PREDATORv2, Yautja, 13 years ago

*Recoils* You sir! Have met your end!

One one thousand, two one thousand...

DeathWraith, Yautja, 13 years ago

I bet you can't count to hurr.

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 13 years ago


I seriously hate people, and their stupid F**king cars that they don't take care of and wonder why their oh so wonderful cars break down and why it costs so much and why do I have to be such a dick about it, and why I dont take cuts on labor...


Peterson, Yautja, 13 years ago

your teachers lied to you you cant be anything you want, thats just because people have something called talent like no matter how hard ill try ill never be in the NBA and no matter how hard you try all the startcraft training in the world wont stop pok sun jun from sticking his golden mouse up your ass....

on a side note i just want to ask why is it everytime i read a clan recruitment topic my IQ level drops....

EDIT: DD in regards to the previous chat about your obsession with AVP pornography

i was refering to that topic

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 13 years ago

Thoughtfull Peterson, if that doesn't get your fix check out page 5 or 6 in the artwork page.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 13 years ago

Oh, come on. I'm not obsessed. Plenty of people have watched all 3 "YourAssic Park" movies in one sitting.


Peterson, Yautja, 13 years ago

well i thought it was thoughtful i mean DD was just expressing his feelings for the shit so i figure why not help him out with putting a link in to that special needs child who posted the shit up in the first place.

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 13 years ago

Seriously your going to say that anyone who looks at porn is special needs? Well then somebody call the short bus for most of us, because class is in session.

My favorites are "They mostly cum out at night, mostly" 1, 2, and 3. Its kind freaky, but if you wear the supplied 3D glasses it works out.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 13 years ago

^The whole 'special needs' thing probably only really applies to the guys who fap to every fucking thing that fulfills their hardness meter (and/or isn't wearing pants).

See, we've all seen nude people before (whether it be your mom, your friend's mom, ol' granny (Christ almighty fucking forbid), or even maybe your spouse (but it's the internet, so whatever)), that doesn't mean we're fucked up in the head. (Unless it was ol' granny. Then fuck me, I am sorry.)

I mean, would my girlfriend ever call me a freak for finding a 3-year-old Penthouse in my closet? Sure. Would you?

Then again, I'd, like anyone else here (hopefully), hold her in higher esteem than any of you guys, so...

Peterson, Yautja, 12 years ago

no i was rather saying some types of porn are weirder then others but its all it peoples taste as to what they as an individual like, so i say what ever floats your boat. Personally in my opinion its all about girl on girl man that shits the best! but I do beleive avp porn is a little on the weird side. But meh not my place to judge.

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 12 years ago

Okay, lets talk about something else.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 12 years ago

You know you've been on the internet too much when your first understanding of "3-year-old Penthouse" does not refer to the age of the magazine itself.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 12 years ago


PREDATORv2, Yautja, 12 years ago

Nice segway DD, I can't think of anything really clever to say so I'll just let DW take it away with something moronic.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 12 years ago

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Instead, grind the anklebone of an angel into a fine powder, mix it with salt and ground-up platinum until you can no longer tell the difference.

Using this fine powder, form the shape of a hexagram on the floor. After surrounding it with a circle made from the blood of a demon, sit in the center and light candles made from the earwax of a dragon at each point in the hexagram.

After all this, carve the following symbol into your chest with a consecrated knife: \:0:/ and then scream as loud as you can.

The Gods of G'leev-gktfvg-t-thuuul'ecgh will appear and surgically replace your vocal cords with those of a Venusian Gillfish.

This will grant you hundreds of new, nicer-sounding words to use. Words like "GG.LL-eeEH." Yes. It is lovely.

Side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, and insanity.

Shadowwall, Yautja, 12 years ago

"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." hehe

I've just been to Paris for 4 days and it was pretty charming. I still prefer London though. I think there is less chaos and more for your eyes to enjoy.
In paris they don't seem to care about any materials. If you park your car in there you just got yourself stuck in a major city. They try to bash themselves out.
Luckely some belgian tourists were around to lift the care out :).

DeathWraith, Yautja, 12 years ago

My Korean teacher said Paris was full of shit when he visited.

Peterson, Yautja, 12 years ago

So yesterday morning at 3am i had a 9 mile full combat load hike... Shit sucked so last night after i finally got off work i just sat here and drank myself into a very funny billigerent state of mind

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 12 years ago

Funny, I usually just try to drink myself asleep.

Peterson, Yautja, 12 years ago

well tonight me and my roomate got into a brawl fucked up my nuckle and hes got a bloddy nose, great friends eh?