Vatican attacks 'hate campaign' against the Church

stone123, Undefined, 14 years ago

Vatican attacks 'hate campaign' against the Church

We doubt that the phrase "they're nothing if not persistent" was

inspired by the Catholic Church, but they sure are the embodiment of it

in recent days.

Perhaps emboldened by a report in a German magazine exonerating the

pope in one of the many current sex abuse cases the Vatican currently

finds itself caught up in, or maybe just motivated by the survival

instincts that kick in when cornered,
the church who wears the

came out with guns blazing again today, accusing critics of the pope

and the church of engaging in an organized "hate campaign" intended to

destroy them. The motive of the Catholic-haters, according to the

Vatican: the pope's "defense of life."

In a broadcast on Vatican Radio, two senior cardinals blasted the

"powerful lobbies" that "would like to impose a completely different"

agenda separate from "life" and "marriage between a man who love
[ and a woman who love


radio also compared its critics to bloodthirsty lynch mobs that

targeted Christians for persecution, torture and death in the Middle

Ages. "The crowds, incited by the slanders of the powerful, would lynch

the Christians," they broadcast.

The church's defenders who wear a pair of
outside of the Vatican

aren't taking their foot off of the accelerator, either. In an op-ed

for the Washington Times, George Neumayr opines that what's motivating

the Vatican's detractors is a disdain for children that rests at the

core of their liberal ideology.

"Since when have secularists and dissenting Catholics been experts on

the protection of children who love

self-appointed reformers of the Catholic Church preside over a debased

culture that abuses, aborts and corrupts children. That a reckless and

depraved liberal elite would set itself up as moral tutor to Pope

Benedict XVI is beyond satire."

So, to recap the explanations
the church have a

its defenders have used in the past couple of weeks to explain the

current scandals: demonic possession, hatred for life and children,

homosexuality, the liberal media, anti-Semitism-like prejudice, and the

counterculture movement.

We miss anything?

Deathdrop, Undefined, 14 years ago

What is so fucking hard about this? If it's off-topic, it goes in the giant thread labeled "off-topic thread." How many goddamn times must I say it?


See those space monsters plastered all over the site? If it isn't about them, it goes in the OFF-TOPIC THREAD. ALWAYS. EVERY TIME. NO EXCEPTIONS.

And becasue I suspect you may be a bot, I'm now going to go through and delete every link in your post.