RPG Character Thread

Deathdrop, Yautja, 14 years ago

I figured this would be a good place to post info about your character(s) so everyone knows what's what. It can be a super-detailed account of their history, or just a quick description; it's up to you.

Shadowwall, Yautja, 14 years ago

lol i'm just an elite Alien who survived on a planet for decades all by itself.
Cause my clan was destroyed and stuff just read my profile :D

I do not need special abilities of some sort to put up a good fight

BTW I have exams atm so I will not be that active for 2 weeks so posting long posts is out of the picture too :)

BloodHarpy, Yautja, 14 years ago

Well I'm hybrid that was once a human. I was an intern for the Corperation who signed up for an experiment after I was told it would allow humans to walk right into a hive without being attacked. I was injected with the DNA of a Xenomorph and after eight weeks of hellish pain I was deemed a successful hybrid. Of course the people I worked for wanted me dead because I knew to much but I escaped after I freed an entire hive kept in the lab including the queen. So to make this shorter I became a ruthless killer, changed my name from Veronica to Harpie which means "to take" since I take the lives of Corperate employees, joined the Dark Blood Organization and that's pretty much it.

Mebber, Yautja, 14 years ago

My character is pretty young and a merc, or let me say a wannabe-merc. He joined a crew of rapscallions to escape his life in the slums of Gamma Pavonis, but his new job went nasty on the first tour.

He is disenchanted, distrustful and somehow ruthless due to the hard and merciless life in the slums of Gamma Pavonis, one of the most unlovely industrial colonies in the outer rim.

The USMC would never accept a man like him, mainly because the only times the marines shows off on Gamma Pavonis is when they have to repress just another insurrection for the corporations which control the planet for real... the earth-inserted goverment is nothing more than a charade, and since no one in the inner colonies cares about the people on Gamma Pavonis (as long as earth gets its taxes), the corporations have no scruple to exploit the planets resources and its residents.

That's the reason Mebber became a merc- the only option left for him to get out of this hole.
He don't care about earth's law because earth's law didn't cared about him in his whole life, and some people would call him an immoral person; but he's just a product of his environment, and he will do everything necessary to survive.

I'll update my profile soon.

AmerthystBlades, Yautja, 14 years ago

So my RPG character is a hybrid named Ryuu who's been a hybrid since she was 16 and she 21 now. So I had an older sister and our dad hated us so after our mother died he remarried and then had us kidnapped and sent to one of the labs for genetic DNA allteration by injecting us with the DNA of two types of Xenomorph. My sister died and I lived except I was sick, weak, frail and always in terrible pain. My dad taunted me about being sick and weak and that I would soon die. Except I learned to master my pain and use it to my advantage so I broke free of the lab killed just about everyone working there and killed the monster I once called my father and then left out on my own. I'm very ruthless and cold although I'll offer you the a choice of a quick and painless death or slow agonizing hell I'm good at using baldes too.

FireHunter, Yautja, 14 years ago

FireHunter is an eleven foot tall Predalien who often appears taller than he actually is, his shoulder width is almost 6 feet across. His incredibly muscular appearance is almost grotesque, and he's blacker than night, and twice as scary.

He's almost completely immune to small arms fire, as his exoskeleton regenerates rapidly, and he can run at terrifying speeds, capable of horrific feats of strength and sadism exceeding any human or Yautja. FireHunter is also capable of extreme feats of endurance, and is possibly one of the most self-aware Xenomorphs in existence.

WarBlade, Yautja, 14 years ago

I'm a badass Bad Blood yautja who enjoys killing. I killed four of my own clan mates. I really enjoy killing Xenomorphs, Humans , other Yautja but I usually avoid them since they're all hunting me. My favorite prey however are those abaominations called hybrids.

Zozobra, Yautja, 14 years ago

I am a hybrid who's name was Issac, until my unloving father sent to that damned military and had me experimented on. for more information, check out my profile page. WARBLADE I HOPE YOU DIE IN A FIRE YOU SON OF A BI-----.........*end of transmission"

Battlemage, Yautja, 14 years ago

I am code name Magus who is the spawn of a predalien impregnating a space jockey, years before they went extinct. I am a massive xeno hybrid of xenomorph and jockey. I look similar to Firehunter, yet i have a few things in common with Zozobra. I stole technology from marines and made cannons similar to those used by the Yautja, along with the Combi-stick, disc, and wristblades. I have a minor cloaking, but not very effective. A few grenade launchers never hurt anybody either, unless you get hit by the person who fired it. I have modified a few pulse-rifles and have my main weapon a Scythe made of Adamantium. looking for a war with Warblade too.
I'll team up with Zozobra if necessary .

DeathWraith, Yautja, 14 years ago

"Only weapons & abilities seen in the films are to be used"

I guess no one bothers to read the fucking rules these days.

DasHydra, Yautja, 14 years ago

Im a Yautja/human with loads of smart disks, wears marine/yautja armor, and has a fighting style called Cappella.

RIP Zozobra

Kidd, Yautja, 13 years ago

Wow, I guess I have to say a thing or two about my RPC. Very well, you guys are all going to fall to your knees if you think your character is hardcore. (Excluding Firehunter.)

Kidd Arlington Junior, First Lieutenant of Alpha Draconis Platoon.
A normal Colonial Marine Officer with Combat Expeirence fighting numerous Yautja Hunters and several Xenomorph Hives.

His loadout is a typical Marine Combat Gear and Battle-rattle, but his mindset is focused on proving that whatever befalls on the Human Race, Human Beings will prevail. The stings from these terrifying creatures are nothing more than a test to the Human Spirit. Hoo-rah!

LadyDeathStriker, Yautja, 13 years ago

My RPG character is Kieran a juvenile Xenomorph/Human hybrid and younger sister to Harpy. I’m also the DBO runt.

IceNeko, Yautja, 13 years ago

I RP was an ex marine turned DBO mercenary named Kacey. I’m a ally/rival of Harpy and a close friend of Duke(HeavyDuty if anyone has seen him around).

Cetanu-655, Yautja, 13 years ago

all my stuff is in my pro. so yea

Rogue, Yautja, 13 years ago

My character is Rogue a lone yautja female branded as a Bad Blood for leaving her kind and hunting as a loner and as a part time mercenary. Oh and I'm also I member of the Dark Blood Organization.

tinmanti, Yautja, 13 years ago

half human.
half xenomorph.
nuff said.

EDIT: I shall roleplay as Maantii, the result of an xenomorph impregnated human exposed to concentrated radiation. My former host was rather careless when searching the cathedral, for it was molded into a nest. Here I lay, waiting for someone to venture inside. As an outcast to both humans and xenomorphs, I can get rather lonesome and tedious...
I wish for the hybrid known as Harpy to come. All the terminals I have access to, but none hold information on her. The one organ that resembles a human more than any other organ inside me or on my exterior, would be my heart. Each time I ever think of that one person, i fell as it will rupture. Harpy, if you are reading this, I long to encounter you. (deactivates Gen-Tech Terminal)

Cetanu-655, Yautja, 13 years ago

alittle more info: part of the D.B.O. and a proud young hunter with a quick temper and skill to back it up

GrimReaper, Yautja, 13 years ago

I RP as Reaper, ex-military got fucked over by Weyland/Yutani my currant occupation is as a mercenary.

ryanwethy, Yautja, 13 years ago

This is the new character profile I made. I've had it in my profile for a while but never put it here due to procrastination. The old one wil be deleted.




Bio: He once was a proud warrior of his hive, willing to serve and die for the queen. But all of that changed when Weyland Yutani soldiers stormed the hive and brought the queen and Bellok back to their base to be placed in their research division. Numerous experiments were performed on Bellok, slowly driving him to madness. During one experiment, scientists were performing CAT scans on him to better understand how xenomorphs recieved commands from the queen. During the experimet, lighting struck a transformer powering the facility and traveled to the room they were performing the CAT scan. The lights exploded into tiny fragments, but not before the electric surge travled through the CAT scan machine and giving Bellok a great jolt to the head. The shock completly shattered his connection to the hive mind. It was at this point the he completly snapped and went into a state of madness. After getting out of the room he went on a berserk rampage and started killing anything that got in his way, human and xenomorph alike. He eventually encounterd the queen. She was enraged at the fact that he killed off most of the hive. A fight broke out, but in the end it was the multiple tail blows to the neck that killed her off. He eventually escaped the facilty, he now lives as a rogue xenomorph killing any and all who would pose as a threat to him.

HeavyDuty, Yautja, 13 years ago

I RP(or I'm going to RP) as Duke a former marine who went rogue to track down his two missing friends Harpy and Kieran.