Waralien VS xeno_slayer

shadowatching, Undefined, 15 years ago

You can fight, enjoy and remember...have fun..

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 15 years ago

Slayer carefully piloted his craft through the treacherous asteroid field. His mission was clear. Eliminate the xenomorph that had somehow found it's way onto one of these abysmal floating rocks. It was not clear at all how the alien monster had arrived here, but when the hunter's moon clanship had picked up the stray heat signature emanating from the otherwise barren area of space, Slayer had taken it upon himself to hunt it down and kill it, as his first act as elder.

It promised to be a quick easy hunt, but it had been so long since Slayer had seen battle, he thought it would be an interesting way of testing himself. The hard part was going to be finding the damn thing. Even with the advanced radar system that his personal ship was equipped with, there were just so many of these rocks that it would take hours to lock onto the specific one. And from then it was a matter of piloting the ship into low orbit and launching his drop pod. That's when the fun would begin.

"Well," he thought "Its just a matter of time now..."

He let the quiet wash over him as he drifted silently through the debris-littered abyss.

Waralien, Undefined, 15 years ago

Waralien crawled around the deserted asteroid base. His body twitched at every creak of the deserted base. Even though it was he who made this place abandoned, it never suited him to be at ease, even in this dingy place.

His hand made contact with a fleshy body. His head tilted down to see the disfigured body of a Predator warrior. Hissing to himself, he remembered that this was one of the first hunters that he had taken down, when those foolish unbloods had taken him aboard their vessel.

He saw the wrecked vessel partially embedded into the wall opposite of him. They never stood a chance to War's tactics....

War continued to stroll into the deeper recesses of the base. Every now and then, he saw the remains of the hunters who tried to take him down. Several of which, now that War ponders it, were guarding a door. War approached the door and disabled the locking mechanism on it. It slowly pried open. He entered a room filled with many switches and levers.

A refinery base? War thought.

Touching a button on the dashboard, War turned in surprise to see the lights return and the ventilation system reboot. War then made two possible outcomes to this sudden motion.

Either he found a way to get off this useless rock or he just let someone know that he was here.....

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 15 years ago

Slayer had almost drifted to sleep, it had been close to three hours of scanning the asteroids for signs of life and there had been absolutely nothing. Slayer knew he wasn't going to be giving up his search any time soon though, so he just floated on in hopes of something turning up. He knew it was there. Somewhere. Creeping around in the shadows and crevasses of one of the hulking shapes of rock.
Suddenly out of nowhere a light shone from one of the smaller asteroids to the left side of the ship.
Slayer sat bolt upright. He activated his surface scanner and began to do a sweep of the area from which the light was emanating. His 3D image generator immediately fired up and a large schematic of a human refinery complex appeared.
"A human base?" Slayer thought to himself "Why hadn't we picked this up sooner?"
He inputted the co ordinates into his auto pilot and the ship turned and started to fly toward the rock. As he got closer he saw what the light source was. A large pillar of flame shot out of a chimney in the obviously abandoned plant.
Slayer deactivated the auto pilot and assumed manual control of the ship. He decided to land the vessel on the large roof of the building instead of using a drop pod. He picked out a large flat area and steered the ship downwards until it was hovering over top of it. he left it hovering there and got out of his seat. He then walked out of the cockpit and down a hall behind him. He turned into his weapon room and began to assemble his equipment.
Slayer's armor newly acquired elder armor was custom made to fit him. It was jet black and very strong, despite not being very heavy at all. He strapped it on and attached his combistick to the medpack on the back. Then he slid on his triple wristblade and sheathed his sword.
(*Will edit if non cannon weapons are not allowed*)
He walked back to the cockpit and landed the ship properly on the roof, then he flipped a switch and an elevator door opened beside him. He entered and it took him down to an extended part of the ship that was attached to the landing mechanism. When the door opened he was on the roof.
"Here I come."

Waralien, Undefined, 15 years ago

War heard a noise. It was faint but distincted. It was the sound of a ship landing. But as to the type of ship, War had no clue.

But none the less, War had to be cautious. It could be humans, not that War had seen any on this rock. The Preds apparently overran this place before he came.

War made his way from the control room and to the unexplored areas. Areas now accessable to him.

Upon roaming through the areas, War came across some humans who had sealed themselves from the chaos. From the look of it, they thought rescue had come. With a nasy grin spreading across his face, War knew they were dead wrong.

After his gruesome task, War placed the bodies Predator style hanging up on the rafters. War would use this to find if it was Pred or human contact that had landed.

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 15 years ago

Slayer immedeately cloaked himself upon stepping onto the roof of the building. He was so farmilliar with hunting that these actions had become instinctive. He walked cautiosly towards an air vent that portruded from the concrete roof. He estended his wristblades and cut off the lock. The tunnel was dark and his footstepps echoed. It seemed endless but finally he found an opeining that led him into a boiler room of some kind. It was still active meaning that either there had recently been some unintited guests, or the plant had been running up untill very recently.
The darkness of the room made it hard to navigate so he changed his vision to better suit the environment. The white outlines of shapes in the room resembled heavy machinery. The room was probably used for the storage of large drilling equipment.
He walked through a doorway and into a corridoor, which he followed for a time until it led into a very large spatious room. It appeared to have been a dining hall at some point but now it was a complete wreck. Tables and chairs were strewen everywhare, there was blood on the walls and it smelled of decay. There were mutilated corpses everywhere. This must have been where they made their last stand.
What struck slayer the most about this was that it looked like it was a predator who had killed these men. There were slash marks on their faces, and bullets had been fired all over the place. A sure sign that they had no idea what they were shooting at. There was a door leading off into what looked like an even larger area. He walked through and saw a sight that made everything come clear.
There was a class 46 yautja transport vessel stuck halfway through the north wall. It had obviously crash landed and the reason was clear. The last time slayer had seen this ship, it hat just departed the Hunter's Moon clanship docking bay. It was on it's way to a predator space station called Quel'Hagon that served as a holding facility for captured creatures and dangerous criminal yautja. The xenomorph heat signature the clanship had picked up came from a xeno known as waralien that this vessel was transporting. He had been taken by Hunter's Moon in an operation to clean up the last remaining shadow serpent xenomorphs, and it was on it's way to be studied extensively. Somehow it had escaped and downed the ship.
The reasoning behind the dead humans was also clear. When the ship had crashed one of the criminal yautja that the 46 had been carrying had no doubt escaped as well. Luckily it looked as though it had returned here and died from it's injuries, as there was a yautja corpse lying feet away on the ground.
Now it was a matter of locating Waralien and killing it. Slayer had never been one for studying.

Waralien, Undefined, 15 years ago

War caught a scent. It was Predator. Now things were gonna get interesting. War crawled out of the hiding space he was in and made his way to the main hangar.

The smell came strong from here but there was no sign. Figures, Predators always cloak when investingating areas, War thought.

It was faint, but War could see it. There was a small distortion in an area next to a Pred. War did the math, 78.2% chance he gets his mark. 31.8% chance he misses and makes a fatal error.

War lunged and felt the Pred's body on his claws. His combined weight and speed dropped the Pred instantly. War then raised his tail and embedded into his chest.

The Pred's cloaking dissolved and revealed his true form. War then hopped off and readied himself for whatever the Pred was about to do.

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 15 years ago

Slayer had been tirelessly searching the complex for hours. There were plenty of signs that a xenomorph had been here but the thing was nowhere to be found.
There was a light towards the end of the hallway he was walking through. He slowly walked towards it. The light shone upwards, illuminating a long ladder. Slayer scaled the thing in seconds and when he got to the top, he found himself on a walkway that had been built all along the top left wall of the corridor. It jutted out from the side about five feet, just enough to walk on. It was probably a maintenance access way or something, but slayer continued along anyway in hopes of picking up waralien's trail.
Finally he came to a door that led off to the side. It opened into an airship hangar that was filled with human transport ships. The walkway continued across middle of the massive room, suspended about twenty feet in the air.
Suddenly slayer's instincts snapped into gear. He extended his wristblades and crouched low to the ground. There was another yautja in the room. It was cloaked but slayer picked it up on his sensor, standing on the ground below him. Slayer watched as the stray predator staggered along. It had obviously survived the crash, but was severely weakened by it's injuries.
Something wasn't right. Slayer's skin crawled with anticipation. There was an injured predator standing right out in the open, in a place where one of the most dangerous shadow serpent aliens was roaming freely about. It felt like the calm before the storm.
Just as slayer had guessed, waralien sprang out from behind one of the ships and plunged it's tail into the yautja's chest. Slayer could have helped him, but more than likely the yautja was a criminal anyway, and his "death before dishonor" instinct held him firmly in his place.
The alien obviously had anticipated more of a fight, and had not noticed the yautja's injuries. As waralien backed up and prepared for a counter attack, the yautja simply collapsed with pain and exhaustion.
Now slayer had the upper hand. As waralien retreated into the darkness, slayer continued across the walkway following him. Now the real hunt was on.
Waralien crawled into an air vent in the wall of the room and came down from the walkway via another small ladder.
Slayer could hear the vile alien slithering through the air vents in the wall.

Waralien, Undefined, 15 years ago

(sorry about that, Ive been in a slump these past few weeks)

Waralien attacked the wrong hunter, how could he be so foolish? No doubt the hunter already knew of his presence, the element of surprise has failed him. He would need a different tactic.

Seeing a screen blocking his way, Waralien punched out the screen and continued foward. He looked around. He didn't reconize the area he was in. Several Exo-suits for minning were stationed around the place. Many carts carrying ore and material were on a track leading far back into the wall.

War noticed that the wall itself seemed to be rocky. So this is where the mine was. He looked everywhere. There seemed to be only one entrance. A sealed door on the lower floor. He turned back to the vent. This was the only place that his tricks would fail him.

Cocking his head back, War unleashed a steady stream of acid onto the vent. It began eating away at the interior. Soon a hole too large for anything to jump formed. This would make sure that the entrance he used wasn't used against him.

War then checked the place. No real areas to ambush. But plenty of traps to spring.....

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 15 years ago

(I will continue this spar after the rpg is over...srry i havent had a chance to post here for a while)

Waralien, Undefined, 15 years ago

No problem