, fantastic.

as for the runners, it depends on your take on the comparison between the games and movies. They based the runners on the alien from the film, but really, the creatures in the game would all have to have been 'birthed' from relative hosts such as dogs, cats, and other sorts of quadrapeds (spelling?) to be able to take the characteristic traits of the the alien featured within the third movie.

darkness of acheron

Scar_Face, Undefined, 18 years ago

I'd like to see this web site. What is its URL?

Also, what would happen if a Face-Hugger caught a winged creature? I've seen some fan art of an Alien with bat-like wings protruding from its arms. And also heard rumors that it was recently introduced into cannon.

daveberg, Undefined, 18 years ago

Scar_Face, Undefined, 18 years ago

WOW! Cool site! I took a brief look at a few stats, and I didn't think that anyone would go that in-depth.

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

ok,lets say the "runners" from the games were the same type of alien in alien3.Would u then concider it a runner or the ox alien ?

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Scar_Face, Undefined, 18 years ago

Well, if they grew into them, that still means they are the same doesn't it?

daveberg, Undefined, 18 years ago

They are still drones, execpt their appearance changes with age - just as we humans develop as we get older.

darkness of acheron

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

ye,i guess but then wouldnt u call a chestburster a drone then that it grows into a drone ?

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Quinn, Undefined, 18 years ago

if u wanna go to a site that mentions a drone growing into a warrior go to my site under the alien lifesycle

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predatoress, Undefined, 18 years ago

Hmmh, my question doesn't refer to aliens but canon. I mean the word yautja weren't ever displayed in the movies so how that can be canon? Who invent the word yautja? And especially this "yautja language"? Or yautja biology with their double blood circulation, females, breeding, culture features etc.? And top of all what or who decides what belongs to the canon and what doesn't?


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black_warrior, Undefined, 18 years ago

i liked all the games related to aliens(xeno), preds(yautja). but avp:extinction wasnt REALLY accurate. because if a facehugger infects an oswoc(ox thing) then a drone comes out. but if it infects a human a warrior comes out. warriors are older drones right? but i think the most accurate GAME to yautja's is predator:cj. it had the whole honor code thing and stuff like trophies pretty well down.

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AVPFREAK, Undefined, 18 years ago

About the Anchorpoint Essays: It's also my favorite Xenomorph site (I've printed out the WHOLE THING for easy reference if I come across something in the films that I do not understand). However, I've been disappointed with the lack of updates even though I completely understand that the owner is probably very busy, and I know how hard it is to manage a site. So I sent Mike Lynch(owner) an email to see if the site was over with updates(theres been none for almost a year) or if it would soon have AvP information. So for you guys who have been wondering what's been going on with the site's lack of updates, I may find out soon if he replies.


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Scar_Face, Undefined, 18 years ago

The Yautja Language comes all from Second Teir Cannon. Books and comics etc. No-one really tells what is and isn't cannon.

-Cannon: the official information on the topic in question.

-Top Tier Cannon: the top source for the cannon.

-Second Tier Cannon: official enough, yet if it contradicts Top Tier, the information from Top Tier takes superiority.

Top Tier for any Aliens or Predator topics would be the movies. Second Tier would be the books, comics, games, etc.

Nick_Kang_20, Undefined, 18 years ago

planet alien is also quite detailed although the use of complicated words can confuse people who are quite weak in english

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Stalker, Undefined, 18 years ago

I completely agree with dave. The alien/predator games aren't really to be taken seriously, they come out with all sorts of ridiculous designs, if anybody has ever played AVP extinction, they'd simply laugh at some of the stupid new aliens which were created for the game. Ridiculous cr@p like carriers" & "ravagers" all make mockeries of the alien franchise. Most true fans don't go by that nonsense.

As for the alien in a3, well, yes the name "runner" was created for the games, but what else were they supposed to call it? "drone that walks on all four legs & has brown skin" would be kinda screwey, so they made up a name for the creature. The only thing innacurate about them in the games is the fact that they aren't born from an dog/ox (depending on if you have seen the special ed of a3 & you'll see where the ox comes in), in the games the "runner" comes from a different host, in the case of AVP2, they come from human corporates, this is completely innacurate, they are only born from quadrupedal organisms. The games aren't to be taken seriously if u really consider urself a fan


daveberg, Undefined, 18 years ago

Couldn't have said it better stalker.

darkness of acheron

Quinn, Undefined, 18 years ago

Exactly i mean how fun would a stratig game be if you could build a drone and a single class of yutja.... so they invent some crazy new aliens and a class of pred for every weapon that has appeal to younger audiences. its all very simple there is an egg a facehugger comes from the egg, the facehugger attatches itself to a host. depending on the host some physical triats will "rub off" on the drone however it is always a drone. as the alien ages it CHANGES LIKE ALL SPECIES that is when they become warriors. thats it... but the whole warriors thing was just an excuse for james cameron to change the look of the drone.

"This time the B!tch Is Back

daveberg, Undefined, 18 years ago

Agreed quinn, with the change of the design, a backstory and in depth cycle had to be implemented to cover the reasons for the change of the aliens appearance.

darkness of acheron

Scar_Face, Undefined, 18 years ago

Well, I like the Ravager, and the Carrier. But I never considered them to be factual. But they are still kinda cool. They don't make mockaries of Aliens, so don't be so hard on them.

You are right, what else are we supposed to call the Runner?

The game AVP2 had to use corporates for the Runners because there needed to be a way to become them on multiplayer, and there were no quadrapeds playable for Life Cycle mode. So their excuse was that the scientist manipulated the soldier's DNA to make them stronger. And the effect, effected the Alien that comes out of them.

You can find a lot of AVP2 info on